Simplifying Docker Setup with docker init: An AI-Powered Approach

Simplifying Docker Setup with docker init: An AI-Powered Approach

Are you one of those developers who find writing Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml files a bit of a pain? You're not alone. I've always found it challenging to ensure I’m following best practices while also avoiding common security pitfalls.

Luckily, Docker has come up with a new tool that changes the game: docker init. This new command-line utility, powered by generative AI, simplifies Docker setup for your projects by automatically generating Dockerfiles, Compose files, and .dockerignore files, all while adhering to the industry's best practices.

Let’s dive into how docker init works, what it offers, and why you should consider using it in your next project.

Introducing docker init

A few days ago, Docker quietly launched the general availability of docker init, and I had the chance to try it out. What I found was a powerful utility that’s easy to use and immensely helpful for generating Docker configurations.

At the time of writing this, docker init is available with Docker Desktop and supports several languages including Go, Python, Node.js, Rust, ASP.NET, PHP, and Java. So, no matter what stack you're using, docker init can provide a tailored solution for setting up Docker in your project.

How docker init Works

Using docker init is incredibly simple. Here’s an example where I set up a basic Flask app and let docker init handle all the Docker-related setup.

Step 1: Set up a basic Flask app

First, create a simple Flask app to use as our project. In the directory of your project, create two files, and requirements.txt:

touch requirements.txt        

Then, add the following code to each file:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_docker():
    return '<h1> Hello Docker! </h1>'

if __name__ == '__main__':, host='')
# requirements.txt

Step 2: Run docker init

Once the basic project is set up, navigate to the project directory and run:

docker init        

docker init will scan your project, detect that it’s a Python-based Flask application, and then guide you through a few questions to configure the Docker setup. You’ll be prompted to select options like the Python version, port number, and entry point command. After answering these prompts, the tool will automatically generate the necessary Dockerfiles and Compose files for your project.

Auto-Generated Dockerfile and Compose Configuration

Let’s take a look at what docker init generates for our Flask project.


Here’s the Dockerfile that was auto-generated:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim as base



ARG UID=10001
RUN adduser \
    --disabled-password \
    --gecos "" \
    --home "/nonexistent" \
    --shell "/sbin/nologin" \
    --no-create-home \
    --uid "${UID}" \

RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
    --mount=type=bind,source=requirements.txt,target=requirements.txt \
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

USER appuser
COPY . .

CMD gunicorn 'app:app' --bind=        

Notice how the Dockerfile follows security best practices right from the start. It avoids creating root-based containers by adding a non-privileged user, optimizes dependency installation using Docker’s caching features, and minimizes the size of the base image by selecting the slim version of Python.

It even includes sensible defaults for environment variables like PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE and PYTHONUNBUFFERED to improve performance and logging.


Here’s the Compose file it generated for running the Flask app:

version: '3.8'
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      FLASK_ENV: development
      - .:/app
# Uncomment below to add a database service
#  db:
#    image: postgres
#    environment:
#      POSTGRES_USER: user
#      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
#      POSTGRES_DB: app_db
#    volumes:
#      - ./db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data        

Why You Should Use docker init

So, why should you care about docker init? Here are some key benefits:

  1. Saves Time: By automatically generating Dockerfiles and Compose configurations, docker init saves you from the manual, time-consuming task of writing them from scratch.
  2. Follows Best Practices: The generated Dockerfiles adhere to Docker’s best practices, ensuring that your application is secure, efficient, and reliable. This means no more wondering if you’ve missed an important step or accidentally left security vulnerabilities in your config.
  3. Reduces Complexity: For developers new to Docker, setting up a Dockerized environment can feel daunting. docker init eliminates this complexity by guiding you through the setup and providing sensible defaults based on your project type.
  4. Customizable: Although the tool generates Docker configuration files automatically, you can still modify them as needed to suit your project’s specific requirements. This flexibility ensures that you remain in control.
  5. Works with Multiple Languages: Whether you’re working with Python, Node.js, Go, or even Rust, docker init can handle the Docker setup for you, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications.

Final Thoughts: Dockerization Made Easy

With docker init, Docker has introduced a powerful tool that simplifies the process of Dockerizing your applications. By leveraging AI to automatically generate best-practice Dockerfiles and Compose files, it saves you time, reduces errors, and ensures your app is secure and efficient.

While the tool is incredibly useful, remember that it's still important to review the generated configuration before pushing it to production, as no automated tool is perfect. However, for 90% of cases, docker init will likely write a better Dockerfile than you or I could, and it will do it in a fraction of the time.

If you’re tired of the manual Docker setup process or simply want a better, faster way to handle Docker configuration, give docker init a try — you won’t be disappointed.


