Simplicity: a short summer reading list from the Daily Thoughts collection

Simplicity: a short summer reading list from the Daily Thoughts collection

Here is a short collection of Daily Thoughts on Simplicity. Remember to forward to friends and colleagues! Or to invite others to subscribe and join the conversation

‘Grasps the facts, misses the meaning’: The Leadership Dyslexia upon us
The company that gets better and better after disruption, disorder or chaos.

The cost of doing something versus the cost of not doing it. The second half is often missing.
Chose your problems, before they chose you.
We never solve problems; it’s a question of working on the best trade off.
Pilot or pastor? From the No-nonsense Francis School of Leadership
Mathematize: the 9 things you need to know about things that start with numbers
If skimming is the new reading, critical thinking in organizations will become even harder. Start your own ‘Read-it-all-Movement’.
Richard Branson says ‘Complexity is our enemy’. He is wrong. The only enemy of complexity is in our minds’ inability to manage it.


Leandro Herrero, organizational architect, is the author of six management books, amongst them Viral Change and Homo Imitans. He is the pioneer of the Viral Change Organizational Platform, and The Chalfont Project Accelerators, Reboot! and Disruptive Ideas. His latest book However; Work could be remarkable is a selection of those Daily Thoughts. He leads The Chalfont Project, and Viral Change Global LLP.

Daily Thoughts, are live every day at 08:00 am UK time, in and distributed by email subscription and @LeandroEHerrero. Leandro Herrero writes about all things change and transformation, leadership and critical thinking in organizations, topics that he speaks about to corporate audiences around the world.

See all his posts in a helicopter view of here

Speaking engagements: [email protected]

The first compilation of Daily Thoughts appeared in a book format HOWEVER, WORK COULD BE REMARKABLE


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