A Simplistic definition of Digital Transformation
In simple terms digital transformation can be thought as a means by which we orchestrate and automate a sequence of events, in a cohesive manner, in order to fulfil a meaningful end.
A basic example can be:
This is a baby step in all sense. In a real world scenario, lot of things are not this simplistic.
If we extrapolate the definition above - the features that make up an enterprise scale digital transformation can be composed of some of these areas:
Phew!! What sounded like a simple form submit can turnout to be this comprehensive list of building blocks that typically make up a full blown enterprise scale digital transformation.
There is no silver bullet or a David's slingshot that can solve all of these areas in one shot.
It is a hard fought battle.
However we at Tacten are experts in a near to sliver bullet platform called the Frappe Framework and the ERPNext app that comes with it (specific to the enterprise requirements) which has batteries included to solve almost 70% of the above features required in full-blown enterprise scale digital transformation scenario.
We are experts in scripting your enterprise digital landscape with the Frappe and ERPNext stack, and augmenting it with add-ons that can fill in the gaps.
Read for more our blog on Road to Success with ERPNext and Frappe