Simplicity, Around the Corner
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
This morning, amidst grading and following a very rough day yesterday, I found this from Joe Calloway. Timely.
Timely for me, and timely for my "Seasonal" message this year.
2022 has been a year of change pour moi. Maybe for you too? Certainly the last few years have been thus for many. Indeed, in its own way, I see 2023 as being one of change. I work one to one, and in small and larger groups ... with Entrepreneurs, Educators and Emerging Leaders ... as leaders seeking to unite and inspire... to more effectively respond to change… and constructively create it. And I deal with my own, and create my own.
The Slippery Slope
But Joe's post addresses an area that is a bit of a slippery slope, at times, for us all. This "normal" and "new normal thing" is another kind of labelling that I sometimes find counterproductive. Life is life. It changes and it challenges. In my own lifetime, I have experienced changes personally and professionally; some minor, others MAJOR and everywhere in between. For you too, no doubt? Consider Joe's words... "whatever happens is normal" because change is normal.
Simplicity helps us rid ourselves of "clutter" and sometimes that clutter is the thought, "Why is this happening to me?" Life happens. To us all. What we do with it, matters.
Character and Purpose
For me, this is the cool work and power of Character, in practice. Guided by a simple sense of Purpose, these twin forces can provide the anchor, ballast, rudder and sail amidst life and all that it brings. Together, they help forge a kind of Unity within. We know what matters most to us and we give that our attention. We have a clear sense of meaning... amidst the ongoing change and challenge of life.
Indeed, we even might have a ever better sense of Just Cause and Infinite Game, that can propel us through and beyond any change or challenge along the proverbial way.... and keep us grounded in what matters most.
Wisdom and Responsibility
As I do my own work... these words of Joe in Keep It Simple... they have resonance. They are timely. It is what it is may be cliché, but cliché is often Wisdom born of experience.
In Doing the Work, I offered up:
... and now am reminded of the Wisdom that life is life and that we respond as best we can, That is response ability. That is Responsibility... in practice.
My Simplicity
I am reminded of my own need to be a Simple Man. Among the constructs I am questioning, I am now, first and foremost, meditating and reflecting on Simplicity. Thanks Joe for that nudge. With it, I go back to my adopted and owned 4 works for 2023; sharpening the blades on same and such.
Some Simple Questions
This will be my second last post for the Week ahead of the Holidays, Holly Days and Holy Days. That in mind and heart, I now wish you a wondrous Season, however you celebrate or Honor it... and I encourage you to do the work and to ponder the words of Joe and what living simpler might look like for you in 2023. Ask yourself...
Caring is Coming
That said, my next and last blog post ahead of these Holidays, Holly Days and Holy Days will be about the power of (and need for) Caring... with thoughts that might stimulate thought. Indeed and in deed, it will be a little different that you might expect and will reflect on Temperament and Caring, and more. I might even dare to say that it will be one of my more thoughtful offerings this Year. I hope you check it out.
In Closing
That all said, for now... let us remember that Simplicity is a choice, and it is just around the corner if we choose thusly. This does not deny the endless multitude of connections throughout life between ideas, people, events and more. And it does not mean that there are no hindrances. There are. But life is what it is. And, we can, and often do, overthink it. Our approach towards life, with Simplicity... matters. So, I leave you with these words of LP Jacks that speak to me of Studentry, Mastery and Simplicity...
I also leave you again with the afore noted words of Joe Calloway. In so being and doing, a better future for us all can result.