SIMPLIFY 01: Khashoggi & International Decisions
You are selected as a jury member at ICJ for a day

SIMPLIFY 01: Khashoggi & International Decisions

You have been selected as a jury member in a complicated murder trial that is ongoing right now on the world stage. Before you give your judgement we need to simplify the case. You decide on your verdicts.

" You must not take political or religious sides, come with any predispositions. We cannot interfere. We need to become the voice of truth based on our personal beliefs that should penetrate the confusion and for that is being created by all kinds of impassioned beneficiaries"

‘I work in the field of Strategic Simplification, i.e. taking complex situations and simplifying it for folks like me. Right now, the Khashoggi, Turkey, Saudi, US dilemma is predictably confusing the hell out of most common person. The last ten or so people I asked about this case had absolutely no opinion to give based on their ‘I have no clue how nations should operate’. So I went about deconstructing the decision process so that I could take my decision.

I want to turn every reader of this article into an expert in International Relations decisions. I will try to be as little political as I can as this is more about law and jurisprudence and that should have nothing to do with law. The primary reason this decision should have nothing to do with politics or our current largely binary preferences.

Your Role: You have been randomly selected as a jury member, you cannot opt out and must give your vote of [1] Guilty; [2] Not guilty; [3] Abstain. Your vote must be based on known facts only. Remove all things you have heard, political affiliations, or other. You are not allowed to discuss this with your friends or anyone else. You must vote after you read this article- or remain in front of this article till you do.

0.     SIMPLIFICATION Guideline: I will try to eliminate the complexities of international laws by substitution to personal law that we all understand to some degree. “..most people get very confused when deciding on decisions made by nations because they assume they know nothing of international laws, relations or jurisprudence. International law and relations are exactly similar to local laws within nations, what we refer to as personal law. Replace your nation with an individual and you solve all your dilemmas based on international relations. Replace ICKJ with your local court and now you can participate.

We replace the countries with local persons in your city.

1.     Baseline: All these citizens are living in the US. They are living in one city (Chose your own city). Then apply your local laws to the best of your ability.

2.     Your Citizens:

[i] US (John): John is the richest patriarch of the city. He belongs to the Upper Class, of Christian background and in this city is known for maximum influence, money, weapons and power. He is the Mayor and funds many organizations and thus has strong influence over all city deals. Runs his house on consensus decisions. Known to not invite Muslims into to his house for any gatherings or parties. Recently signed a very large business deal with Ahmed who plans on purchasing some weapons and guns that is a very high margin business of John and a critical source of his family income. .

[ii] Saudi Arabia (Ahmed): Ahmed is a rich, upper middle class, Muslim individual making all their money as the owner of all the five gas stations in the city. Reportedly trying to usurp another family, by the name of Rahman (Yemen), that bought two gas stations on the outskirts of the city. Recently bought lots of army grade weapons from John. Ahmed reportedly accused of shooting two members and three children of the Rahman family. Case closed due to lack of evidence. Rahman is not part of this decision process it is mentioned as one of the witnesses brought this up. Delete this case in your decision. Now buying guns from John who is a known manufacturer/supplier of security and weapons. Ahmed runs his home on extremely autocratic principles based on extreme Islamic principles. He does not allow women in his house to step our without being fully covered and accompanied by a male member of the family. Ahmed has rented out an unoccupied outhouse from Salim on the other side of town. Ahmed has fitted the outhouse with world-class army grade security guards and electronics. Only Ahmed’s family members can access this outhouse where they have total control. Not even the police can enter this building. Ahmed has a group of world class armed security personal working around the clock at this site and guarding this site. Fact is no normal person can enter or exit this outhouse without a barrier of security personnel and devices- deemed impossible.

 [iii] Turkey (Salim): A middle class individual whose outhouse has been rented out to Ahmed. The outhouse is secured by world-class security. Salim has a security camera that points to his outhouse’s only front entrance.

[iv] Reporter (Karim) : Karim is a reporter for the local newspaper. He is the center of this crime scene. A video camera caught Karim entering the garage owned by Salim but rented by Ahmed. Karim entered the garage but never came out. His girlfriend, who was parked outside says he never came out. Ahmed claims he left after a few hours. Salim’s video records Karim entering the outhouse and never leaving.

