Happiness is not dependent on external circumstances; rather, it is to be found in the simpler joys of life, and most of all in the ever new bliss of deep meditation....
Be happy by clinging to the simple, true, and lasting soul-joys.They come by deep thinking, introspection, spiritual inspiration, and meditation.
A complex material life is only pleasing to the eyes and the status consciousness of the ego, but few realize “what price material comforts.” Economic slavery, nervousness, business worries, unfair competition, dissensions, lack of freedom, disease, misery, old age, and death are the harvest of a materially compacted existence.
So much is missed when there is no time left for the appreciation of beauty, Nature, and God’s many expressions in life.
Keep life simple and enjoy what God has provided, without seeking false and expensive pleasures. There is much in God’s hidden nature to fascinate the mind of man.
Use your free time to read worthwhile books, meditate, and enjoy an uncomplicated life.
~ Paramahansa Yogananda