Simple But Not Easy | Part 1
ResponsAble Safety Staffing
Full service, national safety staffing company located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Qualified, Experienced Recruiting.
Are you starting or revamping an occupational safety and health program? Well, here is some good advice: The steps are simple, but the process is not easy.
In November of 2016 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, issued an updated Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs. The last time OSHA issued recommendations for establishing a safety and health program was 1989.
The new recommendations give employers an excellent blueprint on starting and maintaining an occupational safety and health program.
“The Recommended Practices are designed to be used in a wide variety of small and medium-sized business settings. The Recommended Practices present a step-by-step approach to implementing a safety and health program, built around seven core elements that make up a successful program.”
Here are the seven core steps to start a safety program:
1. Management Leadership
This is perhaps the most difficult step.?
Management provides the leadership, vision, and resources needed to implement an effective safety and health program. Management leadership means that business owners, managers, and supervisors:
Action Items to accomplish the first step.
Action item 1: Communicate your commitment to a safety and health program.
Action item 2: Define program goals.
Action item 3: Allocate resources.
Action item 4: Expect performance.
Action item 5: Communicate your commitment to a safety and health program.
A clear, written policy helps you communicate that safety and health is a primary organizational value –as important as productivity, profitability, product or service quality, and customer satisfaction.
2. Worker Participation
Workers need to be involved.
To be effective, any safety and health program needs the meaningful participation of workers and their representatives. Workers have much to gain from a successful program and the most to lose if the program fails. They also often know the most about potential hazards associated with their jobs. Successful programs tap into this knowledge base.
Worker participation means that workers are involved in establishing, operating, evaluating, and improving the safety and health program. All workers at a worksite should participate, including those employed by contractors, subcontractors, and temporary staffing agencies.
In an effective safety and health program, all workers:
Action Items to accomplish the second step.
Action item 1: Encourage workers to participate in the program.
Action item 2: Encourage workers to report safety and health concerns.
Action item 3: Give workers access to safety and health information.
Action item 4: Involve workers in all aspects of the program.
Action item 5: Remove barriers to participation.
3. Hazard Identification and Assessment
Hazard recognition is a key component.
One of the “root causes” of workplace injuries, illnesses, and incidents is the failure to identify or recognize hazards that are present, or that could have been anticipated. A critical element of any effective safety and health program is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and assess such hazards.
To identify and assess hazards, employers, and workers:
Some hazards, such as housekeeping and tripping hazards, can and should be fixed as they are found. Fixing hazards on the spot emphasizes the importance of safety and health and takes advantage of a safety leadership opportunity.
Action Items to accomplish the second step.
Action item 1:?Collect existing information about workplace hazards.
Action item 2:?Inspect the workplace for safety hazards.
Action item 3:?Identify health hazards.
Action item 4:?Conduct incident investigations.
Action item 5:?Identify hazards associated with emergency and nonroutine situations.
Action item 6:?Characterize the nature of identified hazards, identify interim control measures, and prioritize the hazards for control.
So, why is it not easy? One reason is that the value an organization puts on safety is rarely as important as the values an organization puts on cost, quality, and production.
Other critical barriers that make this process not so easy:?
Stay tuned for Part 2.