Simple ways I will be courageous this November
I will have the difficult and uncomfortable conversations with the people in my life. And with myself too. I will take the extra courageous step of looking them in the eyes while we talk, I will not chuckle nervously or smile unnecessarily like a jackass
I will be OK with not always knowing what to do next. Progress does not always means frenetic action, sometimes it also means just sitting still and being content in the silence, in the peace of trusting what is coming next
I will explore the depths of my own grief, depths I have been too afraid to explore because I don’t know where they will take me. I will first put myself in a space where I feel most safe and most familiar: a page of my own written words. Then I will move on gently from there
I will open my heart to let new people into my life. I will phone them and ask them to hang out over a drink or hike… just do those things that people do together when starting a new relationship. If my courage wanes, I will remember this: everybody could do with a friend
I will not grow irritable and spiteful when my pockets become empty. I will use that stay-at-home time to nurture other parts of my life. Spend quality time with my kids or plan my quarter. Also read a good book while out in the sun. Or watch a Holiday romcom with a double whiskey in my hand
I will experiment with unfamiliar cuisines. In particular, with seafood. Oysters, shrimp and prawn and whatever else. Remember this – palettes can be refined, tastes can be acquired. Perhaps I will also reconsider my salty relationship with cooking in my kitchen
I will let go of things in my home and heart that make me yearn for a season in my life that is long gone. By holding on to them, I have obliviously invested whole parts of myself into what is no longer mine. I need to say goodbye
I will allow myself to cry when I feel the need to. I don’t have to be so strong, so put together and so stoic all the time. I will not get irritated by my own tears, I will find meaning in their release
I will continue to trust the Universe to clear the road ahead for the wealth I seek. While it does that for me, I will continue to define and redefine what ‘wealth in abundance’ looks like to me at this point of my life