simplify. Simplify. SIMPLIFY.
The year has hardly got going, and already it seems that many are feeling mentally wrung-out to drip-dry in the tumultuous maelstrom of bad news events that is flooding the world right now. We haven't yet got to the end of March 2023 - the first quarter of the year - and, to many, there seems to be chaos everywhere!
In our previous issue (Issue 41 ) we explored ideas for putting Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the task of stopping the scourge of corruption that is killing our world.
In this issue 42, we are going to focus on some simple ideas to stay sane & effective in a world that just seems to becoming more and more cluttered with chaos (from the serious to the inconsequential) that distracts us - YOU & me - from who or what we want to become or achieve in our lives.
To begin, as an example, I am going to revert back to the personal challenge or path/track that I/we set at the beginning of this year - What key drivers will underpin YOUR progress in 2023?
It is crucially important to keep reviewing how you are doing in sticking to your objectives while so much clutter and chaos is happening in the world around you.
Here's what I/we set for ourselves as core drivers and our follow-through steps to date (bear in mind that these objectives are still unfolding as work-in-progress for the year):
1.?Maximize upside. Minimize downside.
Input 1. The challenge of 2023 will be:
a.?????How to achieve more & more with less & less
b.?????How to generate more & more by doing less & less
c.?????Increase revenue. Reduce costs. At scale.
Follow through to date - Two articles written (and a latest from Bill Gates added) to explore the amazing breakthrough exposure of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the lay-person which will, in my opinion, lead in big measure to the savvy achieving of the above objectives:
Read why Bill Gates writes in awe: The Age of AI has begun - 21 March 2023 - 'In my lifetime, I’ve seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary (talking about an OpenAI demo as the second) ..I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.. This inspired me to think about all the things that AI can achieve in the next five to 10 years.. I’ve been thinking a lot about how—in addition to helping people be more productive—AI can reduce some of the world’s worst inequities.'?
2. simplify.. Simplify.. SIMPLIFY.
Input 1. ‘Simple as 1 · 2 · 3’ being our WISDOMS? mantra.
Input 2. We will be guided as best as possible (and as simply as we can) by the DifferenceMaker? In Every City project outlined in our WISDOMS? Manifesto link: The WISDOMS? Manifesto ?
Follow through to date - We are continuing to sharpen / hone our global objective message to attract the people we want to work with, see the two articles added and the WhatsApp short message copy produced (in italics below):
Article: INSPIRATION. What fires YOU up?
We, at WISDOMS??, are open to mutually-beneficial joint-ventures on a global scale with innovative entrepreneurs / enterprises who are GREAT at what they do. No beating around the bush. Our profiles include our collective 150+ personal-years of Life & Business experience at the highest of levels. CONTENT is our specialty. Our BRAND is inspiring. We don't talk, we DO!?WE know who we are and who we want to work with. Please read and comment if interested. If not for you, please pass on to someone who you believe fits the bill. All input respected
3.?‘If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs..’.
Input 1. Disruption, uncertainty, turbulence & chaos is predicted to be the ‘new normal’ for the next decade and more.
See: Issue 39 of 1idea - How To Thrive In A World Of Chaos
Input 2. We live in the greatest time ever to be alive.
Input 3. Exploring and balancing the importance of Past, Present, Future, as related to self, everyone & everything.
Follow through to date - My wife and I have taken the time to spend life away from digital distractions and have just returned from a neat break in one of our 'happy place' locations. Mostly, all to ourselves, bar the infrequent local divers emerging with their quota of crayfish (rock lobster) and fresh reef fish. Allows one to focus on contemplating about what is truly important in life.
4. KEEP MOVING FORWARD – a personal mantra for 2023 – conceptualized while preparing for the 50th Midmar Mile Swim (11 Feb 2023).
Follow through to date - Completed the event and wrote about the experience - Some simple life lessons learnt from 50 Midmar Miles: A Dam Fine Feat
So, let's begin to unpack one of the 2023 drivers that we set for ourselves above.. the concept of - 'simplify.. Simplify.. SIMPLIFY.' I say 'begin' as I have promised to myself to endeavor to keep all articles in 2023 as short as possible - a veritable challenge for one who finds it relatively easy to write much about what is on his mind.
Also, it is clear that in order to 'simplify', one has to wade through voluminous piles of opinions & data. There is nothing simple about 'simplifying' - but it must be done to retain a semblance of sanity for oneself in this overly-complicated & complex world.
In the age of social media, where information overload has taken on new meaning, there is no shortage of information in today's world - whether good or bad, fact or fiction.
