#SimpleIdea2015: 1 Lesson from Jim Marshall,Darwin,Churchill,JFK & FDR
@GarethWong Happy Chinese New Year of 羊, 喜氣洋洋,羊羊得意!恭喜发财 & 新年快乐!

#SimpleIdea2015: 1 Lesson from Jim Marshall,Darwin,Churchill,JFK & FDR

Western Festive Season has arrived and gone, hope you all have had a safe, warm & happy+quality family (& friends) time & fantastic start to 2015.

For those that might wanted more for Lunar New Year of the Lamb/Goat/Ram (same word in Chinese羊), this may be the best time to take stock, reflect and set new year #DailyChallenges & long term goal for the rest of the year? why not "make the time" to plan ahead?

I believe there is One simple universal Lesson we can learn from Jim Marshall (founder of Marshall Amps), Charles Darwin, Sir Winston Churchill, US Presidents JFK & Franklin D.Roosevelt. We see their "life's work" affecting us daily even now, how did they achieve that?

What do they all have in common? and is there any lesson in their road to success that is applicable for us 'mere mortals'?

For those that do not have time to read rest of this article (with some distillations from wisdom of great European & Chinese thinkers from -372BCs) next two paragraphs are the answers. If you think you might have some unmet potential that you would like to unleash, the rest of this article is for you!

{ I would ask you make the 3-5 minutes time to read through (& keen to hear your thoughts/feedback on this subject in the comments: Please do make direct constructive+value-adding feedback or suggest links for areas of research that might prove or dis-prove my theory.. .)} [This post is also applicable to major Corporate to even StartUP, but I will explain more when I talk about "Corporate Parenthood" in future posts should there be a demand for it.]

My thesis is that these great #WorldFixers typically would have to go through some "Rite of Passage", typically overcoming "Consciously & Actively" some personal tragedies, defects and/or illness. Should they survive and thrive after, combined with right goal(s), work hard daily (& forms new Reflex/Habit) and consequently "can achieve anything". Of course, Luck, Circumstances, other people's help/investments and sometimes even fate might play a major role! (as no doubt many would have given up long before!)

I would like to re-frame their great work as having #FixedTheWorld (rather than changing the world, which could go both ways.). However, given how tough their lives were, we should not wish same fate on even our worst enemies! Is short term glamour/adulation and/or recognition after death worth a lifetime of suffering? do tell me if you agree! (can any of the reality TV star survive such challenge for a few months or just a year?)

For YOU the Lucky ones:

Namely, if you have healthy body/minds and no disasters hit upon you & your families (touch wood). I honestly believe you can also achieve similar success via my suggestions below.. Adding a bit of luck, help from others, attaining your chosen goals (please choose wisely), major success might be closer than you think! I would like to quote our friends from Apple, James & Steve:

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"Aristotle" by Francesco Hayez (1791–1882)

Aristotle 384 BCE: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit."

IMHO, the one overriding Lesson to "World-Fixing Success" is a three part Acronym : "Forti-SUM-Love", the three key steps are:

1.) Train for "Fortitude": by developing Motivation & 苦練 (Hard Practice), typically become a nature/reflex by overcoming #DailyChallenges (personal, natural or self-set challenges),

2.) "SUM": Set long term and sometimes Seemingly Un-achievable Mission (& re-adjust shorter term goals), this is essentially a "Life Purpose" (self-select or otherwise),

3.) "Persevering AND Developing" what becomes a "New Habit" or "New Love of their lives" despite biggest/monumental setback, or whole world is against them/their ideas.

{ " 1+2+3 = Western Idea of FLOW or Wu Wei 無爲 / 无为 with the right goal that #FixTheWorld hopefully! " }

[ If you are interested, to learn more two great videos: a.) Ted Talk by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness, b.) The Paradox of Wu Wei by Prof Edward Slingerland. ]

The brilliant article on @TheEconomist Johnson: Language networks When bigger isn't better 31Dec2014 has encouraged me to include some more references of Chinese Philosopher to further understanding of our apparently "not yet" influential/connected Chinese language.

