Simplifying Life Basics for ADHD/Autistic Children
Truminds Software Systems
Global Presence - San Diego | Greater Boston | Gurgaon | Hyderabad | Bangalore
Individuals lying on the autistic spectrum or those with ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) often have trouble to learn new skills or follow instructions as it causes severe problems while focusing on details or while transitioning from one activity to another (task switching). This makes it particularly difficult for children, who tend to be more active than adults in general. WHO (World Health Organization) reports that 1 in every 160 has ADHD and is also more prevalent in children than one could imagine. Given the effect and extent of these disorders, getting such children to learn a new set of skills can be particularly challenging as they face difficulties to focus & especially when it comes to getting them potty trained. The prime objective of this project is to simplify potty training for autistic and ADHD kids by making the experience simplistic for them, rather than it being a pain.
?The core idea is to get the children potty trained by leveraging latest technologies & making it a rewards-linked pleasant experience using sensors for monitoring them. With these kids, the challenge is often to get them to sit on the toilet seat for long enough to ensure proper bowel clearance. This solution works on the principle of establishing a positive link between their bowel movements and the rewards they get in a game they are playing while sitting on the pot. This encourages the child to stay on the toilet pot for enough time to clear their bowels.
?This project proves that a platform can indeed be developed for training kids with special needs to perform tasks by engaging them with games and rewarding them on task completion. Truminds is building the entire solution by leveraging their domain expertise in various cutting-edge technologies and cloud-based platforms. This solution is extensible and can integrate games/apps created by third-party developers in the future. Currently, testing is being done to monitor a larger range of activities using the solution. One of the major challenges that the team overcame was making the sensor small enough to be installed on a commode. This ensures that the sensor can be used in a variety of locations and with different commode sizes.
?While this solution originally started off as a project to potty train autistic/ADHD-affected kids, with a greater variety of sensors and apps, it is possible to expand this platform into one which can be used to teach a variety of tasks to children. The use cases are endless, and this project gives us a great sense of satisfaction as we always aim to make a difference in people’s lives by leveraging our domain expertise with the help of latest cutting-edge technologies. ?And this is one such projects where we are able to address a social cause.