It was Sunday morning. Although I am an early riser, I planned to sleep extra hours as it was Sunday. But my ticking internal clock doesn't give a damn about Sunday. I woke up with the first beam of sunlight, looked at my alarm clock, and was like- Ugh! Why so early today? Anyways, I crawled out of my bed with heavy eyes and went straight to the kitchen for black coffee. This was my first weekend in my newly rented apartment, and I wanted to enjoy my balcony view with a hot mug of black coffee.

As I rubbed my eyes and took the first sip of black coffee, I could feel the passage of coffee through every nerve of my body, giving a strong stimulus to my brain to wake up. Further, the second sip was an eye-opener to my balcony's beautiful and serene view. And this simple and serene view drastically altered my perception of my hum-drum life.

Leaning forward from the rails of my balcony, I saw a small crystal-clear lake surrounded by blue skies and green fields. And amidst the lake, there was a happy fisherman who was singing aloud while fishing. Although I couldn't see his face clearly, I was blown away by his soothing song. You can make out that he was a pure soul, untouched by the claws of material things and enjoying the treats of mother Earth.?

I started drawing a parallel between our lives. He was a humble, happy and joyous man, content with everything he got and enjoying every moment of his life. And here I stand before him as a free radical soul, trying my best to earn more name and respect and fit into the mad rat race of the busy world but still lie discontent and disgruntled. He was a free man, but I was trapped in the web of pleasing everyone. He was in perfect harmony with earthly tunes, and I have lost my tune to the noise of mobiles and computers.

After comparing both lives, I asked myself a simple question: Is it so difficult to lead a simple life, or have we wrapped simplicity with a veil of Busyness and Complications?

I realized it's never difficult to enjoy the marvel of a simple life. We have COMPLICATED our lives and converted BUSYNESS into a trademark of the contemporary world. We always try to reflect that we are preoccupied and busy and have a complicated life to prove our worth in society. Busyness has truly transformed into a status symbol, and simplicity has lost value.

But what's the harm in leading a simple life? A simple life might not appear appealing to the cloud of busy bees, but it will keep you happy and content. Embracing nature, enjoying life, and being happy are the perks of a simple life. After all, Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.

A simple view has changed my perspective on life and made me a happy and optimistic person. Now I wake up with a smile, enjoy my black coffee and sing with the fisherman. Hopefully, I will learn to fish someday! I eagerly await to unfold new chapters of my life with simplicity and a beautiful smile.


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