Simplicity. Why do we so often forget about this fundamental and powerful feature?

Simplicity. Why do we so often forget about this fundamental and powerful feature?

In operations, businesses, or projects, and even in our daily lives, simplicity is a critical success factor that we often neglect.

Well, it seems like some people said to themselves, “So, why make things simple when by making them complicated, the result is the same?.”

But reality proves them wrong repeatedly, not only in the present day but also throughout civilization’s history.

My ability to understand and admire simplicity came through the study of military strategies at the Chilean Navy Naval War College, where simplicity is a “Fundamental Principle” of maritime strategy and operations design.

Throughout my professional life, I have been able to see with my own eyes, regardless of the industry, that the simpler a plan is, the better it works!

Many are the theories of “Waste,” “Only What Adds Value,” and many more that come and go just like trends, obeying the current company board decisions. But what do they have in common? Simplicity. Each one of them is based on this principle.

But why is simplicity linked to success? Very simple… RISK, specifically, the decrease in risk.

The more complex a plan is, as a machine, circuit, or Software development, the more prominent is its risk of failing; it is more likely someone is wrong, or doesn’t do what they are supposed to do, or doesn’t meet the design parameters...

On the contrary, in my Project classes, I always try to teach my students the Anglo-Saxon principle of KISS, that it actually is an American concept. Still, in the end, it reflects a lot of the Anglo-Saxon’s practicality in problem-solving...

Do you know her?... Yes, KISS, I’m not talking about a kiss on the cheek or the lips. I’m talking about, and I don’t know if a theory, but at least one way of thinking and doing things...

Keep It Simple, Stupid!, although I prefer to use “keep it stupidly simple” for the sake of my students and mine.

Intelligent people can straightforwardly describe very complex concepts so that everyone understands the plan; therefore, its execution is successful.

Imagine something different from:


In Einstein’s theory of relativity, the key, beyond many other things like the mathematical and physical genius he had to develop to reach it, is the simplicity of the formula itself.

Why is simplicity essential? Well, as I’ve already advanced:

Lower risk: Simpler things tend to fail less, fewer assumptions, fewer problems, the minor chance of failure

Ease of implementation: The simplest things do not require “Geniuses” to be implemented... Or you have never heard the saying “It’s Not Rocket Science”? Even Wernher Von Braun, the father of modern rocketry, advocated simplicity in his designs.

Fewer Logistics: Simpler things require fewer parts, fewer supports, and less maintenance and supervision. So, it is a double success: less complexity and more significant savings of resources and effort.

Ease of Understanding: All projects and plans require to be “Sold” to someone: investors, director’s board, project committees, or superiors. Before a project can even get a green light, something simple is much easier to sell because ordinary people understand it. Hardly someone will authorize an investment or invest themselves in something they don’t understand. Unless you’re Forest Gump, but that’s fiction from a Hollywood movie.

Traceability: The simplest things are the easier to evaluate and control they will be. So it also decreases the need for supervision and, as I said above, the logistics associated with it.

Many are the reasons and very compelling causes that seduce us repeatedly to abandon the principle of being simple. Whether it’s differentiating from the competition, being innovative, doing things differently, looking more appealing, and many others, but none of them are dissociated or contrasted with simplicity, it’s quite the opposite.

Simplicity will become a powerful ally and undoubtedly the “secret” of your success when you seek to differentiate yourself from others or find a different way of doing things.

You may come up with more reasons to be simple, but deep down, what I ask is...

When you do something, for the sake of your project, its success, and those who will implement it, always think.... can this be simplified?

I assure everyone will thank you, even yourself.

Remember, everyone can do anything, but only those who do it the simplest will prevail over their peers.

And I thank you for your time reading these brief words.


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