A Simple Srategy to Interview Success
Hey there! Got a quick strategy for you to use on your next interview, Communicate.
Was talking to one of my associates today. He is currently employed in a job he doesn't enjoy and in which he isn't respected.
He has a decent work history and the job he was placed in by a different agency is honestly below his skillsets.
Now that he is back looking for work, I asked him to interview for a position I am recruiting for and he hesitated.
You see, they wanted him to itnerview at a time when he was supposed to be working...he almost took the interview. but upon discussing this with me we decided to communicate.
Rather than accepting a time that might not work and running the risk of
a) losing his job or b) missing the appointment....We communicated with my client instead.
We informed my client that he was currently employed, highly interested in their position, and that he would like to request an interview time that allows him to finish his shift.
and we got it.
Now going into the interview, I advised him to take the same path way with the process. If there is any part of the job or company he would like clarity on, discuss it. If there is anything he needs specifically, discuss it.
The interview process isn't a one way street, you both have to want to be there.
The key here is that when searching for employment, we must always communicate upfront.
As with my associate, we didn't simply try to appease the potential employer because honestly that will end up backfiring on you more often than not.
If you aren't the right fit, it will show when it comes time to perform. So just be honest ahead of time...
and honestly, the majority of employers will respect upfront communication over backend excuses any day....
That is one thing we do great over here at Express, for our associates we help them figure out what they are best suited for, help them find oppoortunities, communicate and fight for them daily.
That's what we bring to the table.
Looking for work? Don't hesitate to shoot me a message. I would love to chat on how we can help you!