3.     Crime Facts:

[a] Karim enters the outhouse to pick some personal papers that he legally has a right to collect. His girlfriend drives him to the outhouse and waits outside

[b] Karim is recorded entering the outhouse at 3:15pm on Friday October 11th. His girlfriend keeps waiting outside till the outhouse officially closes. His girlfriend reports the matter to the police as the outhouse closes at 5pm. The report is received at 5:36PM

[c] On the 12th morning recordings show Ahmed’s personal security guard, his personal doctor entering the outhouse with twelve other security guards. Video shows the doctor carrying a bone saw normally used for cutting bones of cadavers. They come in two vans. On 12th evening a cleaning crew from out of town is seen entering the outhouse and leaving after many hours. No news of who that crew was or whether they were interviewed. They are in the video footinsgs

[d] On the 14th when the local and national newspapers report the case the local police are initially denied entry. Police place the outhouse in lock-down.

[e] On the 15th when police are allowed to enter they report that (1) The outhouse caretaker has flown out of the country. (2) In addition, the police reports that some walls have been very recently painted over. (3) The reporter has totally disappeared from the face of earth

4.     Scenario background: Karim the news reporter used to be a first-cousin family member of the Ahmed household. A few years ago he left the authoritarian house and started working with a neighboring newspaper. Karim is reported to request some legal papers that belonged to him and got an appointment to pick them up on October 11th. Karim was invited many times into the House of Ahmed but openly feared for his life due to the autocratic power that the house controlled (he was recorded saying the same on a local news channel in the neighboring city)


[1] Karim entered the Outhoouse – video evidence. 10/18 update. For 7 days Ahmed and his outhouse manager inisted that Karim left the outhouse. On 10/18 Ahmed announced that Karim got into a fight and died in the outhouse.

[2] Karim never came out of the Outhouse (video evidence + Karims girlfriend stayed outside till 5 PM called the police at 5:30pm. The outhouse totally shuts down at 5pm. 10/18 update: Ahmed and his group have announced that Karim did die in the outhouse.

[3] Karim was probably murdered in the outhouse – No body has yet been found

[4] Ahmed’s personal security guard and doctor were seen entering and exiting the outhouse in two vans with dark windows – video evidence. 10/18 Update: Ahmed has placed all security personnel who belong to his inner circle under house arrest. His religion allows his to be the judge, jury and executioner. John support all his decisions as they are announced.

[5] A cleaning crew is seen entering the outhouse and leaving after a few hours - video evidence. Ahmed states that they hired some external agency that cleaned the outhouse.

[6] Police reports that they have taken some DNA evidence – police reports. 10/18 updates: No details from police on DNA evidence

[7] A neighbor working with Ahmed states he has recordings of the murder but these have not been submitted. 10/18: No further updates of these videos and/or audion


A. where is the body

B. Can Ahmed present the security members for questioning to the courty? He says no!

C. Where is the Manager of the outhouse

d. What judgement has Ahmed passed on the people he has arrested?


A.     Fundamental Question: Should the same rules apply for the Rich family or a middle-class family or any citizen in your country (National law). Should the same rule apply whether the victim or the accused is a Muslim or not. Co-incidentally all the crime scene players are Muslims- should that matter. Fact: Both international and local laws mandate that laws must be applied equally for all persons. It is a crime to try and influence any decisions of the jurors or change evidence in order to change outcomes.

B.     Option 1- Separate rules for the Rich: There is an option that because US, our richest citizen, stands to gain from a very large business deal (from Saudi) they might request leniency for the murder of the reporter who is just a common citizen. This would indicate that laws for the rich should be treated differently from laws for the common citizens

C.     Option 2- One Single truth: The second option is to abide all decisions based on a single criminal law without any consideration of caste, sex, religion, money, politics, lawyers, profits or power.

D.    Read between the lines: Apply the above rules each time you read any report, recommendations or solutions and decide the city you want to live in and the laws you want to apply, i.e. option 1 or option 2. Remember it could be your child in that garage next.


1.     Ahmed is guilty of sending his goons to take out Karim, i.e. the guards acted on instructions from Ahmed

2.     Ahmed and his guards are guilty of premeditated Homicide of Karim

3.     Ahmed and his guards are guilty of Heinous manslaughter, i.e. cutting Karim’s body and disposing the parts therein

4.     The absconding outhouse manager is guilty of the murder

5.     Ahmed, the security team and the outhouse manager are guilty of the murder, the cleanup and hiding the body somewhere.


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