Simple things you must know about the Corona Virus (COVID 19)

Simple things you must know about the Corona Virus (COVID 19)

Having an extensive professional network should have its benefits in gathering correct information about any serious subject and sharing insights. I feel compelled sharing the following information with you regarding the COVID-19 virus. This information is based on verified information from various (medical) professionals in my (Linkedin) network.

Disclaimer: The below stated information can not be considered to be medical advice nor is it intended to cause panic. I just would like to share some insights which you can choose to use.

Feel free to DM me corrections, updates or additions as I try to keep this article as relevant and simple as possible.


Coronavirus is serious and most likely a significant number of people will get it regardless of what we do. It’s just a matter of time. You should do everything that you can to boost your health and immune system as much as you can. So, the impact of the virus is minimal and the damage to your lungs is minimal.

Facts about the Coronavirus

  • The Coronavirus is highly contagious. 
  • The Coronavirus will survive on metal surfaces for at least 12 hours. (Limit using (cash) coins, metal keys, metal/steel watches)
  • The Coronavirus will survive on textile surfaces for 6-12 hours.
  •  The Coronavirus will survive on your hands surface for 5 -10 minutes.
  • The Coronavirus can spread up to three meters in the air after a cough or sneeze. (scientifically proven by four countries)
  • The Coronavirus, pending the health of the person and the virus mutation, has a long incubation period. Therefor, it could take some time before a individual experience symptoms, in some cases an person can be infected and don't show symptoms at all.
  • The Coronavirus doesn’t always show symptoms like with Eldra Idris who has no symptoms at all.
  • So far there is no mortality rate among children nor is there sufficient data/information available about if and how children could spread the virus, or what the effects of the Coronavirus on children are long term.
  • The Coronavirus already mutated several times and it may mutate even more.
  • Preliminary research results that the main carriers of the virus without any symptoms are male subjects between the age of 25-55.
  • Demographic risk groups: male 25-50+ years for spreading the virus, age 65+ and everybody with illness, especially lungs, heart and immune-system have the highest mortality rate. You can review a complete overview by CNN on # of Corona cases and # Coronavirus deaths per country.
  • Currently it is not known what the medical situation or medical outlook is for Coronavirus survivors that have carried the Coronavirus. Some show little to no effect and some see major damages to the lungs (fibrosis).
  • The current Coronavirus and its mutated variations die in liquids with a temperature of 26/27 degrees Celsius or more. This may change over time.
  • (New) Not complying with quarantine/ government guidelines when you are infected you are commiting a punishable criminal offense in most countries.
  • (New) Currently there is no vaccination/medicine for COVID-19. However several countries like China, The Netherlands, and France are testing with Chloroquine & Zinc with positive results. A medicine available since 1944 against malaria, its widely available and its cheap to manifactor, yet no government has publicly confirmed the effects of Chloroquine & Zinc. It seems that they rather focus and test on expenses and patented medicines. Please watch:
  • (New) Most face masks don't provide sufficient protection against the COVID-19 virus. Only medical grade face masks are sufficient. However, they are not designed for longterm or daily use, you will find that they are very hard to breath in. Most face masks are also put on without proper procedures which will lead to contamination of face mask before its put on. Want to put on a face mask correctly? Watch the instructions of the WHO:
  • Governments share fragmented and incomplete information. Most likely to prevent panics or minimize economic damages. So I think its safe to assume that whatever we hear it may not be accurate or not the entire truth.

Self-(health) testing is highly recommended.

In most cases where severe symptoms (fever, dry cough) are identified there is a high probability the COVID-19 has already advanced to far and the lungs are showing fibrosis, which means the virus has been identified to late and may create long-term irreversible damages to the lungs (Fibrosis).

So it is important to identify the infection as soon as possible for your own long-term health. Identifying the infection at an early stage will also help prevent the spreading of the virus.

  • What could you do? (This is not a Coronavirus test – just something to identify any issue with the lungs/health)  Self-test: hold your breath for 10-15 seconds every morning. If you can do this comfortably without discomfort, sneezing, coughing you should be good. Hold track of the difference day to day especially when your ability to hold your breath declines.
  • Temperature: Keep track of your temperature and when in doubt measure it.
  • If you have a fit band, apple watch, or health watch check your health and heartrate. Heartrate could be an indicator if it deviates too much from your normal average in rest period.

 Prevention suggestions

  • Avoid infected people as much as you can.
  • If you are infected limited or prohibit contact with others for 2-4 weeks, especially try to avoid the risk groups.
  • Wash your hands every time you go in and out of the house or office with soap. Use the guidelines of the WHO.
  • Clean your door handles and any surface that have been touched by your hands, that is sneezed or coughed on.
  • Improve your overall health and conditioning. Eat healthy, exercise at home or walk outside daily.
  • Do breathing exercises and meditate every day. Stress helps the virus attack your cells and lowers your ability to recover.
  • Supplement your diet with vitamin C (citrate), magnesium and omega oils.
  • Don’t use or limit any medication that has substances that affect your ACE2-receptors like NSAID’s (examples Ibuprofen, nurofen, naproxen, diclofenac). Also, read
  • (New) Drink warm fluids regularly especially in transit. As this helps hydrate you and flush and virus particlues to the stomach where its killed. My recommendation would be fresh mint tea with ginger and honey.
  • (New) Please use face masks correctly. Please read:
  • (New) Please share with medical professionals. Created by Jack Ma and his team.#Legend
  • See a doctor when you have a throat ache for more the 3 days, dry and persistent cough, you feel unusual muggy, have a fever, have flu-like symptoms but feels different than usual or have a clocked nose for more than 5 days.



Harvey Blom (哈维布鲁姆)的更多文章

