Simplicity in Software Architecture
Lev Selector, Ph.D.
AI Expert, Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, LLM - Large Language Models, ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini, Mistral, Ollama, Local AI Solutions, RAG, Vector Databases, Embeddings, Machine Learning
Some Quotes:
"There are two ways of constructing a software design; one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult." - C. A. R. Hoare
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. " - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"Thank you, Lord, for making all necessary things simple, and all complicated things unnecessary" - H. S. Skovoroda (1722-1794)
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
KISS principle - Keep It Simple, Stupid - I don't know the author
"You can see that [with a simpler toolkit] the amount of extension programming goes up considerably. What you don't see is that the total implementation effort may be much lower because the underlying toolkit is much simpler. There the programmers need spend much less time reading documentation, fitting their new software into the old, etc. Sometimes less is more. " - Philip Greenspun,
Two-weeks rule
If you can't see that you can complete the project in 2 weeks - don't do it immediately. Think first.
Because if you think it takes 2 weeks- it will take 2 months.
Whereas if you think it will take 2 months - it will take a year.
And in the middle, you or your boss will realize that it should be done differently - thus you will never finish it.
Many projects failed because their architects failed to make things simple. They tried to make things right. As a result, they have built systems which were never quite operational and couldn't survive change.
The great marketer Joe Sugarman has a little formula for judging any project he gets involved in. He calls it ELF : Easy, Lucrative, and Fun.
"Do we really need it" or 90/10 rule
Often 10% of features takes 90% of your programming time.
By sacrificing them you may make your project 10 times simpler.
Same principle can be applied to the features of programming architecture. Trying to make perfect code may make your project 10 times more complex.
For example, let's say you need a report. So you asked two programmers ( John Hacker and Bob Architect ) to make it.
John Hacker hacked a script in one hour and emailed you the report. You looked at the result - and realized that your original requirements were not correct. So you asked to make another report - which John emailed you in next 10 min. After going back and forth 5-10 times you were completely satisfied. You could customize the reports providing some simple parameters on the command line or in a short text file. John sent you all the scripts along with a short README instructions text file. He also put the scripts on the web server and made a simple text-only web page so that you can access the scripts using your browser. The results may be sent to you via email or shown on the web page.
Bob Architect, on the other hand, is a true believer that if you do things right - it will save you effort in the long run. So he started to draw UML diagrams to make proper Object Oriented design of the "report engine". He also decided to make a proper GUI interface. When John already went through 10 revisions, Bob was still busy thinking about distributing responsibilities between his classes and interfaces, and was very proudly telling you about his elegant design of "request manager", "cache manager" and "report manager", etc., etc. Finally, he made the application work - but it took him 10 times longer. And when he finished - you already needed different reports. So you asked him to change the reports - but only found that your new requirements don't fit well into his object model, so he will have to start from scratch. Does this sound familiar?
In this scenario, first programmer sacrificed some features (GUI, OO design) - but got the job done. Yes, the approach was not very pretty. But it was fast, simple, allowed to move forward, and next time can be changed as necessary.
Here is a wonderful story illustrating the above:
I truly believe that every time when you have to choose between "making things right" and "making things simple", the simple path will be much better for you over and over again.
I have several personal cases of winning against competitors that had literally 100 times more resources (money, people, etc.). They failed because they wanted to make things right. So they would draw a plan, distribute responsibilities, debate a 5-year budget - and never (NEVER) deliver a final product. And we simply went after simplicity – and delivered very fast.
Application vs Toolset
You have to decide very carefully whether you really need to deliver a finished application - or the client will be much happier with a toolset which would allow him to get functionality he needs.
It is ~100 times more difficult to deliver a finished application, because you have to test it on all supported platforms, provide documentation and customer service, work out all small details. On the other side, finished application is not flexible and may not fit customer needs. The bigger the client - the more flexibility he may require.
Thus, it makes no sense to spend too much time on making a turn-key application for a big client. Instead you may design a set of modules which allow to easily construct custom applications for the client. While working with many clients, you will add more and more modules to your toolset, thus making your toolset more valuable to your market.
Each individual module can be small, manageable and reliable. The custom application as a whole will be probably built by the client - so you don't have to provide customer support on it's quality.
Thus by shifting your goal from making a compiled product to making a toolset, you made your work 10-100 times simpler and easier, and you made yourself 10 times more valuable to the marketplace.
Best tool for the job
There is no such thing as the best programming language. It is silly to think so. Different languages are best suited for different tasks. Good designer is the one who can select (and use) a good tool for the job at hand.
Or, if he doesn't have a tool - he/she can create one.
Changing Fast - Live or Die
Today (as always) we face 2 conflicting requirements:
- systems get larger and more complex
- systems need to change more often - and changes should be made faster
When things start to change faster and faster - simplicity becomes a "live or die" requirement. In many situations you literally don't have enough time to make things "right" or complex.
What do you prefer - a simple system which does the job - or a system which is architectured "correctly", - but never quite works, and can't be adapted to your requirements fast enough?
So it is not about "making it right" any longer. It is about making it simple to change and adapt faster.
Perfect garbage
Software systems are like live organisms - they have many imperfections, and they always growing and changing. By the time you make them perfect - they usually get thrown away and substituted by other systems.
All real working systems are far from being perfect. Perfect systems are garbage.
What makes more sense to you - making things right, or making things work and be useful ?
When Object Oriented programming can cause problems
I've heard many times that Object-Oriented paradigm is the best invention since starting the programming era. I agree, it is a great thing.
I also believe that the best thing about OO programming is not objects themselves - but the culture of structuring the application in a way that helps you program and maintain the application. Experience in OO programming changes the way you think and makes you a better programmer.
Or a worse programmer. Because when people get very familiar and involved with objects, they start creating them everywhere - even when they are not needed at all. This happens a lot when programmers use graphical tools (like Rational Rose) and UML diagrams to structure their applications. These tools make it extremely easy to create classes. And programmers get in a habit of drawing new classes every time they need some functionality. It is easy and addictive. And this occupation is well paid (called "Architect").
As a result I've seen a program, which instead of simply printing an html tag was going though a process of creating a class for the tag, and then classes for all parameters of this tag, and then running methods to to get the tag together and print it out. This is like instead of saying "The height is 6 feet", you would say: "The height is exp(ln(6.0)) feet".
Big complex systems remind me of dinosaurs. Do you remember what happened to them? And who is now dominating the Earth?
The hierarchical structures of OO programs can be very useful for some applications. But not always. For example, in big organizations you simply can't get everything into one hierarchical structure. All you can do is establish some pretty liberal general guidelines and rules of communication.
Evolutionary Development
Let's say you started a web site with just one page. Then you added some more. You working one page at a time. Each page is a finished product. Together pages make a whole system - your web site.
This incremental growth is stable, you always succeed, because each step is simple enough and rewarding enough.
This is an example of evolutionary development. You start from a simple bare bones single function utility. Then you write another one. And another. You add features. You combine them together - and finally you have a product.
You allow the program to grow as a child. When the child is born - you don't know exactly what it will grow into. May be the product itself will not be a success - but one of the components will.
The art is to structure the development process into a set of easy and rewarding small steps, so that the product starts to be useful at early stages. And then it grows and improves with the feedback from users.
If software is simple and useful - it can start with a 2-week project - and then grow as a child. But if software is not simple or not useful - it will be very difficult for it to grow or even survive, regardless of how much time and money were originally invested, or how "right" was its design.
I wrote this - and then found that I was not the first who formulated this. See for example - "Worse Is Better" by Richard P. Gabriel.