A SIMPLE truth about yourself and what you believe. How to be better.
Ralph LoVuolo Sr. Mortgage Godfather
Master Coach, Keynote, Sr.level Consultant --! [email protected]
Patrick Bell, Don't know much about history but love it anyway. Why weren't dinosaurs discovered earlier?
Here’s a pertinent and illuminating story that goes along with the other answers to this question. On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister broke one of the most sought-after and elusive track records of the 20th century - the four-minute mile. He ran the race in 3:59:4. No one really thought it could be done. Within a few short months, several elite runners beat his record, successively lowering the barrier that hadn’t budged for decades. The moral of the story for fossils discovered before the fundamental theories were in place is that you won’t see it until you believe it. If there’s no context for the belief that fossils are a very old record of life on earth that preceded current life forms in the evolutionary chain, then those bits and pieces will be discounted or misattributed to mythological animals for which - at least in the Middle Ages - there was plenty of belief.
We’re funny animals, we Homo sapiens and our silly old brains!