Simplify E-Learning, With inClass Virtual Classroom Solution
The global education system has changed fundamentally; as the pandemic has completely triggered how education should be consumed worldwide. This massive change has forced all the colleges, universities, schools, training centers, and tutors to move education and transform it into a digital teaching model. Before this, a global learning crisis was already in existence, as students went to school but were not exactly learning the basic everyday life skills to sustain every opportunity they receive, but post-Covid-19 this amplified due to the unavailability of in-person classroom sessions.
Poor quality education has made the literacy rate to rise at an all-time high. According to?Unesco’s Global learning crisis report, around 175 million younger population in poor countries – equivalent to around one-quarter of the youth population – cannot read all or part of a sentence; the Report signifies that it will take until the year 2072 for all the young women at below poverty line in developing countries to be literate.
The report calculates that the cost of 250 million children around the world not learning the basics eventuates into a loss of an estimated $129 billion. In total, 37 countries are losing at least half the amount they spend on primary education because the children are not learning the basic skills.
To overcome the literacy rate and enhance the accessibility of education for all, the Virtual education & classroom model bridges the gap between the educators and the learners, enabling the students to interact and learn directly from the experts. A smart virtual classroom solution improves virtual collaboration, classroom engagement, productivity, and personalizes the overall virtual classroom learning experience for the learners.
inClass?by?InstaVC Collaborotaion suite?is a secure and easy-to-use virtual classroom solution, which not only cultivates a seamless classroom environment for the students and teachers to collaborate efficiently but also provides the opportunity to achieve the same from anywhere across the globe.
inClass?is designed to extend educational experiences and individualize learning. It creates a virtual learning environment, where students access resources and interact in ways they would not or could not in a typical physical classroom set-up. With inClass we aim to eliminate every educational barrier which can stop any student from scaling up themselves to their highest potential or knowledge level.
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