The Simple Strategy That Gave Me Consistent Social Media Content

The Simple Strategy That Gave Me Consistent Social Media Content

Today, I'm talking about how, once I started to do this, I had consistent social media content .

Which are you with regard to your consistency on social media?

A. “I do put out stuff. I put out something once a week.”

B.?"I have to post today and I don't know what to post!"

C. "Wow, when I look at other people's social, they've got more going on."

D. "How can someone be on YouTube and have a podcast and have a blog and have social media content?"

E. “My social media is amazing, and I post frequently.”

I'm going to cover that for you because there are a lot of problems that are happening, especially for solo business owners when you're trying to do it all yourself. My solution actually solves so many of these problems.

The Problems

  • What do I create?
  • How do I create it?
  • How do I find the time?
  • Who can I hire to help me make content, cut up or repurpose content, or create it from scratch?
  • If I hire someone, how will they speak in my voice?

All of these things are so stressful. But really what you want is to just have a consistent social media presence. If you're like, "Actually, no, Diane, I want to be making money off of every single post and every bit of marketing material, or every bit of content I put out there," well, great.?

But?maybe you should just start with being consistent online and have it be a stress-free process.

The Solution

I tell you, if you're going to hire people to do this, it’ll be a massive team. You'll be putting out money for:

  • Video/audio editing
  • People to do reels
  • Writers for your copy
  • Creators for your images

And on and on and on. It gets expensive for a business owner. It's so time-centered that you're spending so much of your time hiring people, getting them to do the content, managing all of these people, and then giving them feedback on things. It's wasting not only your time, but your energy, and your money. You don't want to do that, right?

What is the thing that I started doing that has just been a game changer for me?

I started creating one piece of anchor content and then repurpose it across all mediums, and all platforms.

The Process

Let me just give you an idea of the extent to which this has grown. If you want to know the whole process, the ins and outs and how to do each part, I encourage you to grab the?Content Multiplication Magic program . I do have that as an option to share this whole process with you.For those of you who are already in?Virtual Assistant Made Easy , or you're thinking about getting a virtual assistant, I do bonus that in for you. PLUS, I will give you a copy of every single step in the process with training videos, checklists, so that your virtual assistant can do these pieces for you.

Content Multiplication Magic ?is magic because it’s taking one piece of content and repurposing it across all these different platforms. I'll give you an idea of the extent to which I do this now:

  1. Record a Video: If you're watching on?YouTube , this is the video. If you're listening on the?podcast , then you're listening to the audio from the video.
  2. Repurpose: As soon as I finish recording it, it goes to my team who repurpose it.
  3. Distribute:

  1. The video goes onto YouTube.
  2. The audio goes onto the podcast.
  3. It is then made into a?blog . This right here.
  4. Put on all my socials.
  5. Put into my newsletter.

Isn't that amazing?

Using this one piece of anchor content has so many benefits. In the past, I used to write a blog, go live or do a video, and then record the podcast, doing three main pieces of content. Then, I still had to create the social media posts, the newsletter, and the blog, all by myself.

In the beginning, when I started doing this, it cut down on the time because it was only one main piece of content, that I was creating. Repurposing meant I didn't have to create new content for all the different platforms.

Benefit 1: This diminished the workload by five.?

Benefit 2: The great thing about it was that each piece was in my voice without paying a writer.

I used to hire someone to write social media posts for me. She was so good at figuring out how to speak like me and how to write like me, but her rates kept going up and up and up. But I paid it. Eventually, I accidentally coached her out of working for me by following her dreams and goals.?

For me to go and find someone else who could match my voice was going to be hard, and it was going to be expensive. A lot of companies do this. A lot of people have copywriters, social media writers and scriptwriters for their videos. That's fantastic. But if you are a solopreneur, or a small business owner, or someone who's trying to do business on the lean, or somebody who just likes to reduce expenses and not have a lot of people to manage, this is a great concept for you to put in place.?

Repurposing your anchor content

When you do it this way, that one piece of anchor content gets repurposed. It is your voice. It’s always going to be your voice. You don't have to worry about someone else not matching your voice or someone else using ChatGPT, or someone else plagiarizing.?

The other benefit is it's all your messages. In the beginning, I thought, "No, I must? have a different YouTube from my podcast, and from my blog. Everything has to be unique."?

Well, no, it doesn't. Because when you think of it, people are inundated with content. Do you really think your ideal customer, your ideal client, your community are going to watch your video, read your blog, listen to your podcast, and look at every single social post? More than likely they won't.

What if you put out that consistent message every week and just pulled different content from it? It’s still different, but the people who love to watch things will watch your YouTube. People who like to listen will listen to your podcast. People who like to read will read your blog. People who want short, easy-to-digest content will be on your social media.? You can just do that one piece and then pull from it.