My personal motto/quote that inspires me daily is adopted from 孟子 (Mencius 372BC, Chinese philosopher):

(do support/donate to Jimmy's Wikipedia)

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Translation: That is why Heaven, when it is about to confer a great office on a man, always first tests his resolution, exhausts his frame and makes him suffer starvation and hardship, frustrates his efforts so as to shake him from his mental latitude, toughen his nature and make good his deficiencies. (from Wooster college.)

I would like to argue that what makes Jim Marshall, Darwin, Churchill, JFK & FDR great are their #DailyChallenges of overcoming their own personal (sometimes hidden) defects/illnesses, all the while still working towards their personal goals without any fear nor hesitation (often times the world thinks they are delusional!). Indeed, it might very much feels like going into battle daily. [If you are short of time, feel free to skip the life stories and go to the end for the explanation of the above solutions.]

Below are summaries of their lives with my broken English (hopefully still with sound logic):

Jim Marshall:

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(photo credit Damien Maguire/Rex Features)

As not many people at the time knows Jim Marshall (wiki,obituary) (founder of Marshall Amps, which adorn all major self-respecting rock star's stage presence) had a rare condition of "tubercular bones" where from age 5 to 12 and a half, his whole body was encased in plaster (see biography "Father of lound") & lay in hospital for 7 whole years! He then took up dancing (to strengthen his legs) and discovered he could sing, whilst at the same time worked multiple jobs from singing, filling milk bottles to boiling jams etc. (85hrs work per week vs standard work week 48hrs in a factory) as he vowed not to become his dad to be out of job and be depressed... Can many people on or out of the dole can do that now?

Question is, would any of the healthy Millennial, Gen-Y, 八零后 or little-emperors' become that driven? Would any of us be able to come back and work that hard after being bed-ridden for 7years?

I would like to argue that Jim Marshall's childhood #DailyChallenge (being in a cast and bed-ridden everyday) which he conquered, empowered him to gain Drive, "Brilliant work ethics", "Self-believe" and maybe doing everything with a sense of 'urgency'. That was the reason for his success! Guess he was lucky to gain 'Fortitude' by overcoming such health challenge in such a young age.

Charles Darwin:

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Not only did Charles has changed the field of biology, by bringing & proving to the world the theory of "Evolution" and "Natural Selection". Due to his success, study of species made sense after-all. Not only that, after all these years, you may have observed that everything seems to be named after Darwin, from ships, mountain to national date and even banknotes also has his face on it!

It was sadly not always the case! When his seminal work of his life The origins of Species was published, his proposed ideas was not generally accepted initially and even after his death, his proposed theory of Natural Selection was still not recognised universally.. until much later.

Another major fact that is not as well know (unless you studied biology or history) that he was mostly sick during his adult life, leaving him severely debilitated for long periods of time.

Darwin's autobiography states: "Even ill-health, though it has annihilated several years of my life, has saved me from the distractions of society and amusement". Indeed, someone like George Pickering, in his book Creative Malady (1974) argued that (as described by the wikipedia page) "wrote that isolated from social life and obligations of a "normal" scientist, such as administrative and teaching work, Darwin had ample time and material comforts for researching, thinking, and writing extensively, which he did. Despite the long periods of unproductive caused by ill health, Darwin produced much research."

Questions: wonder if we were bedridden even for a few days/weeks, would we persevere to read or write or ponder on a life long theory? Most people like me would probably be wallowing in our own sorrow (asking for love ones) and not wanting to do anything. What would you do if you were bed-ridden on and off for years!? What if everyone do not believe in and even ridicule you and your life's work (whilst you are alive)? Would you continue?

I would like to argue that Darwin's #DailyChallenge with the sickness did not deter him, nor did it detract him from his long term Seemingly Un-achievable Personal Mission to figure out how the natural world works... adding to his Fortitude gained by constantly fighting his illness, you might also observe that there is a powerful pattern emerging.

