

(from “Befuddled? Live the Life You Choose!)


Here are four steps that have helped me.?

1. Slow Down?

2. Declutter?

3. Reduce Activity?

4. Rest and Breathe?


This one is hard for me because I tend to want? to do everything and I over commit. Sometimes? we have to say no and slow down.??

Life moves so fast and we are often at the? mercy of our schedule and our commitments.? We are so activity oriented and accomplishment? driven, we often lose sight of the real reason we? exist. Our “Why” gets lost in the business of life.? We need to slow down, refocus, and enjoy the? life we are living. Enjoy our Journey.


Remove things from your life that are? unnecessary. Get things in a more simple and? clean approach.??

This requires removing physical clutter as well? as mental clutter. Mental clutter is one of the? biggest detractors! If we let our minds wander? with negative thoughts that befuddle us, we lose? control and let clutter seep in. If however, we take control and talk to ourselves, proactively,? infusing positive thoughts and giving ourselves? a can-do pep talk, we take control of our minds? and the situation, thus decluttering our life.??

It is a choice we have to make daily, even? moment by moment!?

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This requires making choices and slowing down? enough to be intentional about the activities we? are choosing to partake in.??

We must be more selective in what we’re doing.? When we are more selective and choose our? activities wisely, we don’t spread ourselves so? thin and keep things more simple. This is a very? important key to not overwhelming ourselves? and adding stress by our own activities. We? so easily get caught up in doing things that we? overdo them! We need to leave time for what’s? important in life, like family and friends.


Take a step back and rest once and awhile.? Recharge. It will give you a clearer perspective.??

Author and speaker Joyce Meyer says … “I believe that the greatest gift?

you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”?

Choose a healthy you!


You can Live the Life You Choose!


For more information on Russ Hedge go to

For a copy of Russ’ International Best Selling Books? “Beyond Boundaries”? “A Note To My Family” “Rattled Awake” volume one, “Perspectives on Cancer,” vol 2, or “Befuddled? Live the Life You Choose!” go to?

Russ Hedge

Inspirational Speaker - #1 International Best Selling Author - Your Marketing Coach - Livestream Producer - Business Consultant - Inspiration Specialist

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?? Diane Carter

I create content that doesn't suck. LinkedIn Top Voice, 3X author - 4th coming late 2024. Got writer's block? Let's light a fire under your ass - book a call today - link below.

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"Recharge. It will give you a clearer perspective." Too many of us overlook this. I know I have recently. Thanks for the reminder! ??

Zoraida Morales, CTNC

Certified Transformational Nutrition Cancer Specialist | Certified Project Manager | Author | Helping Cancer Thrivers Remove Emotional Blocks, Manage Anxiety, UpLevel Food Nutrition & Boost Resiliency. Life By Design

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Russ Hedge As a natural DOer, I love checking items off my list, so learning to slow down and just BE is a challenge. But now, dedicating an hour each afternoon, I’m discovering how to hear and feel Spirit’s messages more clearly. This simple shift is helping me find balance and deepen my connection to myself and the world around me.

Russ Hedge

Inspirational Speaker - #1 International Best Selling Author - Your Marketing Coach - Livestream Producer - Business Consultant - Inspiration Specialist

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Happy veterans Day Emily Harman. Bless you for your service!????

Russ Hedge

Inspirational Speaker - #1 International Best Selling Author - Your Marketing Coach - Livestream Producer - Business Consultant - Inspiration Specialist

1 周


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