A Simplistic definition of Digital Transformation
Image credit - Unsplash

A Simplistic definition of Digital Transformation

In simple terms digital transformation can be thought as a means by which we orchestrate and automate a sequence of events, in a cohesive manner, in order to fulfil a meaningful end.

A basic example can be:

  • A simple website with a few static pages and an order form - on submit of which it sends the form data to a Google sheet and automate an email notification to a concerned person.

This is a baby step in all sense. In a real world scenario, lot of things are not this simplistic.

If we extrapolate the definition above - the features that make up an enterprise scale digital transformation can be composed of some of these areas:

  1. Authentication - token based / browser session / single sign on / identity management
  2. Authorisation - users / roles / access permissions
  3. Encryption and security aspects
  4. Database to store and retrieve data (both structured and unstructured)
  5. Visual components for the end user to interact and transact with
  6. Workflow orchestration (BPM / RPA)
  7. Business rule engine
  8. Ability to transact with other internal and 3rd party external system (Interoperability)
  9. Domain specific technologies that solves specific business problems (can be an AR / VR layer or some heavy graphical modelling tool, voice, video etc.)
  10. Non-human and automated data capture from different sources - data and triggers that machines, and other digital assets generates (like an iot to capture data from machines and devices, automated web analytics data - like page views, clicks and impressions for example)
  11. BI, Reporting, Analytics and AI
  12. Not to mention the ops side of to ensure high availability, the system reliability side of ops.
  13. Last but not the least - the whole gamut of standards and specifications that guides shaping of a system that sets the bar high for compliance and regulatory needs.

Phew!! What sounded like a simple form submit can turnout to be this comprehensive list of building blocks that typically make up a full blown enterprise scale digital transformation.

There is no silver bullet or a David's slingshot that can solve all of these areas in one shot.
It is a hard fought battle.

However we at Tacten are experts in a near to sliver bullet platform called the Frappe Framework and the ERPNext app that comes with it (specific to the enterprise requirements) which has batteries included to solve almost 70% of the above features required in full-blown enterprise scale digital transformation scenario.

We are experts in scripting your enterprise digital landscape with the Frappe and ERPNext stack, and augmenting it with add-ons that can fill in the gaps.

Read for more our blog on Road to Success with ERPNext and Frappe

