Simplifying Disconnected/Airgapped On-Premises OpenShift Clusters Installation with the New Agent-based Installer
Agent-based Installer Overview
OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 release has added improvement for installing OpenShift clusters in disconnected or air-gapped environments by using agent-based installer. One common use case for Agent-based installer is On-Prem OpenShift Baremetal UPI cluster installations in disconnected or airgapped environment. Organizations prefer Baremetal over other platforms because of increased performance (no Virtualization overhead), heavy workload demands (AI/ML, GPU, device pass through etc.) and reduced cost (No Hypervisor software cost).
Agent-based installer leverages the advantages of the Assisted Installer hosted service in disconnected or air-gapped environments and generates a bootable ISO image containing all of the information required to deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster and simplifies the overall OpenShift Cluster deployment process in disconnected or airgapped environments.
The following platforms are supported:
One of the key benefits it provides is in-place bootstrap and no extra node required for bootstrap. The Agent-based installation comprises a bootable ISO that contains the Assisted discovery agent and the Assisted Service. The Agent-based Installer also performs validation checks on user defined YAML files before the ISO is created. Once the validations are successful, the agent ISO is created.
You can install a disconnected/Airgapped OpenShift Container Platform cluster through the Agent based installer for the following topologies:
The Agent-based installation supports two input modes:
In this blog, we will follow the Preferred method to deploy a three-node compact Baremetal OpenShift cluster in disconnected or air-gapped environments with baremetal platform and static networking. In next blog, I will expand the same OpenShift cluster by adding OpenShift Worker nodes using metal3 BareMetalHost resource.
Since we are doing a disconnected/airgapped installation so a mirror registry will be required and we have to include the image content source policy and certificates for our registry in the install-config.yaml file. We will use oc-mirror tools for setting up mirror registry on Bastion node. You can skip deploying this if you already have mirror registry in place for disconnected environments.
Agent-based Installer workflow
One of the control plane hosts runs the Assisted Service at the start of the boot process and eventually becomes the bootstrap host. This node is called the rendezvous host (node 0). The Assisted Service ensures that all the hosts meet the requirements and triggers an OpenShift Container Platform cluster deployment. All the nodes have the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) image written to the disk. The non-bootstrap nodes reboot and initiate a cluster deployment. Once the nodes are rebooted, the rendezvous host reboots and joins the cluster. The bootstrapping is complete and the cluster is deployed.
Deploying cluster using Agent Based Installer
High Level Steps
1. Deploy Mirror registry for Disconnected installation
First, let us deploy a mirror registry on Bastion node for disconnected installations. We need to install podman, buildah and skopeo tools on Bastion node prior configuring mirror registry.
[root@ocp-bastion ~]# useradd ocp-admin
[root@ocp-bastion ~]# dnf module install container-tools:4.0
[root@ocp-bastion ~]# podman version
Client:? ??? ?Podman Engine
Version: ??? ?4.0.2
API Version:? 4.0.2
Go Version:?? go1.18.4
Built: ??? ?Tue Aug 30 06:53:06 2022
OS/Arch:?? ?linux/amd64
[root@ocp-bastion ~]# buildah version
Version:??? ??? ?1.24.5
Go Version: ??? ?go1.18.4
Image Spec: ??? ?1.0.2-dev
Runtime Spec:?? ?1.0.2-dev
CNI Spec:?? ??? ?1.0.0
libcni Version:? v1.0.1
image Version:?? 5.19.3
Git Commit: ?? ?
Built:????? ??? ?Tue Aug 30 06:53:51 2022
OS/Arch:??? ??? ?linux/amd64
BuildPlatform:?? linux/amd64
[root@ocp-bastion ~]# skopeo -v
skopeo version 1.6.2-maintn
1.1. Mirroring on a local host with mirror registry for Red Hat OpenShift
Download the mirror-registry.tar.gz package for the latest version of the mirror registry for Red Hat OpenShift found on the OpenShift console Downloads page.
[root@ocp-bastion ~]# su - ocp-admin
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion ~]$ df -hT| grep registry
/dev/mapper/mirror--registry-mirror--registry--lv1 xfs? ??? ?400G? 2.9G? 397G?? 1% /mirror-registry
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry]$ sudo mkdir registry-datadir registry-installdir
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry]$ sudo chown ocp-admin:ocp-admin registry-installdir
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry]$ cd registry-installdir/
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry]$ wget -c ''
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion registry-installdir]$ sudo ./mirror-registry install --quayHostname --quayRoot /mirror-registry/registry-datadir/
?? __?? __
? /? \ /? \ ?? ?______?? _?? ?_ ?? ?__?? __?? __
?/ /\ / /\ \?? /? __? \ | |? | |?? /? \? \ \ / /
/ /? / /? \ \? | |? | | | |? | |? / /\ \? \?? /
\ \? \ \? / /? | |__| | | |__| | / ____ \? | |
?\ \/ \ \/ /?? \_? ___/? \____/ /_/?? ?\_\ |_|
? \__/ \__/ ??? ?\ \__
???????????? ??? ?\___\ by Red Hat
?Build, Store, and Distribute your Containers
?? ?
