Simple Ways To Repair Damaged Hair
Nothing ruins your chances at a great hair day more than a head full of damaged hair.The truth is, damaged hair requires special care to make it look and feel healthy and smooth. So,if you ?nd yourself battling dry strands, brittle hair, and split ends due to heat damage or bleaching, it’s important that you learn how to ?x damaged hair using a proper hair care routine. Below, we’re sharing damaged hair repair tips for damaged hair and more.Once hair is broken or split, you can’t reverse it but there are a few ways you can care for your strands to help repair the current damage and prevent future damage. So ahead, we’re diving into our tips for ?xing damaged strands.You knowdamaged hair when you see it and feel it.You might have visible breakageand splitends, dry hair that’s brittle to thetouch,anoverall dull and lifeless style, and probablysome extra frizz. Before you can begin torepair your damaged hair, youhaveto admityou most likely have a problem. Ifyou areseeing some of your ends splitting, orit istaking forever to dry your hair, it may beslightly damaged. However, if yourbrush orbathroom ?oor have more hair thanyourhead, it is probably breakage due tochemical damage. Eek!
Don’t panic. It is totally possible to help heal some of that hair damage as well as prevent future breakage. Get ready to introduce regular haircuts, some new hair care (like reparative hair masks,hydrating leave-in conditioner, andnourishing oil treatments),and maybe even a little less shampoo more on that later. A few small changes can make a big difference to the health of your hair.Follow these expert tips to get shiny, healthy hair and say goodbye to damage for good.!
Here’s Exactly How to Repair Your Damaged Hair:
1.Get Regular Trims.
Even if you’ve been growing out your hair for what feels like forever, it’s important to get regular trims to remove dry and split ends.You cut your nails and exfoliate your face,right? Basically, it’s the same idea. Cuttingoff those dead ends prevents splits from traveling up your hair and breaking off even more length.Color fluent beauty specialist recommends trims every four to six weeks if you’re maintaining a cut you love or every six to eight weeks ifyou’re growing it out.If you’ve tried everything else to get your hair damage under control, heading to the salon to trim your dead ends and damaged strands can be a great reset. Plus, you can also use it for an opportunity to experiment with atotally new hairstyle. Long hair is gorgeous,but bobs,short mohawks and pixie cuts are also totally chic and super on-trend right now.
2.Invest in a Hair Mask.
Pro tip: Hydrated hair is healthy hair. Get there by investing in good hair care, which includesa good moisturizing hair maskto help repair damaged strands over time, as well as make your hair look glossy the next day. With hydrating botanical ingredients and oils, reparativekeratin, and protective amino acids, hairmasks and deep conditioners both hydrateand strengthen at the same time. Use thedeep conditioning treatment in place of your conditioner every few times you wash yourhair.
3.Don’t Brush Wet Hair (Seriously).
Brushing wet hair is allowed if you have a brush speci?cally made for wet, fragile hair to be detangled. When indoubt, reach for a wide-tooth comb that won’t snag on hair when it’s at its most vulnerable. And as a general rule if you’re brushing wet hair, make sure you’re applyinga leave-in product to help the brush glide through without any snagging or breakage We as Color fluent company will introduce perfect color hair including lock frizz control and glossing serum in our App soon, which helps nourish damp hair, disguise split ends,and lay down the hair’s cuticle for a healthy,shinier look.
4.Use Hair Sunscreen.
Really, hair sunscreen is a thing, and it’s actually really important to protect your strands. Just like skin, hair can get damaged by UV rays. If you’re spending some time out in the sun, pop on a hat or apply a hair sunscreen. Don’t worry! it won’t leave your hair greasy. Invest in hair products that have heat and UV protect in them for the best protection against rays and temperature.
5.Limit Chlorine Exposure.
If possible, limit your time soaking [your hair]in the pool. Pools are full of chlorine, which sucks the natural oils from your hair, leaving it dry, rough, and damaged.If you are a swimmer or spend lots of time with your hair in the water, use products that can protect against chlorine.And don’t forget the hair masks afterward!
6.Add in an Oil.
Color Fluent suggests argan oil (which contains fatty acids and vitamin E) and good old coconut oil to leave hair soft and manageable. Whenyour hair is feeling extra-rough, such as after a dip in the pool,use a little argan oil to add softness back into strands. You can DIY a leave-in conditioner with coconut oil. Heat up a small amount, and apply it to your hair from mid-shaft to ends.