The Simple Things in Life
Black Lush-ness!

The Simple Things in Life

I'm designing an event, to deliver to a crowd of coaches.

My mind can go into overdrive.

I love designing learning experiences - I can easily find myself in flow.

But I can just as easily find myself blocked! With the inner-critic, left-brain, rational, judgemental part of me getting into HER flow.

I took a little break, to look out a slideshow I created last year, for a Mindfulness in Nature workshop I was running locally, for a mental health charity.

I'd wanted something beautiful and mellow, to be playing, as people arrived and took their seats, and we waited to get going.

I ended up creating a slideshow of lots of photographs I'd taken in Nature, and playing some beautiful, evocative, calming music alongside this.

Today, I was also searching for other music, to play at this new event. And I came across a beautiful, searing piece of cello music. I'd never listened to it before.

To calm my mind, and remind myself of these different ways to access our creativity, our right hemisphere - I played this cello music, to myself, alongside the slideshow of my Nature photographs.

I was nearly in tears.

Beautiful Ragwort

I was captivated by the beautiful pictures of Nature: wildflowers, mountains, the sky, the sea, trees, leaves.

I take photos of not just the 'beautiful' things in Nature, but also the - broken, the dying, the asymmetrical, the barren.

(Actually, they're all beautiful.)

So here today, as I come back to my Blog after taking August off, I simply share some of these photographs. Perhaps you can find a piece of music you love, play it on your headphones as you walk in Nature, stop and look, appreciate, feel.

'Til Next Time.....Go Well.

And a reminder of my new Professional Practice Group:

If you haven't already spoken with me, the deadline is fast approaching (20th September).

I was inspired to create this group for several reasons:

  • The work we do has the potential to make a real difference in this world of ours. How do we ‘stay the course’, ensure we’re doing our ‘heart’s work’, the work we were meant to do? And avoid being drawn into distractions, or work that doesn’t really make our heart sing?
  • It can be hard running your own business. You set up your business because of your passion for the work you do. Sometimes it’s just lovely to have others who understand, who you can talk to, who ‘have your back’.
  • It can be a little lonely being in a senior position in an organisation. To be able to speak to fellow senior professionals from other walks of life - to share, be heard, make sense - within a confidential space - can be hugely beneficial.

This Group is for Professionals in any field. So far, we have Executive Coaches, and Directors of HR, Talent and Operations.


?? Starting 18th October 2024 and running monthly. 0930-1100. Online, on Zoom.


?? The fee will be commensurate with ability to pay. (A rough range is £70-£200.)

Next Step?

?? Let’s set up a 30 min exploratory conversation before 20th September! Contact me at: [email protected] .

Nicole De Francesco

Principal / Spiritual Companion / Regeneration Enthusiast / Author

2 个月

Encouraging words and beautiful photos Wendy! Thank you! Ant chance you could share the name of the cello piece you listened to?


