1856 Simplistic_Carbon_Dioxide_CO2 "Bottle_Story"

1856 Simplistic_Carbon_Dioxide_CO2 "Bottle_Story"

A simplistic story is easier to explain to children than scientific complexity.

Earth atmosphere is not a simplistic transparent glas bottle behind a kitchen window but in 1856 for Lady Eunice Newton Foot that was not an obstacle to publish a simplistic bottle story :

Science was simple 2 centuries ago ...

She simplistically published the 2 page H2CO3=Carbonic-Acid BS="Bottle_Story" :

But :

So :

Here simplistic H2CO3-story is about H2O+CO2 in a bottle behind her kitchen window instead of about real atmospheric science.

  • Was in her bottle the warming caused by the 50%=500promille=500.000ppmCO2 in her bottle behind her kitchen window ?
  • Was in her bottle the warming caused by the 50%=500promille=500.000ppmH2O in her bottle behind her kitchen window ?
  • Because :




Climatology is based on 0,04%=0,4promille=425ppmCO2 in dry air, dry to eliminate the contribution of 0,7%=7promille=7000ppmH2O in earth atmospheric clouds+blue sky.

  • H2O-Clouds keep us warmer in winter time because in winter time % cloud cover increases to radiate back to earth surface the long wave earth out radiation.
  • H2O-Clouds keep us not enough cool in summer time because in summer time % cloud cover declines to let more direct solar irradiation coming down to earth surface.

The millennium cloud cover % decline did increase the global warming enthalpy=heat gradient by a factor of 5x :

The millennium cloud cover decline was the point of no return for more global warming before the sudden global cooling will come soon ?

For global cooling we need to radiate heat out from earth to space and radiation can only increase for earth temperature T increasing :

So :

Before radiative global cooling can come we need more H2O_cloud_cover_decline_global_warming ?

Anyway :

In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But : Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival.


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