Simple Ways to Detox and Why It's so Vital for our Health
Let’s face the sad and obvious truth.... Degenerative disease is on the rise. The statistics don’t lie and the rise of diseases like cancer and heart disease are alarming to us all. The majority of degenerative diseases come from a congested body and stagnation in the body including in our organs, circulation system, tissues, our lymph and cells. This congestion and state of stagnation that can literally be cleared from the body through cleansing and detoxification. Many short term and chronic health problems are a result of excessive use of certain foods and “non foods” (ie alcohol) as well as OTC and prescription medication which contribute to the congestion in the body. We tend to feel this every single January after indulging more than usual over the holidays. January is normally a time where most people realize that their bodies are calling out for a cleaning although most of the time it is something that our bodies are asking us to do on a more regular basis.
It is a common belief amongst the Holistic Health community that detoxification and fasting are the missing links in the Western World. One way to look at it is taking a break from certain things. When we take a break from something it becomes a way for us to assess our true relationship and possible dependency on something, for example sugar or coffee, and often therefore becomes a way for us to improve our overall health.
It is a fact that when we make the decision to treat ourselves, including our bodies with more care, with an awareness for what we are putting into them and overall respect for them, this automatically fosters and builds an attitude of self love which then acts like a domino effect. We begin to choose more whole, organic and balancing foods and move away toxins in our food, home and personal care items. Although I believe that fasting is also an important part of keeping our bodies healthy, today I would like to focus on ways to gently detoxify the body with things that can be done on a continual basis as a form of maintenance.
So, WHY detoxify? More than ever, toxicity is a huge concern in our lives as there are just so many new and stronger chemicals out there, being sprayed on our conventional produce, added to our convenience and our children’s foods, in the wide variety of drugs for every symptom (and side effect from the first drug prescribed for the original symptom, and then the one prescribed for the second drug’s side effects and so on), stimulants, sedatives and all the pollution in between. Don’t forget the toxins in our homes like the gasses that are released from mattresses, couches, clothes and common electronics like our wifi, microwaves, TV’s (which now seem to be in every room of the house), and our trusty best friends, the smart phone.
As previously mentioned, cancer and cardiovascular disease are vastly on the rise, along with other chronic diseases of toxicity like allergies and skin issues like hives and rashes, arthritis and obesity. So called “common symptoms” that tens of thousands live with daily such as headaches, aches and pains, digestive issues, fatigue and a weak immune system that catches every cold and flu going around also are directly linked to a congested body. What are some other common signs and symptoms of a toxic, congested body? Anxiety, backache, constipation, cough, depression, dizziness, insomnia, joint pain, mood changes, stiff neck and sinus congestion. Most people with such symptoms (that are not solely a result of nutrient deficiencies) will benefit from detoxifying the body.
A stagnant congested body is not able to effectively perform its daily required tasks to keep us feeling at our best and keep our bodies running properly and disease and symptom free. In a society that is constantly saying “Don’t worry, we have a pill for that”, I would like to shed some light on how the simple act of simplifying your life and cleaning up your insides can improve your health and how you feel by leaps and bounds. Not only do we acquire toxins from our environment and our foods as touched upon above, but did you know that our bodies also produce their own toxins every single day? Like little factories, there are wastes that are a necessary part of the biochemical work and cellular activities our bodies carry out and these wastes must be eliminated from the body. Nobody wants a back up of garbage hanging around in the house and at the same token, your body doesn’t want it sitting around inside either.
When our body is not able to properly eliminate these wastes, they can cause irritation and the dreaded word, inflammation in our tissues and cells. This inflammation then blocks the normal function of what these organs and cells are supposed to be doing which then first begins to affect things on a cellular level and over time effects the organs, then becomes a whole body level issue when left to build up. So this is when we start to see chronic, degenerative disease become a problem. Did you also know our thoughts, how we handle stress and our emotions also cause an increase of biochemical toxicity? There is a reason that self care, happiness, being able to control our emotions and having a positive attitude and outlook on life are so vitally important to our physical health.
We detoxify for health and vitality. We detoxify to rejuvenate, to clear symptoms and help eliminate disease. We detoxify to prevent future problems with our health. Some benefits of detoxifying and gentle cleansing are enhancing our senses which help clear our consciousness allowing us to become more creative, motivated, relaxed and environmentally attuned. We detoxify to cleanse our body, give our organs a rest and boost, prevent disease and reduce symptoms as well as clear our skin, improve our fertility and libido, immune system and help with natural weight loss.
