The Simple Law of Taking a Step

The Simple Law of Taking a Step

Hi friend, I trust you are very well. Today, I want to share with you a very special law that is responsible for the successes of many entrepreneurs and business people you know, envy and admire.

It's one of nature's most fundamental laws. It is also simple, neutral and impartial. Whether you know it or not, you are already applying this law in your life and it's the reason you are where you are. It's the Law of Cause and Effect.

I personally like to call it the Law of Action or better still, the Law of Taking a Step. This law simply means that nothing in life happens without a reason. According to this law, success is not an accident. By taking positive and consistent actions in the direction of our dreams, we will ultimately meet with success.

In other words, if you take positive actions, you'll achieve positive results. If you take negative actions, you'll meet with negative results. If you make no efforts and take no action at all, nothing will happen. We always reap what we sow. Have you been sowing laziness, procrastination or hard work? Whatever it is, the results you get shouldn't surprise you.

Some of us are easily discouraged because we want to do something great and achieve an outstanding result but feel overwhelmed by everything. Our dreams are sometimes too big that we feel that there is no point making any effort at all.

Wait a minute, that is a lie!

Everything great starts small. Imagine how impossible it would have been for you to be born if you were never small. Get the picture? You were once small too, but you have become all grown up. You see? Even nature respects the fact that you go from small to big.

The lesson is not to wait until you can do something great, but to start doing the little things right where you are. You see, in the end, it is the little things that add up to be come big.

Some people have great and amazing ideas but do nothing about it. Sadly, these ideas will remain in their heads and never become real businesses.

The Law of Cause and Effect is unmoved by your brilliant excuses, logical procrastination and wishful thinking. And you know what, it takes just as much brain power to make excuses as it does to propel yourself for action. The only difference is which direction you want your intellect to lead you.

At the end, it is the action that matters! Why? The law doesn't care about your reasons for not doing what you should do. No matter how good your reasons are, they still suck to her. She doesn't care about them. She only cares about action. If you don't take positive action on your ideas, nothing will ever happen. If you've noticed, it can be difficult to take action. Yeah, I know.

It's easier to recline on the sofa, drink your soda and whine about how the economy doesn't support your new business or how bad the market has suddenly become just because you are short (Toby is 5"5). It is easy to tell every other person about what you want to do but can't because of some great reasons!

Sorry to burst your bubble! Millions of other people have also had these ideas and equally complained about the same things. Do you want to end up like them?

No, right! I knew you'd say no.

You can start by taking baby steps. You know, just like when you first started walking. You don't need to go on a sprint; just baby steps.


One little step in the right direction is much better than spending the whole year wishing for all conditions to be perfect.

Guess what? All things will never be equal! If you doubt me, check your fingers, they have been that way since you were little and they are not about to change and become equal.

So get up and take that step! It doesn't matter if the conditions are right or wrong. Push on against all odds. Leave the comfort of your office and make that cold call if you are sales man. If you are a writer, stop waiting for the great inspiration, start writing. If you have been dreaming of starting a mega business 'someday', well, let today be 'someday' for a change.

Let's face it friends, nobody ever got rewarded for what they wanted to do. The thoughts may matter for a little while, but it is the act itself that counts on the long run.

The Law of Cause and Effect has no respect for gender, race, religious views, political affiliations, skin colour or location. It answers as much to the Democratic Mr Smith who is a Muslim as it does to the Republican, Miss Esther Kim who is a Jew.

Talk is cheap! Doing nothing is so easy you can do it all day without resting. right?

Well, that's why more people prefer to take the easier route of talking, wishing, dreaming and waiting. While these can be helpful sometimes, the real changes in our world happen through action. Nothing moves until you move.

Take action on that business idea and get moving today! Have a blessed day. - TobyandKc

Kenechukwu Mbonu

Fintech Startup | Ideation and Innovation | Sustainable Energy as a service

9 年

Heheheheh, awesome write up, I don't remember contributing how come my name appeared there ????


well done bro.



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