Simple Ways To Protect Yourself Against Stroke And Heart Disease

Simple Ways To Protect Yourself Against Stroke And Heart Disease

by Infinity

Did you know that raised blood pressure is the number one cause of preventable death worldwide??May Measure Month ?aims to raise awareness of the fact and encourage people to participate in The Big Squeeze to get their blood pressure tested.

The dangers of high blood pressure

Untreated hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, can be fatal. Over 10 million lives are lost around the world every year because of it. If your blood pressure is high, your risk of stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular complications are elevated. However, the majority of people who suffer from high blood pressure are unaware of it.

Protect your health, join The Big Squeeze

That’s why May Measure Month is encouraging everyone to join The Big Squeeze. Free checks are being rolled out worldwide and you can find out your nearest screening centre on the dedicated website?here . Finding out about a problem early can make a huge difference to treatment and recovery.

Protect your pocket with critical illness cover

This type of prevention measure is important to keep your body in the best health possible. However, it simply isn’t possible to protect yourself 100% against all illnesses and injuries. That’s why critical illness cover is a key element of a sound financial plan.

Although strokes and heart disease are often considered to be diseases for old people and you might think you don’t need to worry about them until you retire, in reality they also affect many people of working age. In the US, for example,?intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) strokes are increasing most among the young?and the middle aged, and?heart attacks are becoming more common in younger people, particularly women.

According to data from Zurich, the average critical illness claimant for heart attack was just 50 years old, for a brain abscess or cerebral aneurysm it was 36.

Falling ill with any serious illness when you are young and at the height of your career can have a devastating effect on finances, especially if you have a family to support. You may be comfortably off with a nice sum invested and a healthy monthly salary but if you find yourself unable to work for a few months your savings could be depleted frighteningly fast.

Critical illness cover protects against that happening. With a critical illness policy, you receive a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with one of a comprehensive list of specific medical conditions including stroke, heart attack, and cancer.

The payout gives you a financial buffer to cover your living expenses and maintain the standard of living you and your family are accustomed to, enabling you to focus on regaining your fitness without the burden of financial worries.

If you’d like to find out more about protecting you and your family with critical illness cover,?for advice and quotes drop Alex a line.

Get in touch with Alex here or at [email protected]


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