A Simple Filter to Check Your Attidues Towards Success
Success is a deeply personal issue. So, this might be an interesting opportunity for you to filter your values through the sieve of a simple but potentially revealing quiz. The purpose is for you to see how you can measure your potential to achieve success according to whatever measurements you use to define your achievements. As I hope you'll appreciate, success in life is deeply related to our attitudes and our behaviours.
Just take a few minutes to run through the simple test and check out your results at the end.
It couldn't be easier. Simply choose one of the three answers to the questions and then work out your individual score based on the values displayed at the end of the test:
(A) I have a clear idea of what success means to me.
(B) I have no idea what success means to me.
(C) I have a vague idea of what success means to me.
(A) I always seek advice and feedback.
(B) I never seek advice and feedback.
(C) I sometimes seek advice and feedback.
(A) I never give up something I enjoy now for something better in the future.
(B) Sometimes I give up something I enjoy now for something better in the future.
(C) I always give up something I enjoy now for something better in the future.
(A) When I experience a setback or rejection, I just give up.
(B) When I have a setback or rejection I learn from the experience and try again.
(C) Setbacks or rejection sometimes cause me to quit but at other times I try again.
(A) I believe I will be successful.
(B) I believe I will never be successful.
(C) Maybe I will be successful, maybe I won't.
(A) I am always fully prepared for the things I do.
(B) I am never prepared for the things I do.
(C) Sometimes I am prepared and other times I am not.
(A) I would never take a risk because I only want sure things.
(B) I am somewhat open to taking risks.
(C) I am willing to take risks if the rewards seem worth it.
(A) What happens in my life is not my responsibility.
(B) What happens in my life is sometimes my responsibility.
(C) What happens in my life is totally my responsibility.
(A) Change always brings me new opportunities.
(B) Change never brings me new opportunities.
(C) Change sometimes brings me new opportunities.
(A) I give 100% when I'm working on something.
(B) I tend to hold back when I'm working on something.
(C) I never go all out when I'm working on something.
Scoring: Allocate the following points for the answer you chose on each question:
(1)???????A +1, B -1, C 0
(2)???????A +1, B -1, C 0
(3)???????A -1, B 0, C +1
(4)???????A -1, B +1, C 0
(5)???????A +1, B -1, C 0
(6)???????A +1, B -1, C 0
(7)???????A -1, B 0, C +1
(8)A -1, B 0, C +1
(9) A +1, B -1, C 0
(10) A +1, B 0, C -1.
Those answers that scored a +1 are the ones that indicate that you have the right attitude for becoming successful. It's time to total up your points.
If your score added up to between 6 and 10, your attitude reflects a positive approach towards success and you get a well-deserved pat on the back. If your score was between naught and five, this is a perfect moment to re-consider the way you really feel about the whole proposition of personal success and think about the changes you might have to make to improve the odds of achieving your goals.
If you scored below zero, you might benefit from some revisionary work on your attitudes and then identify the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are blocking your personal pathway to complete success and self-fulfilment.