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:40] Install has begun????????????????????? ??? ?
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:40] Found execution environment at /mirror-registry/registry-installdir/execution-environment.tar
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:43] Unpacking image archive from /mirror-registry/registry-installdir/image-archive.tar
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:45] Loading pause image archive from pause.tar? ?
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:46] Loading redis image archive from redis.tar? ?
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:49] Loading postgres image archive from postgres.tar
INFO[2023-01-24 14:56:52] Loading Quay image archive from quay.tar?? ?
INFO[2023-01-24 14:57:40] Attempting to set SELinux rules on image archive
INFO[2023-01-24 14:57:40] Running install playbook. This may take some time. To see playbook output run the installer with -v (verbose) flag.
INFO[2023-01-24 14:57:40] Detected an installation to localhost? ??? ?
PLAY [Install Mirror Appliance] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [[email protected]]
TASK [mirror_appliance : Creating init user at endpoint] *************************************************************************
ok: [[email protected]]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
[email protected] : ok=47?? changed=30?? unreachable=0?? ?failed=0?? ?skipped=12?? rescued=0?? ?ignored=0? ?
INFO[2023-01-24 14:59:11] Quay installed successfully, permanent data is stored in /mirror-registry/registry-datadir/
INFO[2023-01-24 14:59:11] Quay is available at with credentials (init, XXXXX)
Now with the release of OpenShift 4.11 the oc-mirror tools has official gone GA and with adds additional feature functionality. We will use oc-mirror plugin to mirror all required OpenShift Container Platform content and other images to your mirror registry by using a single tool.
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion ~]$ mkdir mirror-registry-conf
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ wget -c ''
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ tar zxvf oc-mirror.tar.gz
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ chmod +x oc-mirror
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ sudo mv oc-mirror /usr/local/bin/
1.2. Setting up credentials that allow images to be mirrored
Download your pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and generate the base64-encoded user name and password or token for your mirror registry.
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ cat pull-secret | jq . > pull-secret.json
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ echo -n 'init:<registry password>'| base64 -w0
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ cat pull-secret.json
? "auths": {
?? ?"": {
? ?? ?"auth": "YYYYY",
? ?? ?"email": "[email protected]"
?? ?},
?? ?"": {
? ?? ?"auth": "ZZZZZ",
??? }
? }
1.3. Mirror content using oc-mirror tool
Before you can use the oc-mirror plugin to mirror image sets, you must create an image set configuration file. This image set configuration file defines which OpenShift Container Platform releases, Operators, and other images to mirror, along with other configuration settings for the oc-mirror plugin.
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ cat imageset-config.yaml
kind: ImageSetConfiguration
? registry:
??? imageURL:
??? skipTLS: false
? platform:
??? channels:
??? - name: stable-4.12
????? type: ocp
? operators:
? - catalog:
? additionalImages:
? - name:
? - name:
? helm: {}
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ oc mirror --config=./imageset-config.yaml docker://
Checking push permissions for
Creating directory: oc-mirror-workspace/src/publish
Creating directory: oc-mirror-workspace/src/v2
Creating directory: oc-mirror-workspace/src/charts
Creating directory: oc-mirror-workspace/src/release-signatures
No metadata detected, creating new workspace
Adding graph data
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion mirror-registry-config]$ sudo dnf install /usr/bin/nmstatectl -y
2. Prepare install-config.yaml and agent-config.yaml
2.1. install-config.yaml
This file specifies the cluster's configuration such as number of control plane and/or worker nodes, the API and ingress VIP, physical node MAC addresses and the cluster networking.
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion agi-4.12.0]$ cat install-config.yaml
apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: ocpcluster.localnet
- architecture: amd64
? hyperthreading: Enabled
? name: worker
? replicas: 0
? architecture: amd64
? hyperthreading: Enabled
? name: master
? replicas: 3
? name: ocp-agi
? clusterNetwork:
? - cidr:
??? hostPrefix: 23
? machineNetwork:
? - cidr:
? networkType: OVNKubernetes
? serviceNetwork:
? -
? baremetal:
??? apiVIPs:
????? -
??? ingressVIPs:
????? -
??? hosts:
????? - name: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
??????? role: master
??????? bootMACAddress: 52:54:00:e7:05:72
????? - name: master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
??????? role: master
??????? bootMACAddress: 52:54:00:95:fd:f3
????? - name: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
??????? role: master
??????? bootMACAddress: 52:54:00:e8:b9:18
pullSecret: '{"auths":{"":{"auth":"<paste base64-encoded username/password for the mirror registry>","email":"[email protected]"}}}'
sshKey: '<paste key> [email protected]'
- mirrors:
? -
? source:
- mirrors:
? -
? source:
additionalTrustBundle: |
? <paste mirror registry certificate>
2.2. agent-config.yaml
In this file, we specify OpenShift node's configuration e.g. static networking, rootdeviceHints for agent to apply when nodes boot using Agent ISO.
