Simple yet very effective
I know of a few colleagues and friends who have sadly caught Covid-19 but all fortunately mild symptoms and short-term. Sadly however one required sedation and to be on a ventilator for 3 weeks. But now home, weak but alive. He’s as strong as an ox, and I wish him full recovery, bad? silny (stay strong). I read, like we all do, of so many less fortunate.
I’m going to keep this brief, rather than my slightly longer ramblings I pen... So possibly slightly bullet-pointy.
Like climbing a mountain, the descent is always trickier than the ascent...closing down is much easier than opening up, physically (and psychologically).
Stop saying the ‘new norm’! Simply replace both words with ‘better’.
Exit strategy? The only successful strategy is a plan (and containment or cure).
I once read on a headstone in a small overgrown graveyard on the Mull of Kintyre:
"Time is short, Death is sure, Sin’s the wound and Christ’s the cure"
Not sure I agree with all of that, but some I certainly do, in life and metaphorically speaking.
Waiting on everything being clearly mapped out for you, what you can/cannot do, both personally and in business? Don’t wait, apply a good dose of common sense and act on it now.
Is work-space the new workplace? Yes!
Strategic recalibration? Oh come on!...
Something very simple and with great ease, even when vast complexities are involved, is often the best solution in both its physical design manifestation and communication. It presents a thing of beauty or cut-through poignancy. In the past, present, and I believe in the future. Like the Gem paperclip from the late 1800’s, or more recently SHN (Stay Home Now: don’t send our NHS backwards) by St Luke’s in 2020.
Pandemics stretching back to 1347, the likes of: black death (bubonic plague); cholera; spanish flu; and ebola, we have wrestled with, yet both adapted and reshaped (successfully): our values; social behaviour; and built environments. And we will again, simply and very effectively.