Sir Winston Churchill:

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Sir Churchill (dedicated new website) does not need any introduction, he has been credited for saving Britain and France from Nazi Germany during the second world war (with help from FDR/US). It might not be as well known that he had to overcome many personal daily challenges from speech impediment (Lisp) to feeling of being abandoned by his parents (a distant & cold mother, and absentee father). Of course being short & bullied +had bad grades at school (what Boris Johnson argue as "short-man's syndrome") meant for rest of his life, Sir Winston tirelessly worked to fight against any bullying regime (he was the lone voice telling the parliament that Hitler should not be trusted). It was a common theme that he held firm beliefs in key issues which majority of the world do not agree with (at the time).

He also wrote and painted prolifically, especially when not in public office (during the wilderness year). In the end, via all the perseverance, his hard work was recognised and was given many honours, including Knight of the Garter, Companion to The Queen, and the first honorary citizen of the United States by Act of Congress, and was award Nobel Prize for Literature.

It is also well known he suffers from depression and some argue that was the reason why he took so much risks by getting onto front line as soldier (despite after escaping from being kept hostage) he went back bravely time and again into different wars to fight on the ground. (He also painted and wrote to help fight the depression)

Ultimately, according to Lady Williams (his secretary 1949-55), he mainly wanted to gain approval from /to please his deceased father (overwhelming affection & anxiety that he has not done enough to please him).

Question is: would any of us be able to become that driven, resolute, brave and decisive continuously throughout our lives given that kind of childhood? (don't forget he was still writing begging letter for affection at age of 17 to his mother!) Combined that with long term depression and the world did not believe him nor his ideas/analysis most of the time, could we still go on?

I would like to argue that by focusing on challenging himself daily (if only to get up, to lay a brick wall literally), Sir Winston has turned his negativity into positive energies whilst in office and in the wilderness years, truly shown how Forti-SUM-Love works. It was however reported that towards the end, he was still disappointed with this own achievements, would it have help if he had found a new love/cause/habit?

President John F Kennedy:

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Kennedy's chronically bad back was only one of his enduring ailments. Here, he is heading to the presidential yacht in June 1961 to host the Japanese prime minister. (Associated Press)

JFK does not need further introduction. Some argue that he is one of the best American president in the 20th century, and despite his short time in office until his tragic assassination, he was rather popular & set the national strategic course to put a man (Neil Armstrong+ others) on the Moon.

Of course this would not have happened had his elder brother Joe Junior did not die during the second world world (during a secret mission). As his father (who was an exiled ambassador) had put great hope and expectations on his eldest of 9 children to become the next US President. The father's hope & dream of the family consequently fell onto the shoulders of the second born son, John F. Kennedy.

What is not as well known until the past 10+ years is that he was in fact since childhood a very sickly child with Addison's disease, consequently as an adult, he had to take daily concoction of drugs and medications in order to be able to “act normal”. Ofcourse, he was not a normal person (but a Presidential candidate!). All these combined meant his medication requirements/intake increased enormously during the demanding Campaigning and Presidential duties (recommended read & a government documentary on his 1000days in office).

It was also reported that reason why he died during the assassination attempt was due to his back braces (that he had to use towards the end to enable him to be able to walk and "act normal") kept him up whilst others would have slumped and the fatal shots would not have entered his body.

Question: Would we be able to perform under such pressure and expectations from our Parents (even only to do well in exams or learn a language/ new life-skill), let alone the expectations of the patriarch to become the next President of United States? Would we stay home and wallow in our physical pains and decide "cannot get up", let alone doing 24/7 months on end national Campaign to run for Presidency?? Even when won, doing a 28/7 weeks to run the country and even find time to meet a few Hollywood starlets?

I would like to argue that through Forti-SUM-LOVE, his decided early on his “Life Purpose” was to become President and do it well, hence he would do WHATEVER that was necessary to make that happen. Of course that is only possible if he had the right Higher Purpose that empower him to be able to persevere and make all that he wanted a reality.

JFK was however was judged as "most overrated" president by a 2014 poll, surveying 391 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section.. (survey administered by Brandon Rottinghaus of the University of Houston and Justin S. Vaughn of Boise State University). I can't possibly comment the poll's accuracy. But we can find another great example of Forti-SUM-Love among the top 5 presidents! Let us turn to the 3rd most Popular President of the same poll.