It's funny because I'll have people read the blog after they've watched the video, and they haven't fully clicked in that it's the same content. They catch new things or different things from it the second time.?

That's the first pieces to how I did it: I use that one piece of anchor content to create all of my assets for the week.?

Then, I grew up in my business. I hired someone to edit a lot of these things. I hired different companies to do the different pieces for me like publishing my podcast, as well as I had a Canadian assistant who did many of the pieces I did.

It was amazing because passing off my recording to be done in all these different places was great because then I could focus on higher impact, higher income-producing or generating tasks. I could focus on follow-up after meetings and meeting with people. I could work on the business stuff, and the vision and the future of my business, rather than getting into the weeds of repurposing content.

The key second piece is pass off what you record, pass off that anchor piece of content, so that it's not you who is doing all the repurposing. That's key. Because you need to pull yourself out of this type of time-consuming task, and leverage the time so that you can increase your income, increase your profits, because you're doing more of the client work and more of the sales.

The last piece was fully having things repurposed. I know I've already mentioned repurposing, but I mean, fully. People think, “Well, how are you repurposing?” I've already talked a little bit about it.?

The video goes onto YouTube, the audio on the podcast, then the copy into the blog. But then there are things like repurposing that content, cutting a long form video into short form video into stories into reels into social posts, like quote posts. There are all these different nuances of how you can use it.?

When we repurpose a video, especially if we're repurposing an interview someone has, we can break that down into 30 plus assets, usually we do 30. That's a very generous amount of assets from one 12-15 minute interview.?

*Side note, if you want one of your interviews repurposed, we're happy to do that. My team of virtual assistants from the Philippines does a phenomenal job.?

How this benefitted me and can benefit you too

It's so great, because it has saved me, not only time, money, energy., but also stress. It really saves me stress. By having my team develop my weekly content, it has given me that consistency online.?

People tell me…:

  • “Wow, Diane, I see you everywhere.”?
  • “I listen to your podcasts.”
  • “I’ve watched your YouTube.”?
  • “I'm reading your blog.”
  • “I get your newsletters.”?
  • “I liked your last post.”
  • “How do you do all this?”?

Key thing is, I don't do it all myself. I'll let you know that this summer 2024, we are opening up some spots for a program I call Your Content Made Easy , where every week we take one of your videos, and we repurpose it into social media content for you. (If you want everything like YouTube, podcast, blog newsletter, all that stuff, then talk to me separately.)?

What this is going to help you do

By being more consistent online, you're going to be able to grow your audience, because people are going to see more of your content. It's going to expand your reach because there's more chance for them to connect with it. It's going to save you time, especially during the summer, if you want to enjoy yourself.?

The cool thing is, if you wanted, we could pre do your content all the way to the end of the year, or pre do your content for the rest of the next 12 months. Our virtual assistant team is ready to help you to repurpose your content so you can use it on all of your social media channels.?

Then you get to focus on what you want to focus on and build your business. I think that's a triple win.?There is a very special invitation when you join now. I encourage you, click the link and go through it. What we do is we just get these four videos from you. You maybe already have recorded videos. If you don't know how to record, I will give you a program to be able to teach you how to record very easily and for free so that when you give us those four videos, we create 48 pieces of content that you didn't have to make and all you need to do is post it up.?

Even then, if you're like, “I don't know how to post them or I don’t want to be the one to schedule them.” Okay, we can talk about that and talk about my team doing this for you. But I only have seven spots, that's because my team is busy.?This came because some people I talked to about getting a virtual assistant said, “Diane, can't you just have the VA make the content for me, and you manage them?” Exactly. I can totally do that. Because I have been doing it this way for many years.?

The whole thing too is this is original content. This is not you buying social posts from someone. This is not repurposing and just changing a design from someone else. No, this is 48 pieces of original content, your content, in your brand colors, your font, and your voice.?

I hope you'll check it out . You're going to get a lot from it, for sure.?As you go through this, think again about the power of having consistent social media content by taking this one piece of anchor content and passing off what you record then having it repurpose into all the different pieces. Game changer for my life. I hope you put this into practice because it is going to solve a lot of the things business owners struggle with…

  • “What do I post?”
  • “I can't find someone to write like me.”
  • “I don't like using ChatGPT.”
  • “I don't want to plagiarize by having someone else do that to me.”
  • “I have no time to do all the other kinds of cash flow activities that I need to be doing or following up with people or creating maybe new programs.”

Read my other blogs:

1.?3 Actions for Better Social Media Results

2.?3 Reasons Why You’re Not Posting Consistently on Social Media

3.?How to Direct Message on Social Media Without Being Salesy

