The Simplicity Mindset for Property Managers
Tony LeBlanc
I help Property Managers Scale to 1,000 Doors & Beyond by focusing on Doors, Systems, and Maintenance.
Want to make your business more predictable and sustainable?
Simplify everything!
The complications involved in the world of Property Management can be downright crippling … but only if you let it. Over the past 8 years, I’ve had my ups and downs with my management firm. I get so overwhelmed that I become frozen. I could literally sit and stare at my computer screen for hours and do absolutely nothing.
The short answer is because of a lack of systems and my overwhelming desire to complicate things. Trying to grow and run a management company with over a 1000 doors is no easy task. I made the mistake of taking what should have been simple tasks and complicated the hell out of them.
Over and over and over again.
Luckily, I’ve had a partner by my side that has a level head and always gives me great words of encouragement. His famous line is the following:
“Take the extra 5 minutes to do something right”
Sounds simple right?
To some yes but to guys like me, not so much. I have to work at it. I tend to reply to emails quickly and If I could, it would always be 1 liners.
A big influence for The Simplicity Mindset was made famous by the great author, Steven R Covey and is one of his top principles.
‘Begin with the end in mind’
This concept alone is the foundation for the Simplicity Mindset. To have a simplicity mindset, you must be able to clearly define what it is you are trying to accomplish. I’ve lost count the number of times that I’ve come up with what I thought was the next greatest idea, to have it only backfire within days due to my lack of clarity. To not being able to clearly articulate or document the end results that I was looking for.
For the most part, believe it or not, Property Management is a very predictable business. Every month, we go through the same cycles. Sure, there are some surprises but for the most part, there are certain things that always need to be done on a certain date or time of the month.
A lot of PM’s out there struggle with internal systems. It starts out harmless because most PM’s can handle managing 100 doors on their own or with very little help. Everything changes when you get to over 250. Doing everything yourself is no longer a reality and thus reliable and documented systems are needed.
Unfortunately for PM’s out there, there are very few resources out in the market place that offers any kind of help in this area. Most PM’s are left to figure it out. Some do and some don’t. This is a big factor in the failure rate amongst out industry.
If I’ve peaked your interest, please stay in touch with me as I take you further into the journey of discovering the pmology CODE.