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion agi-4.12.0]$ cat agent-config.yaml
?apiVersion: v1alpha1
?kind: AgentConfig
?? name: ocp-agi
?? - hostname: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
???? interfaces:
?????? - name: enp1s0
???????? macAddress: 52:54:00:e7:05:72
???? networkConfig:
?????? interfaces:
???????? - name: enp1s0
?????????? type: ethernet
?????????? state: up
?????????? mac-address: 52:54:00:e7:05:72
?????????? ipv4:
???????????? enabled: true
???????????? address:
?????????????? - ip:
???????????????? prefix-length: 24
???????????? dhcp: false
?????? dns-resolver:
???????? config:
?????????? server:
???????????? -
?????? routes:
???????? config:
?????????? - destination:
???????????? next-hop-address:
???????????? next-hop-interface: enp1s0
???????????? table-id: 254
?? - hostname: master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
???? interfaces:
?????? - name: enp1s0
???????? macAddress: 52:54:00:95:fd:f3
???? networkConfig:
?????? interfaces:
???????? - name: enp1s0
?????????? type: ethernet
?????????? state: up
?????????? mac-address: 52:54:00:95:fd:f3
?????????? ipv4:
???????????? enabled: true
???????????? address:
?????????????? - ip:
???????????????? prefix-length: 24
???????????? dhcp: false
?????? dns-resolver:
???????? config:
?????????? server:
???????????? -
?????? routes:
???????? config:
?????????? - destination:
???????????? next-hop-address:
???????????? next-hop-interface: enp1s0
???????????? table-id: 254
?? - hostname: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
???? interfaces:
?????? - name: enp1s0
???????? macAddress: 52:54:00:e8:b9:18
???? networkConfig:
?????? interfaces:
???????? - name: enp1s0
?????????? type: ethernet
?????????? state: up
?????????? mac-address: 52:54:00:e8:b9:18
?????????? ipv4:
???????????? enabled: true
???????????? address:
?????????????? - ip:
???????????????? prefix-length: 24
???????????? dhcp: false
?????? dns-resolver:
???????? config:
?????????? server:
???????????? -
?????? routes:
???????? config:
?????????? - destination:
???????????? next-hop-address:
???????????? next-hop-interface: enp1s0
???????????? table-id: 254
3. Generate Agent ISO image
Login into and Go Clusters then Datacenter and then “Run agent-based installer locally”
Download OpenShift Installer and run it to create Agent ISO.
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion agi-4.12.0]$ openshift-install --dir install-dir/ agent create image
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ClusterProvisioningIP: is ignored
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ExternalBridge: baremetal is ignored
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ExternalMACAddress: 52:54:00:3a:8b:a7 is ignored
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ProvisioningBridge: provisioning is ignored
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ProvisioningMACAddress: 52:54:00:9a:4a:c0 is ignored
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ProvisioningNetworkCIDR: is ignored
WARNING Platform.Baremetal.ProvisioningDHCPRange:, is ignored
WARNING The ImageContentSources configuration in install-config.yaml should have at-least one source field matching the releaseImage value
INFO The rendezvous host IP (node0 IP) is
INFO Extracting base ISO from release payload?? ?
INFO Verifying cached file????????????????? ??? ?
INFO Using cached Base ISO /home/ocp-admin/.cache/agent/image_cache/coreos-x86_64.iso
INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory
INFO Consuming Agent Config from target directory
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion agi-4.12.0]$ ls -l install-dir/
total 1183744
-rw-rw-r--. 1 ocp-admin ocp-admin 1212153856 Jan 26 03:14 agent.x86_64.iso
drwxr-x---. 2 ocp-admin ocp-admin??? ??? ?50 Jan 26 03:14 auth
4. Boot Hosts using Agent ISO
4.1. Booting master1 node:
As this is the first node we are booting with Agent ISO image so this becomes rendezvous host as explained earlier in Agent based installer workflow section in this blog.
4.2. Booting master2 & master3 nodes:
5. Watch Agent Bootstrap Progress
[ocp-admin@ocp-bastion agi-4.12.0]$ openshift-install --dir install-dir/ agent wait-for bootstrap-complete --log-level=info
INFO User input is required to continue cluster installation
WARNING Cluster validation: The Machine Network CIDR is undefined; the Machine Network CIDR can be defined by setting either the API or Ingress virtual IPs.