President Franklin D Roosevelt:

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Much has been written about Franklin D Roosevelt [from one of the best family dynastic story (with multiple presidents)] in western history. If you are really interested in the family (& how he came to be great), I would heartily encourage you to visit Roosevelt Institute website, and watch The Ken Burns

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PBS America's masterpiece called "The Roosevelts: An Intimate History"! His great documentary film explains the history much better than anyone can (with Hollywood A-list star voice-overs), what he called the "Real-life Downton Abbey" (had to take his words for it, as I have not seen Downton yet!)! This article however is focusing specifically on President Franklin D. Roosevelt (notable mention of his wife).

Two brilliant quotes I would like to refer to by FDR's wife Eleanor Roosevelts: "Great Suffering can change a person" & "You must do the thing you think you cannot do", both quotes epitomize the difficult paths that both Eleanor and FDR had charted.

Great man usually have a supportive (at times resentful) and "ever present" force behind him. Eleanor was that support for FDR despite suffered enough in her early childhood (due to losing both parents) and controlling mother-in-law fighting for FDR's attention, and not able to relate to her own children (not as well as her mother-in-law could). Adding insult to injury, her husband betrayed her with social secretary (Lucy Mercer that she hired). After living separately, she finally accepted the long term 'companion' & secretary of FDR in form of Missy LeHand .. and despite everything, she still stayed supportive of her husband (from afar but would get out of the way to help if needed). Independently, she grew up as a mighty political force to be reckoned with (given she had been shy & awkward since childhood), mainly to fight for the disadvantaged. That is a major story on its own, but lets turn to her husband's:

"FDR was the 32nd President of the United States. Not only did he serve an unprecedented four terms in office, but he was also the first president with a significant physical disability. FDR was diagnosed with infantile paralysis, better known as polio, in 1921, at the age of 39. Although dealing with this crippling disease was difficult, many believe that his personal struggles helped shape FDR, both as a man and as a president.", see more on FDR Presidential Library and Museum.

We can therefore understand what might have inspired his great line during the inspirational first inauguration speech: "only thing we have to fear is fear itself" (whilst the whole country is under one of the greatest recession, 1/3 of wage earners were out of work, 40million people had no dependable income !):

Question: What would you do if you lost a political office, stricken down with mysterious illness that made your lower body paralysed at the age of 39. Took 3 years of daily pain of message/physiotherapy to maintain movement and found your physical body has not improved one bit? would you still be able to smile and joke around with your children and "suck it up" and run for the New York Governor's office, then as US President and successfully run it for 2 terms?

I would like to argue that his transformation took two steps: A.) the previously self-assured (but slightly self-obsessed, some argued event stuck-up) younger FDR through marriage and genuine meeting of minds with Eleanor had opened his eyes to other people's sufferings/plights (via her genuine Charity work). B.) The Fortitude he gained by fighting the Polio and accepting the fate had given him much power, resolute and empathy that no other previous presidential candidates had ever had (& since!).

FDR's Seemingly Un-achievable Mission was probably born out of fascination and awe of his hero the previous president Theodore Roosevelt (who was close to Eleanor & gave her away at their wedding). Despite the objections from FDR's controlling mother and Eleanor (wife then) (two most influential people in FDR's life): FDR still went for the elections as Governor of New York (despite not able to walk! ), and then as President and then breaking all rules to be re-elected as 3rd & 4th term President and the rest as they say is Major History!

I would argue that all this was only possible because he was following his heart, and his overriding sense of #DoTheRightThing! I do not see any able-body presidents doing that even now in 2015! Do you agree?

Observe Common Thread but Must Find Different (your own) Path(s):

After describing all these world-changing great people, and their challenges encountered, their life experiences seems to be rather treacherous and monumental for most to bear. Indeed, if you were given the choice to choose before you were born; that you could suffer such torment throughout your whole life, would you elect to be Jim, Charles or even Winston or JFK? Most people would probably say no, as most would consider having already enough problems even with our more mundane lives now!

I would like to argue that through consistent hard work, through #SelfChallenges, we can each succeed in our own way by exceeding our present potential.. it is indeed pointless trying to emulate Richard Branson or Peter Thiel but much better to fight out one's own path to become the next business/charitable leader (Bill Gates and Warren Buffet equivalent) of a new industry.

