Simple and Easy Performance Management
by Jeff Hunt
As a business leader or manager, there's no better feeling than having a well-performing team that consistently exceeds expectations and delivers great results for your business. But what about those times when things don't go so well? When an employee is underperforming or there's a performance issue, you need to know how to deal with it quickly and fairly.
First off, let me just make this clear: underperformance isn't fun for anyone involved—especially if you're in charge of managing that employee's performance. However, if you take the time to assess why they aren't performing as well as their colleagues, you might discover there are some simple steps you can take to help them dig themselves out of their hole.?
Write clear objectives together
Here are some tips for writing objectives together:
Praise good performance
Don't forget to praise. When you recognize your employees' efforts and achievements, it helps them feel like a part of the team and boosts their morale. Make sure to publicly acknowledge them at all-hands meetings so everyone can see how they're doing great work—and encourage peer-to-peer recognition too. Keep an eye out for opportunities to reward their hard work by giving them more responsibility or investing in their future with onsite training materials. And don't worry if you don't have enough budget; there are still plenty of creative ways to show appreciation without spending any money at all.
Listen and support
Listening and supporting are two of the most important skills you can have as a leader. Good leaders don't just talk to their team members, they also listen to them. This is important because it helps you understand what your employees need so that you can provide it for them. It also helps build trust between you and your employees, which will make them more likely to follow your direction in the future.
To be an effective listener:
If you’ve ever been on a team where people are constantly looking out for each other, you know how powerful this can be. It might take some time to create that environment. But once you do, it will be worth it.
Learn more about Employee Performance Management
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