A Simple Formula to Save Humanity...

The Simple Formula to Save Humanity is: t = f (explanation below) 

If everyone supposedly wants 'World Peace', why is it so hard to achieve?

Why has humanity created a society with constant wars, starvation, murder, rapes, theft and betrayal?

Why do people do 'bad' things?

The answer is actually very simple, but as Einstein proclaimed “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.

Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt, in a conversation titled ‘Can a divided America heal?’ with TED curator Chris Anderson at TED NYC in 2016, says: “It’s not like we’re doomed to always be fighting each other, but we’ll never have World Peace”.

He’s arguing that tribalism has allowed us to create larger societies and trade but we’re naturally wired for conflicting opinions which play out in modern day ‘warfare’ through sports and politics.

But he’s missed a vital part of the jigsaw puzzle within this statement which may indeed lead to Peace on Earth: It’s possible, no matter what is happening on the ‘outside’, to have peace, ‘inside’.

In fact, true peace and well-being can ONLY be found within, and because we are all human, we are the same in that regard.

What if there were fundamental truths (principles of nature) which connected us all? What if there was a way for every human being on this planet to find peace within, by understanding the Principles of the system in the same way that an understanding of the Principle of Mathematics connects us all using a Universal language?

As I was drifting off to sleep one night reflecting upon this, I was dreaming about the Wright brothers and their incredible achievements in being the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible. They developed a system to control powered flight in the early part of the 20th century through their understanding and application of flight dynamics for fixed wing aircraft.

Their ‘Three-axis control’ system enabled the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively and to maintain its equilibrium by using ‘roll, pitch and yaw’, and it remains the standard control on aircraft of all kinds to this very day.

From the beginning of their work, the Wright brothers focused on developing a reliable method of pilot control to solve the so-called “flying problem”. Their approach differed from other inventors who put more emphasis on developing powerful engines to overcome the ‘problem’ of gravity. Only it was gravity, or the understanding of this Principle Force of Nature, which provided the clues and ultimately the answer to solving the ‘so-called’ problem.

Perhaps dreaming about this significant and life-changing episode in history set the tone for the waking thoughts I was about to encounter.

I have been fortunate enough to have been introduced to a life-changing understanding (as someone now cured of OCD and depression) of how the human mind operates, which has freed me from my own personal limitations by understanding how reality is created - by us, from the inside-out, via our thinking.

In turn, I’ve helped thousands of others to wake up to the potential of the implications of this understanding... just like the understanding of the Principle of gravity has opened humanity up to the potential of powered flight, space travel and even how the Universe operates at a fundamental level.

I’m sure even the Wright Brothers would be impressed today to see a thousand tonne Boeing 747 drifting effortlessly into Heathrow airport, as I did during the day before my dream.

Humanity is able to create such magnificent flying machines that seem to defy the laws of nature, not because gravity prevents it from happening, but because gravity enables it to happen.

The system is part of the solution... The system IS the solution.

When I woke, I saw an equation which has the potential to help humanity solve all of the so-called problems we endure on a daily basis, across the globe. The equation at first glance made little sense but on further inspection began to show me how a simple representation of truth could have profound implications for the future of the human race.

Here it is: t = f


t = thought

f = feeling

Our thoughts create our feelings.

That's the simplicity of truth.

But as soon as we think our feelings are created from anything other than thought, we get into difficulties because we think that our feelings are created from the outside-in.

Our experience of life... or our reality is NEVER created from the outside-in and ALWAYS created from the inside-out.

For centuries we've been looking towards the content of thought rather than the FACT that we think (nature of thought), and the implications of understanding this simple process goes back to our understanding of how gravity works, which has shown us the wonders of the Universe as a result.

This incredibly simple formula points towards a truth with huge implications: We are the creators of our own reality. There is no 'out there' which we need to control, to be at peace inside. This is the World Peace we strive and it is one within our grasp when we digest the implications of this simple formula.

Understanding a very simple equation could help everyone on the planet realize that they don't need to be scared of their feelings (which are transitory), because new feelings are always available via the Power of Thought with a new reality as a result, available with the next new thought.

We are far more than simply the experience of our thoughts... we are the consciousness that feels them and ultimately the energy behind all of life itself in the form of a human being... being human.

The World Peace Equation applies to everyone alive, and a realization of the truth of the implications of seeing these Principles and this truth could create peace on earth as humanity finds the answers always have, and always will lie inside, not outside of ourselves.

Peace is available within, for everyone alive, no matter what their circumstances.

The equation E=MC squared gave us a theory of special relativity. Now here is an equation that explains why the World is as it is today and how to get to Peace on Earth by understanding what is actually happening in the minds and actions of the human race. 

t = f

It really is that simple.

The World Peace Equation will be filled with scientific evidence and case studies to show how this process actually works.

For example, sufferers of Congenital Analgesia cannot feel pain because they do not receive the thought telling them they are in pain. They can put their hand into a pot of boiling water and watch the skin melt off, with no feeling involved. It is a debilitating condition but an example of how we can't experience reality without the Power of Thought being involved.

There will be many stories of how this understanding is helping those with other extreme psychological conditions, who have not been helped or cured by traditional approaches, to gain total freedom from their pain by simply understanding how the Power of Thought is involved in the creation of their own reality from the inside-out.

I am already a best-selling Author, Coach and TEDx speaker with a large following, so this book will be widely read (also speaking at Alternatives in London in February).

The book is in the process of being written and will be fully completed by March 23rd, 2017.

I am looking for the following funding for this project to make sure it has the most impact on the World stage as well as finding 'Contributors to World Peace' and finding case studies and stories to include within the book itself.


Editing, Proofing & Translation: £1,800 

Printing & Distribution: £4,200 (promotional and contributors copies)

Design & Technical: £1,550 (websites, SM channels, book, and e-materials)

Marketing & Publicity: £6,450 (Media & SM channels content & book charts promotion)

Total required: £14,000

Can you and will you be a part of the drive to attain World Peace through The World Peace Equation? 


Here is the first paragraph of the book:

I am not a writer. 

I do not pretend to be. 

So why should you take heed of my words? 

Because I am like you. 

A human being.

I know what it is like to suffer but I also know what it is like to be free from suffering. 

I have a secret and I want to share it with you.

Go to www.WorldPeaceEquation.org to sign up for updates on the book

Please share.


Damian Mark Smyth BSc (Hons)的更多文章

