?? Simple Practices for Getting Grounded ??
One of the best things that we can do for ourselves, and for all those with whom we relate, is to get grounded.
In modern society, we are overstimulated. Swamped with information, distracted by daily concerns.
Sometimes, it can feel really appealing to step away from the chaos of life and return to simpler times.
And, in many ways, this is ideal, but it’s not always possible to let go of all the responsibilities we carry and take a step back.
So, it’s helpful to have practices that we can bring into our busy lives to get present, get in the body, and return to center.
With this in mind, here are three simple practices that can help you to find peace amidst the chaos, and soft focus amidst the distractions.
Conscious Breathing
The quality of our consciousness is directly linked to the quality of our breath.
When the diaphragm is flexible and the posture is good, it will be much easier to breathe effectively.
We flood the system with oxygen and support all functions of the body and being.
This can be practiced very easily, just by taking 10 slow breaths, all the way in, and all the way out, feeling the breath entering our body and spreading through each cell.
You’ll find that in this practice, your focus is pulled into the present and centered in the body, cultivating energy and offering clarity.
Taking a Walk
Taking a walk is really simple and offers a host of benefits.
First, you get the body moving. Mind and body are linked, and when you move the body, you offer fresh energy and clear focus to the mind.
Next, walking will get you outside and closer to nature.
The more nature, the better, as simply bathing in natural sights and sounds releases stress, improves immune function, and helps to balance the emotions.
Finally, walking grounds us by bringing us into relationship with the earth. Each footfall is a meeting between the body and the earth, a prayer of grounding and rooting.
Making your daily chores a meditation
So often, we feel we have to get through the banal demands of life before we can work on our inner development. But there are no true divisions in life.
Each daily task is an opportunity to cultivate presence and mindfulness.
Each ordinary thing is an opportunity to soak in the magic of life and consciousness.
Whether you are cooking dinner, washing dishes, or working in the garden, you can use this task as a chance to get still and enjoy the activity, returning to center.
Our self-care practices can become personal cleansing and healing rituals when approached in this way.
I love nesting my practices within one another and within the demands of daily life, as it transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.
These are simple practices that fit in your life no matter how busy and stressful it is.
Plus, you’ll find that these simple, short practices help you to be clearer and more effective at meeting the challenges life throws your way.
And you can use this foundation to take it even further.
Conscious breathing is a beautiful lead-in to learning alpha state.
Taking a walk can help train us to conscious motion, moving with an awareness of energy, breath, and focus.
And in making our daily activities a meditation, we begin to learn flow state, which significantly improves our sense of well-being and our ability to perform tasks well.
I hope you have enjoyed this short share.
If you have any questions about these practices, or about how you can take them further, drop a line in the comments and I’ll reach out to you.
Thanks and blessings, beautiful beings!