Simple and Successful Tips for Writing Brilliant Content
Joanne Martin
Change & Transformation Specialist ?? International Best-Selling Author & Publisher??Innovator
It seems like almost everyone is writing content for their business these days and looking for simple and successful tips for writing brilliant content.?Whether it’s blogs, social media, e-newsletters or mailouts, there is a barrage of content available at our fingertips on any topic one could possibly want.
And for good reason!?Delivering effective content is as much about getting personal as it is doing business.?An interactive way to connect with your audience beyond selling your brand, goods or services, it provides a great opportunity for your clients and audience to engage with you and become loyal to your brand. It also allows you to get to know what motivates, inspires and engages them.
If you happen to be an entrepreneur or business owner who isn’t on board yet with writing quality content for your clients and audience, then you really are doing yourself an immense disservice.
Having said that, it’s not just a matter of jumping aboard the content train and expecting great results.?With the continuing overload of available information from a multitude of outlets, and limited capacity and time for reading it all, the truth is people simply won’t spend time on content they don’t enjoy reading.
Depending on who you ask, the consensus generally amongst writing professionals is that you’ve got somewhere between 3 – 15 seconds to grab a reader’s attention – otherwise, you’ve lost them before you even get out of first gear.
So, what are some simple and successful tips for writing brilliant content?
To help you out, I’m giving up ten of my best?simple and successful tips for writing brilliant content that gets you noticed (and adored!):
Research is such an important yet often overlooked part of creating great content. Whether it’s checking facts you’re sharing (so important), searching for alternative perspectives, getting knowledgeable about current trends or just learning a bit more about your topic, it’s worth spending that extra time to dig around and gather up more information.?This will really help to add value, agency and credibility to your content.
Always focus on adding interest to your content and never settle for the first draft. If you need to, write it all out then give yourself some space before coming back to it for another look, then go for it.?The key is to write what’s real and true but make it much more fascinating and enticing. Use humour, stories or interesting facts to draw your reader in and make your point of difference.?Remember though to also be authentic (aka real) and reflect your brand style always.
3. Make today’s headlines
Remember how I explained that you’ll have around 3 – 15 seconds to grab your reader’s interest? Well, your title is the first thing they’re going to see so you’re going to want to make it a good one.?And relevant.?And meaningful.?There’s no point having a killer headline that really doesn’t relate to the body of your content.?A great way to come up with a brilliant title or headline is to write your content first and then grab out the fun, strong or interesting phrases to use. It’s generally best to stick to simple straightforward phrasing but a little play on words never hurt anyone so experiment what works best.
4. Get personal
Think of the phrase ‘we’re all in this together’ and you’ll get an idea of what I’m suggesting here. The goal of content is to build a relationship with your audience – for you to get to know them and them to get to know you. If you’re holding back or writing above and not to, or for, your audience, they’ll sense this distraction and just check out.?Don’t be afraid to share some things about yourself, give them an insight into what makes you great at what you do or how you got to where you are.?You don’t need to reveal all or go overboard with the details, just enough to pique their interest.
5. Purpose
Know why you’re writing, know your audience and know what the intended outcome is for your content. There are many great writers out there and with a little practice, most people can write good content but what’s the point if it’s not right for your audience or they totally miss your point??Get your why sorted before you start, and you’ll go a long way towards hitting your target.
6. Grammar and Spelling
This is important. Some copywriters and content marketers might tell you otherwise and I guess there could be a case for this if your brand hinges on the trendy use of misspelling and poor grammar. However, if that’s not your brand, then I suggest you take some time to use the spell-check function for correct spelling and grammar.?The odd mistake won’t bury you but if it’s frequent, it just looks messy and careless.
7. Think outside the box
Like keeping things interesting, it’s also a great idea to colour outside the lines occasionally – again, only if it’s relevant, useful and engaging though. Don’t be fooled into thinking you have to do what everyone else is doing because they’re right and know where it’s at. If you’ve come up with an inspiring idea, run with it and go for something different. (You can read more about converting your inspiring ideas into reality?here )
8. Imagery and words
All words and never any pictures make for dull content. If you’re using lots of words and frequently, it’s a great idea to mix things up with a few images, infographics or even short pictorial quotes to keep things interesting and flowing. Again, the key factors here are relevance and interest.?If you can put a tick next to those two things, you’ve got it right.
9. Promise them the world and deliver
Give your readers something truly valuable in your content. When you do this and they get ‘something’ just by reading your content, they learn to trust you, believe in you and what you have to offer. Curiosity emerges and readers start to want more from you – more content, more offerings, more opportunities to engage with you.?Which ultimately could lead to so much more for you and your business.
10. Call to action
Engagement and connection are what it’s really all about. You want your audience to engage or connect with you in some way so be sure you give them plenty of options and opportunities to work with you or do business with you.?In whatever way you wish them to take you up on the offer of engagement i.e. liking your social media page, subscribing to your mailing list, calling you, hitting you up on your website etc, be sure to make that obvious, appealing and most of all easy for them to make that decision and connect with you.?For example,?I’d love to connect with you on LinkedIn .
There are so many more tricks and tips.?However, these are just 10 of my most simple and successful tips for writing brilliant content to ensure I create great content every time. I hope these help you too.??Follow our Blog ?to learn more Simple and Successful Tips for Writing Brilliant Content