Simplify the Never Ending To Do List
Sofia Wren Nitchie
Writer, Editor, Writing Coach, Marketing Consultant, & Digital Organization Teacher
Does your TODO list feel like a never-ending, blackhole?
Then you need a fix STAT, so that you:
Know what to do next & have the ability to
Simplify the things you need to do,
with less overwhelm and analysis paralysis.?
This is a big topic so rather than write to you about this, I would love to show you and walk you through a process step by step in a free class.
Avoid wasted time and energy trying to grapple with it alone,
by attending my upcoming FREE 1 hour class entitled "Find My Priorities."
You will learn to tap into what I call the soul of your book, business or creative practice
to stop figuring it out alone, and have a clear and profound sense of what to do next
so you can make faster progress.
You'll begin to identify the top priorities for the week and accelerate your progress on the things that really matter for you to do ASAP on a soul-rich level.
When you put the clarity that you find in the class into action this week, you'll be amazed how satisfied you will feel by your work, and how free you feel.
Instead of self doubt, you'll feel confident about what you are doing even if it is new and different.
You'll know in your bones that you are not wasting time,
you are using your time and energy to the MAX to get lots of things done.
Come join us! It's a free live class on zoom.
Come to the FREE class: "Find My Priorities"
Time: Sep 10, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 895 2323 4866
Passcode: 1234
Hope to see you there tomorrow.
-Sofia Wren