The Simple Things in Life
Wendy Robinson CPsychol
Executive Coach, Coach Supervisor, Chartered Psychologist
I'm designing an event, to deliver to a crowd of coaches.
My mind can go into overdrive.
I love designing learning experiences - I can easily find myself in flow.
But I can just as easily find myself blocked! With the inner-critic, left-brain, rational, judgemental part of me getting into HER flow.
I took a little break, to look out a slideshow I created last year, for a Mindfulness in Nature workshop I was running locally, for a mental health charity.
I'd wanted something beautiful and mellow, to be playing, as people arrived and took their seats, and we waited to get going.
I ended up creating a slideshow of lots of photographs I'd taken in Nature, and playing some beautiful, evocative, calming music alongside this.
Today, I was also searching for other music, to play at this new event. And I came across a beautiful, searing piece of cello music. I'd never listened to it before.
To calm my mind, and remind myself of these different ways to access our creativity, our right hemisphere - I played this cello music, to myself, alongside the slideshow of my Nature photographs.
I was nearly in tears.
I was captivated by the beautiful pictures of Nature: wildflowers, mountains, the sky, the sea, trees, leaves.
I take photos of not just the 'beautiful' things in Nature, but also the - broken, the dying, the asymmetrical, the barren.
(Actually, they're all beautiful.)
So here today, as I come back to my Blog after taking August off, I simply share some of these photographs. Perhaps you can find a piece of music you love, play it on your headphones as you walk in Nature, stop and look, appreciate, feel.
'Til Next Time.....Go Well.
And a reminder of my new Professional Practice Group:
If you haven't already spoken with me, the deadline is fast approaching (20th September).
I was inspired to create this group for several reasons:
This Group is for Professionals in any field. So far, we have Executive Coaches, and Directors of HR, Talent and Operations.
?? Starting 18th October 2024 and running monthly. 0930-1100. Online, on Zoom.
?? The fee will be commensurate with ability to pay. (A rough range is £70-£200.)
Next Step?
?? Let’s set up a 30 min exploratory conversation before 20th September! Contact me at: [email protected] .
Principal / Spiritual Companion / Regeneration Enthusiast / Author
2 个月Encouraging words and beautiful photos Wendy! Thank you! Ant chance you could share the name of the cello piece you listened to?