Simply Forward
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
A good friend of mine, Stephanie Staples inspired me to write today with her post on What's your WOTY? Word of the Year.
In the post, she notes one thing she does to keep her word top of mind all year long. Check it out.
That said, I have a Virtue of the Year and a Word of the Year, inspired, in part, by her thoughts. The Virtue is Simplicity. I thought upon and wholeheartedly accepted that I aspire and intend be that Simple Man. And then... I pondered on Forward Together, Stronger...
... inspired by the words, "When the swords flash, go forward...". It speaks to me of the notion of an assured step. It speaks to Certitude in countenance and gate. There is much in the world we do not know nor control. We can know and control our own countenance and gate; our walk. I intend mine to be simply, forward. I think of it as my two feet, walking ... simply, forward, simply, forward, simply, forward. I like this notion of WOTY, especially in combination with a Virtue of the Year. It sets up a power step; stompa style.
Simply, forward. My two steps of Certitude, if you will. I have control over that. Of late, I have been posting on:
... and more. Indeed, and in deed, I write on what I see as the Congruence of Character, Purpose and Unity. Forward together, stronger. And I will continue, going forward. More importantly today, I will ever increasingly practice Simplicity of focus and walk, forward. My Virtue of the Year (VOTY) and my Word of the Year (WOTY) are Simplicity, Forward.
How about you? Refer below. What is one Virtue you will practice fiercely this year? What is your VOTY? And, what is your WOTY? How can you make them your two steps walking at home, school, work, business, community and life? What would that look like, walking it?
Imagine that. Walk that.
For me, this becomes another and simpler way to walk our walk and talk. Two steps, VOTY and WOTY. And for me, it is... simply, forward, simply, forward, simply, forward.
Oh and by the way, if you are wondering from above in the banner... I don't have a bike, nor want one (no offense) but my spirit is grounded in such lol. Just a big ol' BEARfox (a creature I imagined as a kid). That 900 pound gorilla spirit intent on moving the needle on Character, Purpose and Unity. And I will walk it with my countenance and gate.
Simplicity, Forward.
How about you? Choose your VOTY and WOTY, and start walking.
Peace, purpose and prosperity...