For many, social media seems to have become the mental chewing-gum of our time - a metaphorical quick hit of endorphin- & dopamine-stimulating 'sugar' for the brain.
The downside to the social-media chewing-gum-like information 'sugar'-hit is: it is often short-lived (leaving many craving for more); it becomes tasteless the more you chew on it; it makes the mental 'jaw-bones' ache; and is grossly yucky when you step into it, or slide your leg under a table, after being spat out carelessly by mindless people.
Be careful what you allow into your mind in this free-flowing social media age - Garbage In --> Garbage Out. Give yourself a regular break from the constant inflow of digital information.
I mentioned above that I take a complete break from all things digital when I take a break. I also take an intentional break from the information that I love - autobiographies & factual documentaries.
I deliberately choose an old fiction book (from a used-book store or local library shelf) that I have never read before, and physically read that during holiday / break-away quiet-time - GAI-JIN by James Clavell (found in a local-park book-swop closet nailed to a tree) being my latest break-away holiday read.
It's great for learning new words and grammar through the writings of the author.. and often, to learn about old & new worlds and cultures that form the historical research basis of the hard-copy fictional story.
B.S. Baffles Brains: Latin - "Excrementum vincit cerebellum "
In times when so much B.S. (Blatantly Stupid) fake and corrupt information seems to be circulating to completely baffle our minds with intricately woven webs of complex misinformation, seemingly deliberately devoid of any semblance of sense or truth, we need to find those who can help us to discern the common sense from the bull.
Common sense is seeing things as they are; and doing things as they ought to be. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Must say that I am impressed with Russell Brand who appears to be successfully leveraging his unique comedic and highly-articulate analytical style to question down generally misleading B.S. to get to the C.S. (Common Sense) especially that B.S. that may be spewed out by people in 'leadership' / authority positions. I make a point to catch his missives at least once or twice a week. He certainly makes one think.
I was extremely taken to hear an obviously tour-exhausted Russell Brand at his most bare-all exposed best opening-up of his life philosophy/ies on Dave Rubin's - "The Rubin Report" :
In the above interview we get a very good idea that Russell Brand is totally aware of his personal frailties and the limit of his knowledge which drives his insatiable curiosity and questioning of others for their views & insights.
It is interesting to note the two in conversation wrestling with what they can do to follow-up their conversations and opinions with action. This we confronted and did ourselves many years ago. Seems that successive generations find themselves in a repeating cycle of similar problems. Read: Knowing Where You're Going - includes a billion rand community security initiative case study.
Listening to Russell Brand, asking his questions and sharing his opinions, I am continually reminded of that great phrase: 'Seek first to understand, then to be understood.'
For that reason, I try to get as much input from differing sides of any conversation before framing my own opinion. Especially when it comes to weighty matters of local, regional, national and world affairs related to war-mongering, poverty, unemployment, crime & corruption, where supposedly-caring political leaders seem to get ludicrously richer & richer whilst their people seem to get poorer & poorer.. and worse, where innocents are bombed to oblivion by the decisions of such 'leaders'.
The steps I use to simplify matters for myself are contained in this article - Simplify. Cut The Bull. They include:
If you're new to us it is recommended that you read issue 1:?One Idea is All it Takes
About:?Trevor Nel is an 'ideas-generating machine' and co-founder of?WISDOMS ?. You can connect with WISDOMS? and become: 1. a?PATRON ?and/or; 2. a?PLAYER ?, and/or; 3. a?PARTNER ?- follow each link for more info.
Next week - issue 43 - We explore the antidote to the rapidly-rising incidence of ‘mental anguish’ in the world today, as seen through the eyes of a young Master therapist who impressively adopts a social media channel idea that is current and on trend. She implores you to do what she is doing, right now.
Trevor Nel?is author of?One Idea Is All It Takes ?and numerous publications & articles, including :
Founder and CEO at 4iAfrica - Insight | Innovation | Implementation | Impact. Leading the World's Largest and Most Sustainable Nature Based Climate Action Solution and other Innovative Products and Projects
1 年Thanks Trevor - Wise thoughts but from my side as a problem solver, there are so many looming issues that have come to the intersection at the same time. It got me to think about one of the many Y2k issues that we had to overcome which was traffic lights. We were ok if all traffic lights were flashing red and people had to stop, look around and take turns going through the intersection but what would happen if they were all flashing green instead of red? In our current situation I see water shortages, food shortages, energy and climate change all trying to barge their way through the intersection - not bothering to look and its this increasing chaos that concerns me ... Perhaps in the light of "siimplicity", we should be looking for a "traffic manager" - lol maybe its a battery powered AI TrafficBOT...?