Simplify Your Business By Choosing a Focus Word For The Year
Deneen Troupe-Buitrago, M.Ed.
Growing your Faith to Fuel your Work | Clarity Faith Growth Strategies for your Professional Life | Connecting Faith & Business so you are 'on mission' in the way God Designed you
“With a clear vision, you will live on purpose and in your purpose.”?-DeneenTB.
I said that back in 2018 and still believe it, but maybe not in the way you do. I know God leads us one step at a time, and we can sometimes see a little ahead, but most times, we only see the next step.
We keep a clear vision when we stay close to God. And, we will live in purpose, in His will, when we stay connected to and seek Him first in all things. My purpose, your purpose, is to do just that.
What has helped me stay motivated and focused? Something very simple, a word for the year.
I know the date on this blog tells you that it is the end of the year, and many of us do think about our ‘word for the year.’ What I have discovered over the years is that God’s guidance has provided a way to simplify and filter all the possible opportunities that come my way for the year ahead.
How to choose a word for the year
I have chosen and recorded a word for the year since 2013. I started in what I call ‘business’ in 2010 after many years of teaching Spanish as a business. Confusing, I know. Teaching was something I knew, I didn’t see it as a business.
Anyway, I started to ask God for an annual focus for my business, and through prayer and journaling, it has become a ritual for me at the end of every year.
I encourage you to take a half-day at a park, retreat center, or a quiet place to ask God what He wants your focus to be in the coming year. Take time to work ON your business and not just IN your business.
I often get the word early in October, and in other years, it takes more time with God to get my new word. This year, specifically (2023), I did not get my word for 2024 until almost the end of November.
One thing I know is that it has made a huge difference in how I show up in my business and my life. I want to say again. . . ?
Having a word gives me focus in a real way and allows me to have a quick filter to evaluate opportunities that come in front of me.?From joining a coaching community to choosing an app.
My word for the year journey
I want to share the words God has brought to me over the years. And give you a glimpse into how each played out during that year to take me to the next place in my life and business. I pray it inspires you. . .
I started in 2010 in business by selling Christian products for the home. After two years of being somewhat successful with home parties, I asked God who had the money to buy my home décor items.
The idea came that Christian businesswomen could be my target audience. I decided to start a networking group for Christian women entrepreneurs & business owners just so I could get my audience in front of me.
Of course, my idea was just to GROW. That was my first word for 2013. To grow my reach in my local area not just by networking but by owning a networking group.
The next year, the word EMBRACE was my guide. I remember that my focus was on creating value for my networking women. I wanted to help them embrace a better relationship with God, but I also wanted to help them embrace their place and purpose in what God was doing through them in the marketplace and see their businesses as their way to serve God.
In 2015, the word was COMMIT. This was the year I committed to opening what I called a Business and Educational Center in my local area. I wanted a place the networking group could call home. The group needed a space where we could also mastermind, promote our businesses, and expand into workshops and events. It was a huge commitment on my part and a total step in faith.
By 2016, I was going strong in the Center, and my word was INTENTIONAL. During that year, I was creating my online presence for the first time. I needed to learn about social media, sales funnels, and leadership. Every course, workshop, class, and coaching investment went through the filter of being Intentional.
Sadly, by the end of 2016, things had changed, and I had to close my Center. The next word, though, was DARING. I didn’t stop. I shifted. During that year, I was writing a book. I used my word to help me reach out to Podcasts, Magazines, and Influencers to get my name and message out. It was definitely something that was out of my comfort zone and took Daring.?
By 2018, my first book was published, and the word for the year was MERAKI. It is a Greek word that means doing something with all your creativity, heart & soul. I looked at opportunities to advance my message and worked on projects where I could truly leave a piece of myself and feel good about it. It gave me a great focus on what God’s next step was for me. . . creating a coaching program that is still in effect today.
