The simple DHI & HSC

The Classification of digital health interventions categorises the different ways in which digital and portable technologies are being used to support healthcare industry needs.When the target is primarily the public health audience, classification that is aiming to articulate the functionalities of digital health transformation and implementations.This taxonomy will allow health systems planners to bridge 4 functionalities of HIT.

How it is used?

DHI are organised into the following primary users groups:

1-Interventions for Clients

Clients are members of public who are a potential or current user of health services also preventive services.Care givers of clients receiving health services are included in this group.

2- Interventions for healthcare providers

The health services delivering workforce.

3-Interventions for Resource Planners

Human capital Management,Supply chain Management and Healthcare services financing.

4-Interventions for data services

Health information exchange and interoperability,Data collection and use.

Each of the above 4 interventions is accompanied by synonyms and commonly used terms.

Why was DHI created?

lack of mutually understandable language between healthcare process stakeholders for example Researchers, implementers and network operators.

also the primary use cases prompted the development of this classification:

A- Synthesizing evidence and research

B-Conducting national inventories and land scape analysis

C-Developing guidance resource to inform planning

D-articulating the required digital functionality based on identified Health System Challenges and needs

Is it simple?

Yes, it offers support for the dialogue between public health practitioners and technology oriented audience.

Is it better than ISO,HL7 or COBIT?

No, but the DHI classification is far simple allowing the non technical audience to understand the computer scientists and software developers in health.


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