Simplifying your week: Last Week at Amrutam 22.08.2022

Simplifying your week: Last Week at Amrutam 22.08.2022

Here’s a glimpse of what happened at Amrutam last week

What’s new at Amrutam?

Yet again, Monday brings work stress, exam seasons, and the joy of upcoming festivities. Managing all the chaos of work and study stress, festivals, taking care of your health, and keeping calm in this current gloomy weather can be overloading and exhausting. With so many things to do on your checklist, mental concentration and stress are at their peak.

So this week, we ask you to take one manageable step at a time to tick off your to-do list with all the positive energy and a calm mind, and to help you with this, we have a few recipes you could incorporate.

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  • How often have we said, “I have a very short temper,” or “She has major anger issues.” Have we pondered on where this behavior comes from? In this episode of Rediscovering Self with Amrutam Podcast, we discuss all of the above with Tanvi Kankan.
  • Team Amrutam has been secretly working on something special for you. Take a guess and reply to this post to stand a chance to win special coupons from us!

Product of the Week

Amrutam’s Brainkey Malt is the best to help manage mental immunity and concentration. This healthcare malt also helps to overcome stress and helps in boost overall immunity, and improve memory and concentration.

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Also, read Five reasons why you must use Brainkey Gold Malt.

What we are reading?

Vegan Ayurveda

What is Vegan Ayurveda? “Is it even a term?” “But wait, wasn’t Ayurveda always Vegetarian or Vegan?” Did the title bombard you with any of these questions? If so, you aren’t alone. We often speak about veganism and Ayurveda in isolation; their sound in tandem isn’t quite musical but believes me, its more.

How to keep yourself healthy during monsoon

Everyone awaits monsoons after the scorching summers, isn’t it? Rains are loved by all from six to sixty. Some love the muddy smell of the first rains when the water drops touch the earth. That moment is such a happy moment for the soul. We love to feel the first drizzle and get drenched. But hold on; monsoons also bring a lot of seasonal changes and illnesses such as cold & cough, indigestion, etc. That is why it is essential for us to keep? more.

Quote of the week

“Flow with whatever happens and let your mind be free,”

That’s it from our side, till then, toodles!?



