Simple, Yet Important Tips To Improve Your Twitter Profile
While Twitter maybe making some big changes in the near future, including their expanded 280 character count copy limit, there are a few things right this minute that you can do to make your Twitter presence more valuable.
One is by optimizing your Twitter profile.
Unlike other social network profiles, Twitter is much more restricted on what users can and can’t do. You have limited “real estate” on Twitter and users on Twitter have limited time so you really need to be effective with your visibility.
So with limited space and limited attention spans what are some things you can do to achieve immediate impact? Here’s a quick rundown:
- Update your Twitter avatar to be recognizable! Your space is small so a good idea is to design something that uses contrast so it will stand out in user’s busy feed. That means including colors and shapes and remember you don’t necessarily need to put in your company logo, especially if is big and complicated.
- Utilize that bio effectively. Most Twitter users do searches using specific keywords. When a search occurs, top profiles come up as matches followed by top Tweets. By including relevant keywords in your bio helps it rank higher when those profile searches appear. You only get 160 characters in your Twitter bio. Don’t keyword stuff it but do maximize its potential.
- Update your Twitter profile link regularly. While most businesses utilize that link to drive people back to your company homepage, you should instead use it to drive people towards a specific landing page such as a promotion page or event page. You can always update it back once the event or sale ends.
- Verify your profile. That little blue check mark badge is a big deal in the Twitter hemisphere. It differentiates you from the impersonators and shows that you are the true, real, official voice of the company. While not all profiles are eligible to be verified, this link will provide you with the info you need to at least get started.
While many may think Twitter is for politicians and the media to speak their mind, it does still have a lot of potential for businesses if used correctly. For additional tips on how to have a strong Twitter presence for your brand contact The Interactive Imprint at 954-254-1650 or visit