WARNING Cluster validation: The Cluster Machine CIDR? is different than the calculated CIDR
WARNING Cluster validation: The cluster has hosts that are not ready to install.
WARNING Cluster validation: Clusters must have at most 3 dedicated masters. Please check your configuration and add or remove hosts as needed to meet the requirement.
WARNING Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server
WARNING Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: updated status from pending-for-input to insufficient (Host cannot be installed due to following failing validation(s): Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server)
INFO Cluster is not ready for install. Check validations
INFO Cluster validation: The Machine Network CIDR is defined.
INFO Cluster validation: The Cluster Machine CIDR is equivalent to the calculated CIDR.
INFO Host 66890751-b18d-42d4-88da-92d1711f0655: Successfully registered
WARNING Host master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server
INFO Host 330268f7-b436-4a35-9625-319884fb0563: Successfully registered
WARNING Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: No connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
WARNING Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host couldn't synchronize with any NTP server
WARNING Host master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: No connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
WARNING Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: No connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
WARNING Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: validation 'belongs-to-majority-group' failed
INFO Cluster validation: The cluster has a sufficient number of master candidates.
INFO Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host NTP is synced
INFO Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: validation 'ntp-synced' is now fixed
INFO Host master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host NTP is synced
INFO Host master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: validation 'ntp-synced' is now fixed
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host NTP is synced
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: validation 'ntp-synced' is now fixed
INFO Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host has connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
INFO Host master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host has connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet validation: Host has connectivity to the majority of hosts in the cluster
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: updated status from insufficient to known (Host is ready to be installed)
INFO Cluster is ready for install?????????? ??? ?
INFO Cluster validation: All hosts in the cluster are ready to install.
INFO Preparing cluster for installation???? ??? ?
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: updated status from known to preparing-for-installation (Host finished successfully to prepare for installation)
INFO Host master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: updated status from preparing-for-installation to preparing-successful (Host finished successfully to prepare for installation)
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: New image status result: success. time: 2.04 seconds; size: 398.21 Megabytes; download rate: 204.62 MBps
INFO Host master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: updated status from preparing-for-installation to preparing-successful (Host finished successfully to prepare for installation)
INFO Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: New image status result: success. time: 2.04 seconds; size: 398.21 Megabytes; download rate: 204.73 MBps
INFO Host master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet: updated status from preparing-for-installation to preparing-successful (Host finished successfully to prepare for installation)
INFO Cluster installation in progress?????? ??? ?
INFO Host: master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk
INFO Host: master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 9%
INFO Host: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk
INFO Host: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 12%
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 16%
INFO Host: master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Rebooting
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 30%
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 38%
INFO Host: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Rebooting
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 74%
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Writing image to disk: 100%
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Waiting for control plane: Waiting for masters to join bootstrap control plane
INFO Bootstrap Kube API Initialized???????? ??? ?
INFO Host: master2.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Configuring
INFO Host: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Configuring
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Waiting for bootkube
INFO Host: master3.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Done
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet, reached installation stage Waiting for controller: waiting for controller pod ready event
INFO Host: master1.ocp-agi.ocp cluster.localnet, reached installation stage Rebooting
INFO Bootstrap configMap status is complete ??? ?
INFO cluster bootstrap is complete
INFO Cluster is installed?????????????????? ??? ?
INFO Install complete!????????????????????? ??? ?
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run
INFO ?? ?export KUBECONFIG=/home/ocp-admin/ocpcluster-installdir/agi-4.12.0/install-dir/auth/kubeconfig
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: https://console-openshift-console.apps.ocp-agi.ocpcluster.localnet
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "ZZZZZ"
As we can see in above logs, master2 and master3?nodes were rebooted prior master1 by Agent.
Let us check the cluster nodes status and Console.
6. Conclusion
Using Agent-based Installer we can:-
One of the key benefit is in-place bootstrap, no extra node is required.
Cloud Engineer | System Engineer | Integration Engineer
8 个月Hi Anuvrat Sharma What happen when I change quayHostname in config.yaml after I have already installed Openshift (include: registry mirrored, OCP, Operators,...)?
Infrastructure Engineer @ NatWest Group | RHCE RHCA Kubestronaut & OpenShift
9 个月Wonderful article Anuvrat Sharma, very well written ??
well written Anuvrat Sharma! Covers all the details in a good way
Solutions & Strategy | Builder of Teams | Communicator | Positive Force
2 年Thanks for the detailed run through, Anuvrat.
Hybrid Cloud & Ansible Automation Expert | Consulting Practice Lead | Openshift | Multicloud | Ceph | RHCE,RHCSS,RHCA
2 年Anuvrat, thanks for sharing such à great article.!!