Simplify UserDefaults Access with Property Wrappers in Swift
Amit Ranjan ?
CEO, Evangelist Apps | Creating Next-Gen Mobile Experiences | Innovating with AI & Emerging Technologies | Vision Pro & AR Innovator | Exploring the Future of Tech | Driving The Climate App | Tech Enthusiast
UserDefaults is a powerful and convenient way to persist data in iOS and macOS applications. However, working with UserDefaults can involve writing boilerplate code for getting and setting values. To make the process cleaner, more readable, and less error-prone, Swift introduced property wrappers. In this article, we will explore how to use property wrappers to simplify UserDefaults access in Swift.
What are Property Wrappers?
Property wrappers are a feature introduced in Swift 5.1 that allow you to define the behavior of property access. They provide a simple way to add custom behavior to properties by wrapping them in a type that encapsulates the getter and setter logic. Property wrappers can be applied to properties, making them a great choice for simplifying access to UserDefaults.
I highly encourage you to read this article to learn more about property wrappers: "Property wrappers in Swift?"
import Foundation
struct UserDefault<T> {
let key: String
let defaultValue: T
init(_ key: String, defaultValue: T) {
self.key = key
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
var wrappedValue: T {
get {
UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? T ?? defaultValue
set {
UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key)
Creating a UserDefaults Property Wrapper:
Let’s create a custom property wrapper for UserDefaults that will handle getting and setting values. We’ll call it?UserDefault.
Using the UserDefault Property Wrapper:
With the?UserDefault?property wrapper in place, we can now use it to define properties that work with UserDefaults. Let’s create a simple?UserSettings?struct to demonstrate its usage.
struct UserSettings {
@UserDefault("username", defaultValue: "")
static var username: String
@UserDefault("isLoggedIn", defaultValue: false)
static var isLoggedIn: Bool
@UserDefault("userAge", defaultValue: 0)
static var userAge: Int
Now, we can access and modify these properties directly, and the property wrapper will handle the interaction with UserDefaults.
// Set values
UserSettings.username = "JohnDoe"
UserSettings.isLoggedIn = true
UserSettings.userAge = 30
// Retrieve values
let username = UserSettings.username
let isLoggedIn = UserSettings.isLoggedIn
let userAge = UserSettings.userAge
Benefits of Using Property Wrappers:
Property wrappers are a powerful feature in Swift that can significantly improve the readability and maintainability of code. By creating a custom property wrapper for UserDefaults, we can simplify the process of accessing and persisting data. The?UserDefault?property wrapper allows us to define UserDefaults-backed properties with default values, making our code cleaner and more robust. With this approach, working with UserDefaults becomes more elegant and error-resistant, enhancing the overall development experience.
Thanks for reading!
Co-author:?vinodhkumar govindaraj, Lead iOS developer at?Evangelist Apps.