A Simple (& Free) Tip to Keyword Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Like a Boss

A Simple (& Free) Tip to Keyword Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Like a Boss

Since you're reading this on LinkedIn, you must be aware that LinkedIn has a seriously powerful job search app. In fact, LinkedIn reports that someone is hired every 10 seconds via their platform.

LinkedIn is great for both job seekers and recruiters. Job seekers can find thousands of job offers through LinkedIn's search engine that can be filtered by location, seniority level, industry, contract type, and more. Recruiters can share job offers and can also proactively research and reach out to best-fit candidates.

What you might not know is that recruiters get a HUGE added benefit when using LinkedIn to source their talent. Your LinkedIn profile is full of information about you, and LinkedIn has developed a highly sophisticated algorithm that uses that information to rank individuals against one another based on search parameters and filters - saving lots of time for recruiters. There are two key moments when this happens...

1. You apply for a job or internship via the LinkedIn Easy Apply button.

When you apply through Easy Apply, your LinkedIn profile functions like your CV. The recruiter has access to a dashboard of job applicants (including you) who are ranked against one another by LinkedIn's algorithm according to which candidates seem to match the recruiter's needs and criteria best. These ranking are created based upon the information contained within your LinkedIn profile, and that of all the other candidates.

2. A recruiter is proactively searching through what is known as "passive talent" - that pool of potential candidates who are not actively seeking employment, but who may be open to new opportunities nonetheless.

In this case, the recruiter is using LinkedIn's search engine and filtering functionality to find possible candidates with certain characteristics. Think about how Google works (or any other search engine for that matter). You input some keywords, maybe some filters, or other parameters, and the engine gives you a list of results with the most relevant results at the top (if we overlook sponsored placements - but that's a topic for another day).

Why is keyword optimization important?

Of course, LinkedIn does not share the inner-workings of their algorithm publicly, but we can make some assumptions. What we know for certain is that the system is driven by keywords: words and phrases contained within your profile that allow LinkedIn's search engine to determine the relevancy of your profile in comparison to other candidates and in comparison to stipulated criteria.

(Very) simply put: the more relevant keywords that appear on your profile, the higher your ranking.

The LinkedIn algorithm that automatically analyzes your profile is complex, ever-changing, and does not value every keyword equally. For example, some professionals postulate that keywords appearing in your headline, your summary, and in the context of your current or most recent job are weighed heavier than others in the ranking. If you want to tinker with keyword placement, and be able to see how your rankings change, you'll need to have a LinkedIn premium account (or take the one-month free trial). Check out this article for more information.

Sounds easy, right?

The challenge comes in the fact that there are sometimes dozens of ways to say the same thing. A simple example is sales, all of these (and probably many more) keywords relate to sales experience: sales (of course!), business development, business developer, sales management, growth hacker, lead generation, inside sales, outside sales, sales assistant, sales engineer, business director, etc, etc, etc. Every recruiter and company has their own style and preferred language that they will use both in communicating a job offer (in terms of the job title and description) and in searching for potential best-fit candidates.

This means that it's important for you, as a job seeker, to make a serious attempt at accounting for synonyms as you keyword optimize your LinkedIn profile.

The trick is identifying the best keywords and synonyms to use - especially for younger professionals who do not have years of industry experience to inform their word choice.

The simple way to identify the best keywords to use in your LinkedIn profile:

  • Go to LinkedIn's job search app and perform a search. Enter keywords that pertain to the job or internship you want. Enter a preferred location or region.
  • You will (hopefully) have a healthy list of results. If not, try your search again with keywords that are more vague.
  • Scroll through your list of results until you find one that both interests you AND that includes the "How you match" section...

  • The "How you match section" includes three types of criteria provided by the recruiter: Skills, Years of Experience, and Level of Education.
  • Find as many jobs on LinkedIn as you can that both interest you (meaning: they are jobs you would want to apply for) and that include this "How you match section".

Take note of the frequently demanded skills. Do they appear on your profile? If not, and if you have that skill - you should add it! You will have to make decisions about where your skill-related keywords belong, because remember, not every keyword is valued equally. You have a lot of locations to consider: your name (as in: "Darcee Caron, Business Development Specialist"), your headline, your summary, current and past job titles and descriptions, projects, and of course - the skills section (where you can enter up to 50 skills!).

Using this technique will allow you to take (some) of the guesswork out of keyword optimizing your LinkedIn profile to transform yourself into a more competitive candidate.

For some more simple tips on using LinkedIn to get hired, check out this great video from a personal favorite career coach J.T. O'Donnell.

Good luck, and be awesome!


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