So, it has become clear why the proper and consistent elimination of toxins and waste from our bodies is crucial for health and well being. A normal functioning body is able to handle a certain level of toxins, it is simply how our bodies were designed. The body is smart. It is able to handle the wastes it creates and a certain, limited external amount. However, today we are seeing an above normal level of toxins with all of these new chemicals hiding (and in plain sight sadly) in our daily lives. Now, couple this with a an excessive intake of these toxins and then a reduction of the processes of elimination on the body to being overburdened and stagnant and we now have a body that is congested and is not able to eliminate toxins at the proper level s. And this is not how our bodies were designed to work and why we are seeing so many ill effects of toxicity and inflammation today.
The sole purpose of gently detoxifying the body is to support its general detoxification systems which include the king organ, the jack of all trades, the hardest working organ in show business, the liver. We also have the gallbladder, colon and entire GI tract as well as the urinary system including the kidneys, our respiratory system, our lymphatic system with a shout out to the lymph nodes as well as our skin, the largest organ covering our entire body. It is when we begin to support these systems of detoxification that we can begin to get proper elimination back on track, reducing our toxic load, inflammation and vastly lower the threat of chronic disease.
As I always say, the body WANTS to be in a state of good health and when we provide it with what it requires it is able to work as intended with a strong immune system, good eliminative functions which allows us to effectively handle exposure to basic, everyday toxins because let’s face it, no matter how hard we try we will never be able to get away from a certain level of toxicity in our lives. Although there are several ways in which we can support proper elimination through means like supplements, exercise and mind set, today I begin with an emphasis on food.
Did you know that even if you did nothing else but drink an extra litre of water a day you would eliminate more toxins? Pretty easy eh? So on the most basic terms, anything that supports elimination can be said to help us detoxify. Eating more fruits and vegetables, (high water content and cleansing foods) and less meat and dairy products (congesting foods) is a great and simple start. Today I would like to re emphasize that I am discussing GENTLE detoxification to begin the process. Detoxification will release more toxins in the body initially. Think of it like this. A dirty house that has not been cleaned in months has dust and dirt settled on the floors, shelves and counter tops. As you begin to clean this area, the dust and dirt starts to fly into the air and is circulated throughout the house. Eventually you are able to get it all clean, but not before it becomes unsettled and airborn. The same is said to be true about the toxins in our bodies that have been embedded in our tissues and cells for days, weeks, months and years. As we begin to detoxify they start to travel into our bloodstream as they begin the process of being eliminated. It is VERY important that people with weakened immune systems or those with chronic disease always work with a professional when it comes to cleaning up the body. It is also important for anybody to take this process slowly and listen to our bodies and what they are telling us along the way. Sometimes we will feel worse before we feel better and moving at our own pace with this task is crucial.
Through food, we want to reduce the intake of toxins while improving and supporting our systems of elimination as mentioned above. Avoiding chemicals in our foods and things like refined sugars, caffeine, and alcohol will help us to minimize our toxic load. During this time, it is important to increase our intake of less congesting foods which include fruits, vegetables (especially greens), nuts, seeds and whole grains and reduce congesting foods like dairy, meat, unhealthy fats, fried foods, baked goods and sugars.
Certain foods are very supportive to the detoxification process and help support organs and systems of waste elimination. We want to include these foods as much as possible. These foods include fermented foods like miso and kimchi which support the GI tract and colon, beets, fresh lemon, artichoke, parsley, basil and greens support the liver and kidneys. Onions, garlic, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and fennel also help flush out toxins. Oh, and never discount an apple a day with its super high fibre content!
In conclusion, gently detoxifying the body through food in today’s overly toxic society is a wonderful way to reduce daily nagging symptoms, prevent chronic disease, help you feel vitality and increase your mental energy and positivity. At its simplest core, it is a decrease in toxins and congesting foods with an increase on water intake and healing, whole organic foods in the diet loaded with vital nutrients and antioxidants that will help support the body’s natural detoxification process. Knowing and consciously choosing what you put into your body, on your body and surround your body with are the first steps to this life changing process of detoxification and from there, the sky is the limit in this journey.
Throughout the month of January TLC Holistic is featuring our gentle detoxification menu on our online store. This menu has been carefully created and balanced by myself to deliver dishes and staple items that are supportive of detoxification and cleansing in the body while providing energy while remaining big on taste and a joy to eat. Keep your eye out for new items added weekly. Pair our detoxifying fare with plenty of additional vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds and lots of pure clean water for the most benefit.
Visit today at www.tlcholistic .ca to find out more and subscribe to our weekly menu delivered right to your inbox so you don’t miss out on these wonderful dishes and so much more. Happy New Year to you all and let’s make this year the best yet, with wellness one bite at a time. We have one body, let’s spoil it like we do to so many others in our lives. Time to put that body first. Take care of it, it will take care of you.
For additional help with detoxifying and rebalancing your body back to optimal health, contact TLC Holistic for one on one nutritional consultations and personalized programs to help you take back your health and live your best life. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep informed about the choices you are empowered to make regarding your health.