Simplify Time Tracking With a Powerful Firefox Extension

Simplify Time Tracking With a Powerful Firefox Extension

Want to track time while using Firefox without exiting your browser or switching to a different tab? ??

Try Clockify for Firefox.

Read on to find out how this powerful Firefox extension works and what makes it stand out from similar add-ons.?

*This article is an abridged, adapted version of the blog post originally published on the Clockify blog:

How to use Clockify’s Firefox extension

With the free Firefox extension, you and your team can track time on projects directly from the browser without switching to another tab or window.

Clockify’s Firefox extension

This extension has 2 main time tracking modes — manual and timer.

Entry modes

To add time in manual mode, you need to:

  • ?? Choose the date,
  • ?? Enter start and end times, and
  • ??? Select the project.

Optionally, you can add descriptions and tags.

Adding time manually

On the other hand, simply click Start to track time on a project when in timer mode. The timer will run until you click Stop.

Alternatively, you can authorize Clockify to start the timer automatically when you open your browser. It can also stop the timer at a specified time and/or whenever you close your browser.

Options for automatically starting/stopping the timer

Additionally, you and your team can improve your focus and productivity by enabling the Pomodoro timer in settings. In fact, work and break intervals are customizable.

Pomodoro timer settings

By enabling the focus mode you’ll see the countdown timer for each work and break interval.

Pomodoro timer in focus mode: work session (left) vs. mini-break (right)

When users turn on the Pomodoro timer, Clockify accurately records their breaks and calculates work hours for the associated project. This means you’ll see exactly how much time your team spent working — and how long their breaks lasted.?

To never forget to track time, you and your team can set specific reminders and/or switch on idle time detection.

Reminders and idle detection

As you can see, the Clockify add-on has a set of easy-to-set-up options to enable you to track time exactly how you prefer.

What makes Clockify the best extension for Firefox

Clockify’s Firefox extension is easy to use and customizable. It’s undeniably one of the best extensions you can install for Firefox.?

A major perk of using the extension is that it lets you use the start timer with a description feature. To use this option, simply:

  • Highlight any text on any web page that you want to use as a description for your time entry,
  • Open the drop-down menu by using the right click, and
  • Click on the start timer with description.

Start timer with description

This way, you’ll make sure nothing falls through the cracks and all your work hours are securely stored in one place — whether for billing or keeping your internal employee records.

For more options, like timesheets and calendar, use the Clockify web app.

With the introduction of the account in late December 2024, you can now manage Clockify time tracker, Pumble business chat app, and Plaky time management app within one universal account.

Sign up for Clockify

