The simple process to know all India crop mandi bhav, read full story
In our nation, all farmers need the best value of their crop after getting the best and very high variety of crop production. Every farmer needs the return after selling the crop in the nearest area government mandi. Farmers also know the approx value of crop but many times without knowledge and news about crop market, they sell the crops in minimum value or low cost. They always produce a top-quality but they didn’t get the value of the crop. And the reason is they are not updated and they don't know the proper information of daily mandi bhav.
But now we will help you to make it possible. Yes, we are providing the daily updated mandi price to all our Kisaan Helpline users. Farmers can get the daily crop value and mandi bhav on their mobile phone. We are providing all India mandi price by mobile notification. Farmers can get the list of all India mandi bhav with crop name and minimum to a maximum price. Our platform has an outstanding system to provide information about mandi bhav of all seasonal crop. For example - Neemuch is the large mandi in Madhya Pradesh state and this is always famous for Herbal crop and their best selling value. If you want to know the Neemuch mandi bhav you can select a date, on-screen you will get the list. It’s very simple and easy to know.