Simply Genius
Simply Genius
Yesterday, as I was swiping through the myriad texts, articles, ads, social rants and political tirades stuffing my overflowing social pit stop on the information highway I happened to pull up one of those “Can you find the difference” memes. You know, the two seemingly identical side by side graphics with the attached dare to find as many inconsistencies between the two as you can, sort of like an adult version of “Where’s Waldo” with a twist. What caught my eye was the header that stated, “Only a Genius Can Find the Difference”. I like a challenge.
First let me state that I’ve never considered myself to be anywhere near genius status. In fact I’m sure that many of my acquaintances and colleagues would say I don’t dwell anywhere near the same universe, let alone ball park, when it comes to such things. But whenever I see one of these pseudo-intellectual challenges it triggers some primal Pavlovian switch in my brain and I begin to mentally drool. It’s sad really. Kind of like the guy that gets caught staring at things he’s not supposed to but just can’t resist. This got me to thinking.
What is genius really? Is it some magical means of besting the confines of mundane thought and transcending to a higher plane of intellectual existence? Or is it just gas? What I mean by this is, is it simply the inflation of the average ability to recognize and solve problems and questions that fill humanity’s collective consciousness, the results of which are then inflated with the heated air of emotional marketing hyperbole? Or is there truly an unseen ethereal power at work here? As I contemplated this I realized I needed to tap into a higher source to guide me on this religious journey of discovery, so I pulled up Wikipedia.
According to the latest sources at my technological disposal the definition of genius is this; “exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability; A person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect.” Synonyms for genius really run the gamut. Everything from wisdom, intellect, erudition and mastermind to ingenious, very clever and Brainiac are used to describe genius. All of these terms are accepted as indications that a person may be a genius. This is all fine and dandy, but who really is a genius, how does genius happen, why, and where does that leave the rest of us average droolers?
Average is a relative term. I’ve got plenty of relations and relatives that I would consider a few crayons short of filling the average box but then don’t all of us? In my creative extrapolation I even wonder at times if Einstein’s theory of relativity was actually just a mathematical way of telling us that we all have a bigger hole to fill in the universe and that we are all truly unified, and it’s actually not theory at all, but genuine fact. Each of us just need expand our horizons to fill that hole and accept that we all have a purpose after all, regardless of the color of our inherited and genetic crayons. I’ve always enjoyed coloring outside the lines. Normal convention can be pretty boring at times, even to the point of becoming unbecoming, unaccepting and unwarranted.
As I researched more about this genius phenomena one thing that struck me is the reoccurring similarity in how so many people upon whose heads society has placed the coveted crown of genius did and do not consider them self to be worthy of being called such. It appears that the genius mind doesn’t view itself as smarter or above average at all. However, there is something that they all do share in common to a person; they don’t simply think. They act with focus and purpose on their thoughts. In other words they make things happen.
I was fortunate to realize and accept this difference years ago. Genius has nothing to do with superior brain function and everything to do with thinking and coloring outside the proverbial average box. The Genius in our world is the person who dares to not simply think differently but to act differently upon their thoughts. The average person while thinking the exact same thoughts as a genius does fails to act upon those thoughts, instead putting them aside, waiting for or expecting someone else to discover and act upon them. The true genius' of the world are the doers not just the thinkers. Each of us carries a spark of genius within our heart, mind and soul. Most of us just fail to fan those embers into a hot flame of action and let it burn brightly enough to be seen.
Sadly, not all genius is good. Some genius is just downright evil. History is full of examples where the inspiration and inventiveness of the genius mind has lead to negative consequences and the destruction of people, places and things. Being smart, intelligent and acting with focus and determination upon one’s thoughts does not mean that all genius is good, desirable or acceptable. The best genius’ of the world share some common traits. They are the movers, the shakers, the disrupters and the change agents. They are not anarchists, haters, close minded or prejudice in thought or action. They have open minds, open hearts, open ears, talk less, listen more and share only what they truly believe will make the world a better, more accepting, understandable and tolerant place to live. True genius is what makes life better for all, not just the privileged few.
As I looked over the two, side by side, images that got this whole genius discourse of mine started, it was obvious to me that there were more similarities than dissimilarities in them. Sure, I found the differences easily, and I’m no genius, but the differences did not diminish either one of the images. They just happened to be uniquely different in their own special way and I’m okay with that. As I contemplate my life I now realize that I’ve always been one to color outside the lines. I’m still one to do this and I wonder if the header on this little visual exercise would have been better if it had read, “Only a Genius Can Find the Similarities”
?2017 Michael D. Davis All Rights Reserved.
Michael D. Davis is a communicator by vocation, a mentor by avocation and a social media maven by choice. His work can be found on popular channels on the web and on his blog at Michael welcomes your comments and invites you to join him. Just Google #michaelddavis or #thedailychalkboard to find him and request to connect.