Simple, but Meaningful
We live in a time now where, even though computerization has made things easier, we are all always in a hurry. Waiting in line, traffic, walking behind someone, even fast food does not move at a speed that is conducive to our busy lives. No matter how well you plan, plot or schedule there is always going to be something that gets in the way of a timely chore. I am going to say it a couple times, so I might as well start now. The best thing to do is, start earlier. Now, funny thing about this is, when we are ready to start earlier, we make the mistake of instead of adding time, we rearrange the schedule. Instead of leaving at 11 to be somewhere by 11:30 o we can be at our next place by 1, we think, if I leave at 10:30 I can be done at 12:30. This does not help us or our stress level. If anything, it increases our stress. If something happens, and we are not done early, we are upset because we started early, and it did nothing. If we keep it simple, take off early, and use that extra time to slow down, take a breath and relax a little, with intentions of finishing at the original time, you will feel better, less stress and could find yourself doing amazing things because, well, you can. While you are in line at the store, you can have a stress-free conversation with the veteran standing behind you, thanking her, him for the service they gave to our country. You can hold the door for someone who is having a tough time with an arm full of laundry and a child trying to run, kicking and screaming. Smiling at someone will replace walking past them with your head down in indifference. These small things could make the difference for you, but it could really pick up someone else who is having a very tough time. It is also, for your own amusement, funny when you take a minute to say high to someone waiting in line and you surprise them. You can tell that that is something that is lost today.
I find it amusing when I pop off with some dim-witted comment, usually at my own expense, and the people around me are caught off guard. At first, they will not know what is going on. Then they take a minute and walk away with a smile, shaking their heads, but in a much better mind space, at least until they get to their car. This also gives you something to look back on for the rest of the day. I was in line a little while back with something for dinner, cookies, candy, chips and little toys. I was trying to get ready for an event with kids. It’s my story, it was for the kids. There was a lady behind me that sees a, I’ll be proper here, girthier fella purchasing all this junk food. I could feel her thoughts. I took a second, looked at my purchase, looked at her, and had a revelation. I turned, grabbed a Diet Soda, looked at her and said, “I’ve got to watch my girlish figure.” It not only made her laugh, but the clerk, who up to this point really was on cruise control, stopped, looked up at me and smiled. I explained what I do, what the junk food was for, and handed them a card. The other day, I got a Facebook message from that clerk asking me how that figure was looking. I quickly replied with, a lot like a globe. My diet Soda was defective. Yes, I realize diet soda is fattening, but that does not make a funny statement. This day, while I was running around, honestly, a little stressed, I could not stop thinking about the looks of the faces of my in-line companions. It would make me giggle and honestly, shake my head. I have also encountered these same feelings and responses when I thank a Veteran, lift a water for someone int a cart, allow someone to line skip because they are obviously in a hurry. But this only happens if I am not moving at a frantic pace, feeling rushed and frustrated. I have begun to ask myself, why? Why can I not plan to where I can always have an extra 30 seconds to just smile, say hi, bust out with a weight vs gravity joke? Other than getting stuck in the door………….sorry, I really do not have a reason why I cannot do this.
Start early, then don’t stop. One suggestion can, and will never, solve the problems of the world. Especially when it is coming from the writings of a guy who is, “too busy,” to read books. Okay, too busy, maybe not. But I do have a bad habit of falling asleep when I read. Huh, am I complex or full of it? Stress is, and always has been a killer. I am currently listening to Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Stop Worrying, and Start Living. I cannot suggest this book enough to anyone. This book was published in the early 50’s, but there is not a single thing that I have thought, “that would never work today.” Mr. Carnegie interviewed so many people that found ways to overcome stress, fear, and complication, and went on to become the most successful of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Most of the names are names are responsible for contributions that still help run the country today. It is astonishing to me how many of them had to overcome mental roadblocks in order to clear their path to happiness. Every one of them found a way to relieve their stress, which either improved their health, or saved their life. I am not sure if leave early was ever a point suggested, but I know for a fact, not even one of them suggest starting late. They suggest taking a nap, love this book. Start early, then don’t stop. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon was the person who found that there is a scientific pattern that it takes 21 straight days and it then becomes a habit. I question, is 21 days of a little unorganized in order to extend your life or improve your health? If you can remove a little stress from yourself and hold one door a day, you
will truly be part of a positive change in the community for two people. Hold a door and shake a stranger’s hand, three people. This means that in the 21 days, you will be positively changing the day for you and 42 other people. And this would be aided by simply leaving early.
Clayton Consulting & Event Planning would like to offer a second way to accomplish more while you save time and put smiles on many more faces as it happens. The ClaytonPIF Fundraising Program gives you the opportunity to donate and help those in the community without spending any extra time, doing anything extra, or altering your plans at all. We understand that leaving early is not the only answer. Lives are still lives, and there will always be times when things do not go as planned. There is very little down time today. We respect that. We also would like to help you with that. We created the ClaytonPIF Fundraising Program for you to be able to help people why you do the things you need to do. We don’t ask you to spend any extra time, fit it into your schedule, and best of all, spend any extra money. All we ask is that you choose a ClaytonPIF Fundraising Partner to complete your task. There are not specific days or times that these companies participate. If they are open, you do business with them, and turn in the receipt to CCEP, you will raise money for a cause, or, multiple causes in a day. Now let’s say you need to get insurance, an oil change, set up family pictures, and grab lunch before noon. You can get this done and donate four times while accomplishing this daunting list. Then, treat the love of your life to a spa day and head out to the mountains for dinner, a beverage and the beauty of Colorado later that night. You have donated six times and not had to go out of your way to do it. Oh, and if you open the door to someone who is coming in or out of every partner, you get where I am going.
Time is so valuable to all of us. It is hard, even with planning, to find time to go to an event that is scheduled on a single night, except for the Community Assistance Dinners the third Thursday of every month, check for details. Money is unfortunately the way of the world. With the holidays coming up, money is even more scarce. Saying that, this is the time that we give the most. With people located throughout the community. We, like them, are asking for your help. The difference is, Clayton Consulting & Event Planning llc. Is asking you to simply shop, shop, shop. Our Fundraising Partners,, want to help you help our community. It is just as important to them to live in a healthy strong community and they are thrilled that you are willing to come to them to help support our community. We also are very involved with Toy and Food drives. We need locations for collection boxes. We are also offering kids a free pizza to help us decorate a collection box. Please call us at (970) 714-0490 if you can help.
We try to do everything possible to keep it simple, but meaningful. You shop, you donate. These fine companies are willing and support strengthening our community. Helping people, helping local merchants, and the knowledge that you, by imply choosing to shop at a specific shop, have made this happen. CCEP is dedicated to our community. Dedicated to making sure that these great partners can stay in business. Dedicated to make sure that our neighbors can get back on their feet. Dedicated to help smaller 501c3’s and non-profits gain the support and recognition that they dearly need. We invite you to join us in our mission to support these communities in Colorado. We have worked very hard to keep this simple, but for those in the community, those in need of a helping hand, it is more meaningful than people will ever know.