Simplifying the RFID Deployment Cycle
What comes to the surprise of many people is how long it really takes to a get a successful RFID project up and running.
There's many factors to take into consideration as an end user who's considering integrating the technology into their business including:
1) RFID Tag / Hardware Testing & Selection
2) Business Process Management
3) Software Development / Procurement
It's tempting to rush through the process to start reaping the benefits of RFID but doing so would be naive and could jeopardize the success of your project.
Instead, the RFID4U team has created enterprise grade platform, TagMatiks, to simply the RFID Deployment Cycle. After you've properly evaluated the correct RFID tags and hardware and uncovered any modifications to your business processes, you have a quick and robust software solution. As a modular platform, you have the ability to select the components that are right for your use case.
Need to integrate RFID into your homegrown ERP? Choose TagMatiks Core! Or do you need an elaborate asset tracking solution? Check out TagMatiks Asset Tracking. There's all of that and a whole lot more.
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more about TagMatiks or to just discuss about RFID.