The simplest yet powerful things you have
Shuang Min Chang
I empower overworked yet underwhelmed high achievers to revolutionize success, freedom & relationships through alignment with Universal Love
We just came out of the Chinese New Year holiday.
I had a blast with my family.
My brother was home.
My sister was home.
Was pretty sure Dad was happy to have we all at the same time.
This was the first year we had the celebration without my mom.
The discussion of preparing the traditional ceremonies and offerings was chaotic and we ended up having way more food for 5 days.
Before the holiday, I marked my scheduling journal to be off during these days to be fully with my family.
We had lunch party with our extended family and games.
We went hiking in the hilly area near our home town.
We binged on Netflix together.
I had some undercurrent of nagging and anxiety within myself.
"I could have used these time to do something more useful!"
"Useful" being "work-related" or whatever that is more proper, like using the holiday to read a book.
Especially being a solopreneur didn't help,
When the line between profession and private life was blurred, the feeling of needing constantly being productive was a motivation killer.
I was secretly low for a couple of days this week.
The self-judgement during the holiday took a tool.
When doing my daily channeling practice, I asked about why I had been "moody".
Why motivation was so hard to come by and procrastination was so easy to break in my door?
?? Have you ever felt de-motivation and procrastination is your dream killer?
?? Have you ever felt they were also the culprits of your constant unhappiness and anxiety?
"Where the Fcck did you pay your attention to?" was the message I got from my guides.
"Wasn't there joy?"
I paused.
I started listing down all the joy I felt and created during the holiday.
Instantly, I was motivated and ready to go again.
It took neither courage to overcome some sort of fear nor rewards of any from, compliment or money.
I had been asked to align with joy for months.
And I finally got it.
?? Have you tried gratitude journal but still found yourself paralyzed by gazillion of fear or multiple high-speed trains of thoughts?
?? Have you tried affirmation and meditation but still found yourself so far away from the goal and the person you want to be?
Make a short list of joyous things in your day.
NOT how working on your goal, job or to do make you joyous.
BUT those joyous moments which simply make your life possible.
Being able to sit in front of the TV without guilt.
Being able to play with your children without interrupted by work message for 20 mins.
Being able to laugh at a silly joke which you overheard while riding the metro.
The small, little joyous moments we tend to overlook.
Try joy.
And let me know how it goes.
Sending love,
P.S. When you are ready to tap into your deep well of joy and love, here is what I can do for you.
1?? Soul. Love. Whisper Session: a 45-mins session where I channeled a message from your highest potential for you to open up space, energy and possibility to shift your world. Schedule Here
2?? You REALLY want lead and live your life as a creation instead of as a check-list and obligation - more impact, more love and more freedom and want to have someone by your side, Schedule a Love. Discovery Call to find out what's possible for you.