Simple things you can do right now to capitalize on the social media shutdown
Social Media shutdown - Mehad Hamdy

Simple things you can do right now to capitalize on the social media shutdown

Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp are among the social media networks that are down today, October 4th. According to, 93 percent of social media marketers used Facebook as an advertising channel, and 78 percent used Instagram as well, so it seems reasonable that Mark Zuckerberg lost $7 billion (according to in just a few hours, with the shutdown expected to cost even more if it continues.

As an advertiser who relies on such platforms as the primary conduits for your digital marketing plan, there are simple things you can do right now to capitalize on the social media platforms shutdown rather than waiting for them to reopen:

  • Avoid being naive by making fun of this shutdown, use it instead!
  • According to Statista, there are 2.2 billion active Facebook users, so imagine putting a group of people in a flat with three rooms and then, closing two of them. What would happen? You guessed correctly! Some individuals will walk to the remaining room, while others will leave the flat. In the case of this shutdown, some users will be extremely active on other social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn, making it easier to reach your target audience, a larger number of audience, and possibly new audiences!
  • Concentrate on the platforms that you believe are most relevant to your business.
  • Play it smarter by going straight to the point and delivering a clear message.
  • Engage your audience through different types of content.
  • Remember, the clock is ticking so, be quick while focusing on the quality of your content.

Finally, as a marketer, you should put every tip and trick to the test to see how effective they are, and you should consider using the aforementioned points as a strategy for such events.

Do you think this would work for your business?


