Hello, Friends!
After taking some time off from sending out Great Days e-Tips, I’m back!
How have you been? What have you been doing?
I’ve spent a little time this summer cleaning out, clearing out, cutting out, getting rid of a lot of “stuff.” While I’m far from being a minimalist, I’m working on simplifying, and in doing so, I’m discovering that the process clears not only the clutter but also the mind. Admittedly, a significant amount of time is still spent looking for things (i.e., my phone, keys, glasses, phone, glasses, phone…). But I’m learning that life becomes more manageable when there’s less to manage.
One of my projects has been to eliminate the number of emails I receive, especially the recurring ones that, for some long-forgotten reason, I signed up for and now find more irritating than interesting. Even the act of deleting them is an annoyance. Perhaps you feel the same way. So, as a service to you, dear reader, starting immediately, you’ll be hearing from me less often – about every other month.
I’ll even go one better…If you’d like to be removed from the list, just unsubscribe using the link below. Or simply reply to this email by saying “good-bye” in the subject line. No hard feelings.
Copyright ? 2021 Julie Alexander, All rights reserved.