After reading these world changers' true life stories, I wonder if you would agree with me that the one overriding Lesson to "World-Fixing Success" is indeed "Forti-SUM-Love", as a reminder, my proposed three key steps (keen to hear your feedback) are:

1.) Train for "Fortitude": by developing Motivation & 苦練 (Hard Practice), typically become a nature/reflex by overcoming #DailyChallenges (personal, natural or self-set challenges),

2.) "SUM": Set long term and sometimes Seemingly Un-achievable Mission (& re-adjust shorter term goals), this is essentially a "Life Purpose" (self-select or otherwise),

3.) "Persevering AND Developing" what becomes a "New Habit" or "New Love of their lives" despite biggest/monumental setback, or whole world is against them/their ideas.

{ If done correctly: " 1+2+3 = Western Idea of FLOW or Wu Wei 無爲 / 无为 with the right goal that #FixTheWorld hopefully! " }

For those of you that are persevering with this article (especially for my children & their peers), you are achieving part of the 1st step, feel free to go on!


1) "Fortitude": by developing Motivation & 苦練 (Hard Practice)

Fact: 29% of the global workforce are self-employed in 2013 and they live in some of the poorest places in the world (Gallup Poll 22 Aug 2014).

Can Self-engagement (by #SelfChallenge) help fix some of our world problems?

Even for the employed, a Gallop report stated that only 13% of employees were engaged truly with with their job (Gallup poll 8 Oct 2013). If you are honest with yourself, how engaged are you really with your own body, business and personal life? IMHO, a #SelfChallenged person would have more capacity, energy to do more things (hopefully the right thing).

Ideally you are not too poor (and living a hand to mouth existence), as that might be an exception to the rules: due to "Mindsets of Scarcity" as explained brilliantly by Eldar Shafir below:

it shows that it is natural that most in the scarcity mode might have the capacity to learn/plan for the future. But for those that could, success will be their sweetest fruit after years of hard work! Don't forget it took FDR 3 years to get out to meet the public properly (although he was rich and never need to worry about money)!

Not having any physical or emotional challenges, I would say using #SelfChallenge and Hard training (almost invariably will be painful!), you can set yourself on a path to gain #Fortitude. We can of course talk about efficiency and likely addiction to endorphin/exercise but word of caution, you should check with your doctor first if you have any pre-conditions!

Before you do anything though, are you sure you are in full control of your life, body & soul? If you have not considered this yes, I would recommend the research and talk by Prof MC Schraefel ( @be_champion 15Mar2014: MustAbsorb+Action! @mcphoo 's in5 Tool Kit, "How2B" smarter, faster +get energy! Very informative slides: Talk: Part 1 : Part 2: )

Fact: "Without pressure or goals", it is much simpler to NOT do what is needed!

Everyone has to search for their own path(s) and challenges, it would be silly to try to emulate the life stories of the great people described from standing start! It is much easier to follow our own paths.. given what is described, it is not so 'unexpected' when we see painters with no hands, runners with no legs gaining success/ world fame & adulation. If the disadvantaged can do it, surely able-bodied people can do anything with a bit of Forti-Sum-Love? Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole? If so, please read on..

First step I would say is to have some #SelfChallenge (from small to bigger steps). You need to choose your own of course based on your short-falls or areas you want to improve on, physical to mental. Key is to keep on trying and persevering (get some pain if physical activities), we are talking about at least 3-6months at least if not 1-2years, probably the 10,000 hours rules popularised by Malcolm Galdwell applies (whatever reasons/rationalisation you can use to motivate yourself! Are you scared of your parents? if so, convince yourself that they would shout at you if you didn't do it!)

#SelfChallenge example that I personally tried out from physical to mental workout [or continuous learning (quick to long term)] are:

1.) from simple change of daily routines (like using the other-hand for chopsticks, or swapping hands for knife and forks etc., teaching others helps!)

2.) doing an Executive MBA despite having young children and demanding job+travelling internationally (Return on Investment is not great for me though, it is worth another post)

3.) despite having 3 degrees, I had wasted my primary & secondary school's years ( I had six "U" in my first try at A-levels in HKG!) and thus had no recollections of Chinese history and I wanted to learn more about poverty/international development, behavioral science and Philosophy, so I researched and found the best Professors' courses via SlideRule. I have been doing (have done) courses in my spare time on EdX, Coursera, Udemy etc. All I needed was a good speed internet connection and all for FREE!