Now, 2019 was a BIG year. Remember, it was BP, the year ‘before the pandemic.’ That year, the word was IMPACT. I looked at ways to have more impact on Christian Women and was now officially calling myself a coach, moving away from workshops and classes and bringing everyone together in the online space and not just locally. I engaged in activities that expanded my tribe, and by the end of the year, I was totally online with Christian women entrepreneurs and business owners doing masterminds/networking and creating consistent content on YouTube.
Then, hit 2020. I remember thinking this was going to be such a great year as a Clarity Coach since I would be able to give everyone a 20/20 vision for the year. Isn’t God funny? I had chosen the word SIMPLIFY. And did I ever simplify. Really, we all needed to pivot and get our bearings. For me it was truly a practical step to Simplify my business into the online space I have now with the latest iteration of Calling Clarity that started in 2017 while writing my book (you know, the DARING year).
What a word can build
Since 2021, God has been revealing the steps to His next assignment for me. I am just being obedient to follow His lead.
In fact, the same word came up for 2021 and 2022: OIKOS. In Greek, it means- the family, the family’s property, and the house or household. The believers in the early church used this word to refer to one another. They were, and we are, a spiritual family.
In 2021 I simply wanted to create a space online for Christian women to feel they were in a household. They were part of a family of other women believers who understood their struggles and wanted to celebrate their triumphs in life and in business.
I knew it was important to create ways for them to grow their faith so they understood their unique assignment in the marketplace. That year, I launched the Scripture Memorization Calendar. I’ll admit that it was me who wanted to get more scripture in me, and God impressed me to bring others along.
In 2022, with the same OIKOS mandate from God, I embarked on the next level of building a household of women. Besides having a coaching program, I facilitated four different topical Bible Studies throughout the year. (We continued in 2023 and will for 2024.)
How the word expanded
Coming into 2023 I had no idea why God asked me to choose the word, CHOKMAH. This word is from Hebrew, meaning wisdom. But, it is wisdom gained from doing something well over time. Like when you take a talent and work it into a strength. ?
This word scared me! It came to me late in the year, and I found that just by meditating on the word and praying over it, God opened an amazing opportunity for me to gain even more knowledge. I signed up and participated in the Cross-Examined Instructor Academy for Apologetics.
It proved to me again that God is never done with us and that when we are willing to take the step, He will increase our influence and impact in new and better ways.
And, as early as mid-January, I was feeling the shift into the next iteration of Calling Clarity by combining all the events and activities we were doing separately into one Community.
Without the focus of Chokmah, I would never have had the inclination to offer all the things I had been doing since 2010 and move them into one place, the Calling Clarity Community.
I would LOVE to invite you to check it out. Click here for the link. Let’s make 2024 your year to be CHOKMAH and help continue to grow OIKOS.
What is your word?
My word for 2024 is very exciting. . . I have chosen it. You’ll have to join the Community to find out what it is (I know, unfair).
But I do have an exercise you can use on your half-day mini-retreat time that will help you to discover your word for the year.
Ask yourself these three questions:
When I ask myself these questions (and journal the answers), I get concrete responses about goal setting, action steps, and habits. Also, I am good at being organized and focused.
I get out of bed each morning excited to work on the projects I know will help women grow in personal leadership, deepen their connection to God and others, and build businesses perfectly designed for them.
I promise that this next year will have more focus on your word leading the way. Ask God to bring it to your mind through the three questions. Ask Him for His guidance as you move forward in your life and business.? And I would LOVE to know your Word for 2024. Write it in the comments.
Be filled to overflowing,
P.S. I would LOVE to chat with you about how the Calling Clarity Community can take your business to its next iteration. CLICK HERE to schedule a call with me.
Marriage Mentor, Speaker, Author
1 年I’ve been choosing a word for the year for many years. But I’ve not looked back like this-not once! Love this. Your mapping reveals your journey. I’m going to do it too! Have a blessed New Year, friend!
Thank you for sharing, Deneen! Choosing a focus word for the year can truly simplify and bring clarity to our business goals.