4.) publish my first Linkedin article (this one!)

5.) since last year, I had to start exercising again. Decided to learn proper TaiJi and learn Krav Maga. I found the best teacher to learn Internal Kung Fu/TaiJi and external Self Defence, took a while, but found and (had honour to) learn Chen TaiJi

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from Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang 陳小旺 and Krav Maga from Meni Mehabad CEO of Haim Zut Krav Maga with Joel Bennett.(Open invitation to Grandmaster Haim Zut's 80th birthday training in April btw.)

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(We should ONLY learn from the best!)

After my self set personal challenges, I have now adopted daily challenge of , standing QiGong.

I would challenge any of my health freak friends to do my daily 60minutes of "zhan zhuang explaination diagram" (please do build up slowly & check with your doctors though!) For sure, you will be thinking about the two quotes of Eleanor I mentioned above whilst persevering. (remember to shift weight/center of gravity to prevent going numb!)

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, having tried mindfulness meditation for 6 months, IMHO, for me, Zhan Zhuang is 200% more effective! I would be keen to hear your experiences.. do make it until you get to 1hour and tell us what you think.. Once you have done it, you KNOW you can do anything!

WARNING: Having the Right Goal however is Paramount! Must Avoid "Get into the flame and in bed with the Devil" (translated from Chinese 走火入魔)

#HowNotToDoIt #AskWrongQuestions #WrongGoals

As ever, despite trying to be mostly positive, I have to warn you that Forti-SUM-Love is rather powerful, please use it with care! Worst thing is to chase the wrong dream and thus would use wrong methods..

Good example is the now sadly disgraced Lance Armstrong, he sadly had the wrong goal but had achieved great things. Most people might not agree with his methods, but he is also a prime example of Forti-Sum-Love success!

2.) and 3.) below are rather self explanatory, happy to blog more about them should there be enough demand, please do tell me on the comments below.

2.) "SUM": Set long term and sometimes Seemingly Un-achievable Mission (& re-adjust shorter term goals), this is essentially a "Life Purpose" (self-select or otherwise),

3.) "Persevering AND Developing" what becomes a "New Habit" or "New Love of their lives" despite biggest/monumental setback, or whole world is against them/their ideas.

Final Question: Do you dare to have a new Forti-Sum-Love Year!? I Dare you!

see my previous blog post on #AskTheRightQuestion & direct challenge to PayPal Mafia on fixing Capital market worldwide.

or #DoingtheRightThing in Philanthropy (how to decide what are the right things to do?)

? 2015 Gareth Wong, All Rights Reserved.


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Gareth Wong is Founder of GamBond?, arguably the only firm worldwide that aims to fix the financial market for good by creating a long term focused financial ecosystem (an alternative for mid-market+ firms to be rated, audited & listed). Ultimately GamBond? is creating nearly "risk-free" alternative & sustainable financial instruments, could be better than even government issued Treasury bonds. Our financial instruments are comparatively insulated by market volatility and true systemic market risks. When successful, GamBond? will break the "Capitalists' Dilemma" status quo, as perfectly described by Prof Clayton Christensen.

We do need more supporters, particularly from those think long & know full well how dangerous and pandemic the systemic risks truly are within the financial market (e.g. true systemic risk cannot be mitigated once aggregated asset under management goes beyond US$100bn, we aim to play a small role in fixing this). Therefore, major pension funds, family foundations that would like to protect their billions and help create a better financial long-term future, to opinion-former (Professors to broadsheet editors) that understands, we would love to hear from you, do email us at [email protected]

Feel free to click on "follow" above to follow my (future) LinkedIn posts. or private twitter on @GarethWong (mainly for senior business/philanthropy leaders or my offline contacts) or public tweets on: @CXOAsia @CXOEurope and @GamBond .

I am an amateur photographer, welcome all feedback on pictures I take, public ones are listed via Pix.GarethWong.com


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